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Debate advice and style first 909 posts

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  • This topic has 0 replies, 77 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #12342
    Daniel Genseric

    Phrase of the day:

    White genocide DENIER.


    “That sounds an awful lot like what rabid anti-Whites LOVE to say about my people and our children. That sounds an awful lot like White genocide denial. YOU are not denying this genocide is taking place, are you? You’re not a White genocide denier, are you? Do White children get to exist in your World? Do White countries reserve the same right to maintain ethnic autonomy that African, Asian, or Mestizo countries do? The people who reserve these rights for EVERYONE but White children and EVERY country except White countries INSIST they are anti-racist. What they really are is anti-White.

    Even a blind 5 year old child can see that anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.”

    Ice Knight

    @ Genseric ‘White genocide DENIER’…have used that a few times today and get the anti Whites all hot and bothered…very nice!

    This was a bit of interesting info I found as I had an anti White that kept on asking for scientific papers to prove race existed.

    This is the LEGAL REQUIREMENT by the US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) to collect and present RACIAL DATA when conducting a Clinical Trial for a new drug. One of the paragraphs gives all the scientific papers that shows RACE DOES EXIST!!

    ” When race and ethnicity information is collected separately, we recommend the following
    minimum choices be offered for race:

    • American Indian or Alaska Native
    • Asian
    • Black or African American
    • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
    • WHITE!!”

    As we all know race is also recognised by International Law in the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide 1948, Article 2


    @ Iceknight

    Remember, Bugs isn’t here to prove that race exists, it’s here to prove that White people have been and still are being subjected to a program of genocide.

    Indo-European (aka White) is a genotype, and targeting that genotype for ANY harm or destruction is genocide.

    When we hear people loudly shouting that race doesn’t exist, they then demand that White countries must accept millions of non-Whites and assimilate with them. They don’t say this about Japan or Brazil or any other non-White country.

    Well to us Bugsters, it’s pretty obvious race DOES exist, and they just want to get rid of White people.

    We’re not here to spread statistics, we’re here to spread a message.

    Ice Knight

    Yep, true keep to the mantra!!

    Peter Whiterabbit

    Not sure if this is the work of a fellow BUGSTER in England but it is a fantastic site – . It is described on the site as “an information resource for the English – an indigenous (native) people of the British Isles. The purpose is to give assistance in their struggle against betrayal, State treason, and genocide. “

    Peter Whiterabbit

    “Race does not exist” – name nations where people of other races are being flooded, America, Germany, England, Australia, France, etc and ask why those nations and ONLY those nations must be flooded and “assimilated” with non-whites. Then ask what if Jamaica, Somalia, Chad, Congo, Haiti (but not the Dominican Republic), etc were forced to do the same…would anyone be stupid enough not to notice that this would be the final solution to the black problem. Its genocide.

    Gar5 hit is right on the head, proving race exists is not our job. We are here to make points.

    Peter Whiterabbit

    Many serial killers dehumanize their victims as a way to convince themselves that they are not actually committing murder. Similarly, people who support white genocide dehumanize our race by claiming there is no such thing as race.

    Anti-racist is just a code word for anti-white.


    i`ve just done a debunking of True Pooka`s “debunking the mantra” video on a forum I`m active on and thought it might come in handy for someone else:

    True Pooka: “No,everybody does not say the RACE problem will be solved by mass immigration and “assimilation” just for white countries”

    He “forgets” that he and his anti-white cult members are claiming that any white person who opposes mass immigration and “assimilation” is a “racist”,therefore they are stating that the “racism problem”(i.e the RACE problem) is the problem of people opposing those policies,so the continued implementation of said policies implicitly is the proffered “solution” to the “problem”.

    He “forgets” that all the respectable “mainstream” politicians,all the respectable “mainstream” media,and all of the “mainstream” academic institutions are populated by members of his anti-white cult,hence “EVERYBODY says…”.

    True Pooka:”Give me actual quotes of 5 politicians who say we must “assimilate” with non-whites”

    He knows damn well that any white politician who said we DON`T have to “assimilate” i.e being a “racist” would instantly be branded as a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews and would be hounded out of office faster than a rabbit gets F***ed.

    According to this brand of logic,just because Comrade Stalin never said in public:”I have ordered the deaths of millions in the gulags” it never happened.

