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Debate advice and style first 909 posts

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  • This topic has 0 replies, 77 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #12180

    moman (hi gauntman happy belated birthday!! Hope you aren’t still dealing dope to minors) If Bob does reply to your post i should warn you he will tear it to shreds in approximately 3 or 4 sentences. In the meantime perhaps you should let us know which non-White populations do you INSIST ‘mix’ and ‘blend’ out of existence in their own countries,or are you ONLY Anti-White ?


    @ herrMajor “Guys I got the weirdest freaking comment on a video, help me make sense of this anti-white psychopath.

    @ #$%^& @$ In order for huamans to achive god like standards we must unite into one race under one rule in one nation. Unite or die. swallow usessless pride and unite with your brothers, togather we will conquer all that is.

    How do I answer a brainwashed psychopath like this guy?”


    I have these in my cheatsheet dealing with the “mixed race being better” argument:

    1/ So you support Eugenics? Look where that ended up.

    2/ That’s your opinion, but if you want to practise this theory, keep your sick experiments away from my people. Go get your own country where everyone is mixed race.

    3/ Sure, just look how good Haiti is doing for itself. I wish my people were intelligent and creative enough to make pies out of mud! All we’ve got here is nano-technology, robots, space shuttles, computers, medicine, etc.

    4/ Machines guns are better than swords, that’s why the WHOLE world uses them.

    I just use 4/ and add some mantra-thinking at the end of it.

    Feu Denfer

    Don’t know if anyone has commented this before, but if you type “anti racist” in the youtube search, you now get a suggested autofill for “anti white is anti racist”.


    Seems like i am late to the party at this one. If anyone else missed it. A new Mantra debunking attempt…………………i smell bagels!


    ^^^^^ sorry posted that in the wrong section……….but swarm it anyway.

    Peter Whiterabbit

    Gar5 wrote:

    I have these in my cheatsheet dealing with the “mixed race being better” argument:

    1/ So you support Eugenics? Look where that ended up.

    2/ That’s your opinion, but if you want to practise this theory, keep your sick experiments away from my people. Go get your own country where everyone is mixed race.

    3/ Sure, just look how good Haiti is doing for itself. I wish my people were intelligent and creative enough to make pies out of mud! All we’ve got here is nano-technology, robots, space shuttles, computers, medicine, etc.

    4/ Machines guns are better than swords, that’s why the WHOLE world uses them.

    I just use 4/ and add some mantra-thinking at the end of it.


    None of these responses are even remotely on message. Each of these responses allow the person who openly advocates genocide to wriggle his way out of his support of genocide and move to another topic. Stay on message.


    okay, honestly, I think we’ve come to a moot point. There is no way any of us are going to change our opinions. I would just like to say that I am not anti-racist. Nor am I racist. Race doesn’t exist except in our minds. The whole basis of your argument is that “white” is a race and that by assimilation and immigration, the “white” race is threatened. I ask you what makes white skin so precious? Let’s pretend you’re blind. Are you really going to care? The only reason race exists is as a way of categorizing and classifying human beings. I honestly hope that one day we will collectively reject the idea of race as false. I’m not saying that there shouldn’t be any color in the world, or different cultures shouldn’t exist because we should all be homogenous “brown” people with no culture. But if you would stop two people who love each other from having children so as to prevent “genocide” of the “white” race because one or the other is “non-white”, then you know you’ve gone too far. As for immigration, it’s choice. If I wanted to immigrate to India or Japan and they do not allow me because they fear the genocide of their “race”, then people would get upset. If anything, they should try and preserve their culture, but race is independent of culture and is meaningless. “White culture” on the other hand, doesn’t exist as a collective whole. Just as there are hundreds of “black cultures” varying on where the people are from, there are also hundreds of “white cultures”. However, if what you are referring to is a capitalistic first world culture, the world would probably be better off without it.



    There is so much wrong with what you said there I don’t even know where to start. But I will say this.

    What you are doing is called dehumanization. Basically you are saying that because White children don’t exist, you are allowed to do whatever you want to them. What you are doing is a common trait in genocidal opinions. You are pushing the genocide of white children.

    I’ll tell you what, if you show me examples of you going to pro-black sites and saying “blacks don’t exist so we should be able to do whatever we want to them” then I’ll conclude that you aren’t just anti-white, you’re anti-human-being.

    Until then you are only promoting the genocide of white children. You say you are “anti-racist.” What you are is anti-White. “Anti-racism” is a codeword for anti-White.