    True Pooka:”Actually there are significant differences in population densities between those countries”(Holland+Belgium/Japa­n+>Thailand<–SHOULD BE TAIWAN lolololololol)"

    Considering that Holland+Belgium/Tapa­n+Taiwan are:

    1.All relatively small countries as countries go

    2.All have relatively high population densities as countries go

    3.Only the two white countries are having mass immigration and "assimilation" forced on them in the name of so-called "anti-racism"

    We can see this is a bogus statistical strawman he has used to totally avoid the point of that part of the mantra-that even high population density does not change the fact that white countries have to accept mass immigration and "assimilation".

    True Pooka: "You hold Japan up as a success for not imposing mass immigration" and "Because of Japan`s strict immigration policy and the fact they are ageing they are in deep trouble because they will be short of workers"

    The fool does`nt seem to realize this proves the point of the mantra.The Japanese or any other population that has no exterior pressure(such as continual mass immigration) will be able to self-regulate it`s population all by it`s own.

    The oldsters die off and there are fewer youngsters who have more land and resources to share between them(just like the black death in Europe made the survivors better off),it`s called natural demographic equilibrium.

    So the result will be white countries that have mass immigration and "assimilation" imposed on them=whites will be demographically replaced by design i.e GENOCIDE,but Japan that does NOT have mass immigration and "assimilation" =STAYS JAPANESE i.e NO GENOCIDE.

    True Pooka:"White people are choosing not to have kids because of comfort and lifestyle therefore there is no genocide"

    Even if true that whites are not having kids because they`re "so rich/can`t be bothered" and not because their wages and living standards have been constantly reduced by mass immigration,that is irrelevant because the mantra is talking about the genocidal negative population effect of the imposition of mass immigration and "assimilation".

    True Pooka responding to the question of what would he think if what was being done to white countries was being done to black countries :"That`s a "what if" question so i don`t have to answer it"

    Yep,that`s what the joker claims,just like all the other anti-whites who refuse to answer the simple logical question that exposes their anti-white double standards.

    True Pooka:""genocide happens becasue policy is put forward that has a negative impact on a group"

    Everyone agrees that white people will be minorities in their own countries,so how can this liar claim that`s not a "policy is put forward that has a negative impact on a group" for white people?


    Good post Dungeoneer.Do you mind if i paste that over to a thread at SF about the Puka hysteria?

    He is just playing semantics. This post popped up over on SF a few days ago. Its well worth reading/skimming over to get more of a handle on the anti-whites anal/semantic/i need one million sources tactic

    This post sums the tactic up well………..and its a pretty funny read. You’ll notice some anti-whites from this.

    The bell rings and it is time for our 4th grade class to head to the science lab, for science class. We arrive at the lab and and are told to take our seats by Mr. Timmins, our balding, nervous-wreck of a science teacher!

    Today, Mr. Timmins has prepared a demonstration on the electrolysis of water, to illustrate the effect electricity has as it passes through one of our most abundant compounds, water.

    Mr Timmins begins after greeting the class:
    “Well class, in the experiment today, I’ll be passing an electric current through water to show how the compound, water, can be divided into it’s elements, hydrogen and oxygen. As you can see, I have place an electrode each on both of these insulated copper leads which I have connected to….”

    Just then Rosenborg sticks up his hand!
    “Yes Rosenborg?” asks Mr. Timmins, nervously adjusting his polka dot bow tie.

    “Define insulated copper leads” asks Rosenborg.

    Mr. Timmins sighs and goes on to explain that insulated copper leads are flexible electric conductors made of the conductive element copper, which is then insulated, using rubber so that….

    Just then Rosenborg interrupts, “Define rubber”

    Mr. Timmons, having experience with Rosenborg, reaches into his drawer, pulling out a bottle of Prosac, and casually popping one into his mouth, taking a sip of a glass of water which is conveniently placed near the edge of the science lab table.

    “Rosenborg,” Mr. Timmons politely replies after taking a deep breath, “would it be possible to save the questions for after the demonstration? We only have 45 minutes to complete this rather simple experiment”

    Rosenborg sits down without replying, as Mr. Timmins continues, “Anyway where was I..?….Oh…yes…here we have the two leads connected to a battery, one lead to the positive, and the other to the negative terminal…”

    He goes on to say, “Now, as you can see, I have filled the container with…”

    Up goes Rosenborgs hand….”Yes, Rosenborg?”, sighs Mr Timmins again.

    “That container is only three quarters full” points out Rosenborg!

    Mr. Timmons, adjusting his glasses, replies, “Yes indeed, so it is…” and continues, “anyway class, I have placed water inside the…”

    “But you said you filled it!” interrupts Rosenborg…

    “Indeed I did” replies Mr. Timmons, but it is a figure of speech, “I meant that…”

    “But you said you filled it! But you didn’t fill it, so TECHNICALLY I’ve proved you wrong, because you said it was full and it isn’t full” chimes in Rosenborg.

    “Fine, you have outsmarted me!” snaps Mr. Timmins, who has now turned a bright shade pinkish-crimson as he says to the class, “alright class, please all jot down in your notebooks how clever Rosenborg is, so that we can all remember it for future reference and so that we could please get on with the science demonstration, once and for all!”

    Rosenborg sits down with a look of smug satisfaction on his face, seemingly pleased at Mr Timmins’s comment on his cleverness, missing Mr. Timmins’s sarcastic tone, which had caused a chuckle from some of his classmates.

    After counting backwards from ten, Mr Timmins continues, “Right! Now! We have filled…er….I mean placed water in the container”

    “Now, as we all already know, water is a liquid, and through the process of electrolysis, we will be dividing the compound water into its two elements, oxygen, and hydrogen, which are the gasses we’ll be collecting in these…..”

    Lo and behold, Rosenborg sticks up his hand!

    A very fidgety Mr. Timmins responds with a sudden, “Yes Rosenborg! What the F_ do you want now?”

    Rosenborg starts crying and questioning why Mr. Timmins is being so rude!

    Embarrassed, Mr. Timmins, apologizes, and calmly asks Rosenborg to ask his question.

    “You said water is a liquid, but what happens if the experiment is done at minus 50 degrees?” asks Rosenborg.

    Mr Timmins replies, “Well, as we know the water would be frozen then, thus we wouldn’t be able to do the experiment, since in that case the water would be a solid”

    “But you said water is ALWAYS a liquid!” shouts Rosenborg.

    “Actually, I didn’t say it was always liquid, I just said water is liquid, which meant it is a liquid at room temperature.” Says Mr. Timmins. “Anyway class, as I was saying..”

    Quickly Rosenborg chimes in “but you didn’t mention that water is ONLY a liquid at room temperature, you said….”

    “Well, it isn’t only a liquid at room temperature either, it can be anywhere between freezing point and boiling point, but that has little relevance to this experiment, which I would like to complete before the bell rings” Mr. Timmins stressed!

    “Well you said it is ALWAYS a liquid” said Rosenborg!

    “No I didn’t,” exclaimed Mr Timmins, “I didn’t say that at all, I just didn’t mention room temperature, because it is common sense that water would be in it’s liquid state, given the dynamics of the experiment”

    Just as Rosenborg interrupted, Mr Timmins with yet another “But you said…”, there was a deafening bang as Mr. Timmins had reached in his desk drawer, pulling out a gun and shooting Rosenborg in the chest.

    As Rosenborg lay on the ground gasping, Mr. Timmins walked over, picking up Rosenborg’s desk and smashing it on Rosenborg’s head, cracking his skull, killing him.

    We all learned many things that day, we learnt you can only push a man so far, we learnt the value of the definition of copper leads, and we learned what a gunshot wound to the chest looks like.
    The only thing we didn’t learn, was how to do the science experiment, which is ironically the only thing we needed to learn in that class that day for the exam!

    Poor Mr. Timmins is currently in a psychiatric institution, currently undergoing tests to see what caused his nervous system to collapse, but some of us in our class have our own theory.


    A lot of people have made really good Mantra videos. Some of them are going to get deleted for TOS. I would like to suggest that when you make a video you also upload it here. and post that link on the SWARM. That way even the IT retarded like me can download it and up load to youtube as our own. That way the really good videos can be cloned all over the place. It will also make it easy for others to add improvements on your video if they can think of any.

    It will also make it easy to use a good Mantra video as a video responce. I don’t think I can just use someone elses video as a responce, but if I can upload it to youtube as my own, then I can.