    Anti-whites know very well that race exists, and what race is. The reason they deny the existence of the White race is because they are justifying White genocide. Why else would they INSIST on conditions of life they know will result in the destruction of my race?

    Henry Davenport


    “Why else would they INSIST on conditions of life they know will result in the destruction of my race?”

    Nicely put…I’ll use it in posts, following “White Genocide” just as you did in this post.

    With a reader’s brain dislodged a bit by the term “White Genocide,” the weaker but equally correct word “destruction” should slip in easily and get the reader halfway home.

    Henry Davenport

    This beautiful short mantra has physical contours that draw the eye (something I want to pay more attention to).

    African countries for Africans.
    Asian countries for Asians.
    Israel for Jews or you’re an anti-semite!
    White countries for everyone or you’re a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews!

    I wish I could remember where I saw that. Is anyone here its author? I don’t see it being used except by myself.

    Secret Squirrel


    There is so much wrong with what you said there I don’t even know where to start. But I will say this.

    What you are doing is called dehumanization. Basically you are saying that because White children don’t exist, you are allowed to do whatever you want to them. What you are doing is a common trait in genocidal opinions. You are pushing the genocide of white children.

    I’ll tell you what, if you show me examples of you going to pro-black sites and saying “blacks don’t exist so we should be able to do whatever we want to them” then I’ll conclude that you aren’t just anti-white, you’re anti-human-being.

    Until then you are only promoting the genocide of white children. You say you are “anti-racist.” What you are is anti-White. “Anti-racism” is a codeword for anti-White.”

    You nailed him with that one Roderick. I will use it next time these anti-White creeps, try that “white people” in quotes, nonsense.

    Coniglio Bianco


    Secret Squirrel

    Coniglio Bianco
    See this article. Pt 3 applies to what you just did there. You may as well be giving the anti-Whites a helping hand.


    “3) Now they use the old race does not exist stuff. And immediately you start tailgating them again, trying to get your racial theory, the one we’ve spent decades being defeated using, to COUNTER their argument.

    COUNTER, dumbos, means going on the defensive.”

    Coniglio Bianco


    Daniel Genseric

    Saw this on an anti-White’s YT channel today. Look at what they are doing with the Mantra…

    TheLaughingOut wrote this in channel comments:
    “Everybody says there is this RAISIN problem. Everybody says this RAISIN problem will be solved when the fruit world pours into EVERY dried fruit dish and ONLY into DRIED fruit dishes. The prunes and apricots are just as dried as the apples or bananas, but nobody says apples or bananas will solve this RAISIN problem by bringing in millions of dried apricots and quote rehydrating unquote with them.”

    Ice Knight

    Need a bit of help on this one guys, any suggestions of a good response?

    why are you supporting the genocide of mixed race people ?? your policies are anti mixed race people.

    you just hide behind anti mixed race policies



    Stop taking these anti-whites so seriously. The anti-white is obviously just trying to find some way to justify the genocide of our race. We know very well that all these anti-whites are not “objectively concerned” with mixed race people. I would reply:

    No one is flooding black countries with non-blacks, trying to blend black children out of existence and telling any black person who objects to this genocide, “you just hide behind anti mixed race policies.”

    No one is flooding asian countries with non-asians, trying to blend asian children out of existence and telling any asian person who objects to this genocide, “you just hide behind anti mixed race policies.”

    You anti-white are flooding EVERY white country and ONLY white countries with non-whites and trying to blend my race out of existence. You are not concerned with “mixed-race people.” Your ONLY concern is creating a world without white children, it’s genocide.

    Ice Knight

    Many thanks Gavin, nice work! I went back with the response below before I saw you response, but yours flows a hell of a lot better and keeps them strictly on the on the mantra, so I will be using it again in future – no doubt this anti White Genocider will be back for more so I’ll hit him with it the second time!

    Unlike you I am against ALL GENOCIDE.

    People of Mixed race or that VOLUNTARILY wish to live in a multicultural society have a right to exist and should be given their own lands or territory.

    Likewise my people, White people should also be afforded their own lands and territory. Mass immigration, FORCED multiculturalism, FORCED multiracialism in ALL White countries is GENOCIDE.

    Anti racism is just a codeword for anti White.

    Henry Davenport

    @Genseric: That’s funny! And when you start getting parodied, you know you’re getting somewhere!

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