    Henry Davenport

    Dungeoneer, I like this point a lot as an effective response to “Not everyone says…”, and I’ll use it:

    “He knows damn well that any white politician who said we DON`T have to “assimilate” i.e being a “racist” would instantly be branded as a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews and would be hounded out of office faster than a rabbit gets F***ed.”

    But this makes my head hurt:

    “He “forgets” that he and his anti-white cult members are claiming that any white person who opposes mass immigration and “assimilation” is a “racist”,therefore they are stating that the “racism problem”(i.e the RACE problem) is the problem of people opposing those policies,so the continued implementation of said policies implicitly is the proffered “solution” to the “problem”.”

    I can’t keep up with all this Pooka stuff, but just skimming, it seems like you guys have been sucked into tailgating.

    I’ll just post Horus’ reminder from another thread:

    I personally don’t care IF we win every debate… long as we impose terminology.

    Peter Whiterabbit

    Re: “He is just playing semantics. This post popped up over on SF a few days ago. Its well worth reading/skimming over to get more of a handle on the antis anal/semantic/i need one million sources tactic”

    Here is an easy to remember lesson on language…NEVER CALL THEM ANTIS. They are ANTI-WHITE!


    A very informative read from all above Bugsters.

    Dungeoneer you took truePooka apart easily. I learned a lot from that conversation — use facts, logic and always stick with the Mantra.

    Henry Davenport

    A bugster posted on another thread:

    “When we say ‘All white countries’ we will be picked up on this and asked for evidence.

    Lord Nelson offered this as a response in that circumstance:

    “You Anti-Whites can provide all the evidence yourselfs by telling us which European countries you believe have a right to stay White? (Good Luck!)”


    @HD,when the topic of discussion IS the mantra,and as long as we stay on message in our replies,we`re not tailgaiting.

    That reply of mine is very rough round the edges though,and it`s too long.

    Peter Whiterabbit

    In response to a slighlty less than respectable conservative who was bitching about being called racist, anti-semite, bigot, etc, I responded, “Don’t use their terminology. Impose your OWN terminology or you will always be on the defensive. Example: They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white. Anti-racist is just a code word for anti-white.”

    time for freedom

    Ok, I’m beating up on the anti-Whites on Youtube, basically I’m having my way with them and chasing them off. However, I’m looking for different ideas on how to handle a certain kind of anti-White reply that I’ve been getting.

    Essentially, the Anti-White argument goes as follows:

    “Look, your people in White countries have recourse to the democratic process to vote for parties that promise an anti-immigration program. White people do not vote for these parties, and thus, you cannot argue that White countries are being forced to take in massive numbers of non-White immigrants.”

    My two basic answers are the following:

    “Moreover, you are missing a very important point here. Whether our people are allowed to vote on this measure is irrelevant to the actual crime that has been committed. The fact is that the WHITE anglo-elites are on record as articulating a plan to bring in massive numbers of non-White immigrants within the very democratic mechanisms that you have alluded to and, thus, racially assimilate White people out of existence forever. Their objective was and still is GENOCIDAL”


    “IN other words, why should our people have to even consider demanding a vote to combat such a vile measure in the first place. This mere fact is proof positive that there has been a concerted and highly structured program by the anglo-elites to to do something very hideous to the indigenous people of White countries and ONLY white countries, that being of course, Genocide-by-Assimilation. It is possible to do so within the confines of democracy, in fact it is easier to do so.”



    The crime of genocide is not made legal by a democratic vote.

    Secret Squirrel

    Give people the right to discuss this issue rationally and real freedom of choice, and integration would be doomed. The anti-Whites know this and that is why they shout racist.

    If they want to vote to Brown THEMSELVES out, they can do so. But they cannot force other people to go with them, even if they can out vote dissenters. As dungeoneer says, you can’t vote for the genocide of a race, even if you are of that race.

    time for freedom

    Ok, so here’s my basic answer to this genocide-by-democracy argument.

    “Essentially, you are still arguing for White Genocide, even if you use democracy to trick 51% of the White population into genociding not only themselves but also the other 49% of the remaining White population. It’s still White Genocide any way you try rationalize and justify it. So you anti-racists are left as usual with the pathetic task of trying to justify your desire to Genocide White children by assimilation.


    What do you all think of this response??

    Thanks for the insights and advice.

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