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  • in reply to: Crazy Ideas For Spreading The Mantra #11733


    We have the peanut gallery saying the video is faggy. And the Mantra won’t change anything. LOL this is going to be good. I already posted a response.

    in reply to: Crazy Ideas For Spreading The Mantra #11714

    I thought it was great. I put it up on White Rabbit Radio. Hope that was alright. Seemed like a finished product to me!
    We need more creative videos. A video with our enemy doing the Mantra ….as a response to White Genocide. That is comedy.

    in reply to: White Genocide Petition #11713

    We are now at 405. I had NOT realized this wasn’t posted on my website. We have only been tweeting it….arghh….I personally corrected that. Now a growth spurt to 500 is in order.

    in reply to: White Genocide Petition #11077

    Is 500 a final number? Once we hit 500 that all rabbits?



    There are 60 voices on “where did you post the mantra today”. That is the thread I promote. Obviously, not all of them are in the headcount thread. A month ago it was barely in the 50’s if not still the 40’s. I looked the other day at it was at 59. So we are picking up rabbits. And more importantly they are posting and reporting to some extent. You are on the wrong thread. And you guys keep talking about recruiting.

    Please read what I wrote again.

    We can only attract White Rabbits. Appealing to White Rabbits never works in the long run. And action always attracts White Rabbits. More action ….more white rabbits. It’s that simple… starting watching the correct thread.

    in reply to: BUGS Swarm Theme Song "Seek and Destroy" #10866

    Thank you for the kind words about my yapping.


    They are not releasing videos. They are releasing the MP3’s. David Duke may release his speech via the video on his site. But Stormfront is not releasing any videos.

    Posting The Mantra and reporting that to BUGS Swarm is fairly straightforward. When it gets into arguing within the confines of the Mantra. That takes a little work and initiative. We have a fair number of newcomers starting to get their toes wet with the Mantra right this minute. They are using the terminology everyday and getting used to how it works.



    You are as impatient as Ole Bob. I like that. I have gotten used to impatient rabbits! There was a time just recently when we had no Swarm. There was a time when we only had a half dozen white rabbits moving the Mantra around the planet! is just two years old as of Sept. And you can never appeal to whiterabbits nor recruit whiterabbits. These tactics rarely work. After all, this approach did not work on you. You were attracted to something.
    We will attract 300. This will happen one white rabbit at a time. They usually come in when they smell the action. It could happen next week based on some catalyst. Or it could happen based on some natural progression. When you stick to the basics ….things will work for you.

    The Swarm is just a microcosm of what is going on out there. Getting the full amount posting right now to report will take some time. My article on this has not come out yet. And as you know the Stormfront Conference MP3’s have not come out yet. But I do know that Derek Black finally has them in his possession from the sound and video guys. If we just replicate the growth from the last 2 years… will have around 500.

    I am rolling out a series of upgrades to my site that have been requested. This will help build and expand my audience. I am following the same formula that helped make the podcast a success. Just more of it!

    The vast majority that currently use The Mantra or say “In your opinion I’m a racist ….your just saying that because I am White …..Antiracism is just a codeword for Antitwhite”…..are never going to post online. Keep that in mind.

    in reply to: BUGS Swarm Theme Song "Seek and Destroy" #10804

    LOLZ Genseric,

    You were referring to the following:”Of course, we are getting a WN chiming in that he dislikes Follow the White Rabbit. You know the type. He is not in the target audience and does not get it….go figure. Oh and he has listened to one podcast and is an expert on everything in the podcast. lolz”

    Yeah I do have thick fur for that. You never hear me complain about it. Comes with the territory. In fact, I applaud any attempt to spread our message. Even if it comes from those only bitching about something they don’t like!

    in reply to: BUGS Swarm Theme Song "Seek and Destroy" #10803

    Dick Whitman,

    I replied to your message just recently.


    Yeah, I have thick fur. I just don’t proof my own material these days. 🙂 Maybe I should stuff that fur into my ears!
    I used to say: ” big deal it is just me yapping”. And I was always told that this would not last. And I proofed my own stuff for a year and half. Now I get it. Apparently this happens to everyone that yaps into a mic for any length of time.



    You made some interesting points about Youtube and not wasting so much time at the one lone antiwhite. We certainly don’t need big numbers for that. Typically the threads I have looked at on Youtube were larger though. PM me some examples next time you see it.


    “There needs to be a little more organization perhaps at “the top.” and if this means we make a more hierarchical model then so be it. When i first came here posters would say the Swarm is “fluid” and this that and the other but sorry i wasn’t convinced then and i still am not convinced now that this is the way to go. I’ve been on Bugs for about 4 or 5 months and the main problem is organization. ”

    You should have been around here 5 years ago! Things were WAY more organized! lol. There was no SWARM! BUGS Swarm is considered seriously organized for such endeavors. In fact, you will rarely find white rabbits so organized. Bob has never seen anything in politics organized. Oh they try to organize meetings and press conferences etc. But that never works as planned. Even if the public is fooled to think it looked perfectly planned. They are always rushing about in a buzzing chaos. The idea for us to have the buzzing chaos with the Mantra. 🙂

    As we start hitting the magic numbers on the Swarm. You will have all the white rabbits hopping for the chance to shoot on live targets. Then you will be able to organize pink rabbit hunts from within the swarm. That can happen sooner than you think. My podcast is just now 2 years old. And you have no idea just how much experience you really have gained in just 5 months. You will be an old pro to the young ones coming on board.


    “4. A TV spot??! Does anyone have the balls to go on public TV? Bob himself? Horus? Calvert seems to think getting a TV spot on the news is easier than we think. It just requires a little bit of cunning. Ideas?!”

    Bob has done the mantra on fox news. They would not air it. That is the point we started building the Swarm. Even of late US News would not print the Derek Black interview with the Mantra in it. And the Breivik episode has gotten media attention to the white rabbit inbox. However, we have not been able to get anything past the editors…..we are still working on it. And we will keep raising the volume by increasing our numbers and laying media landmines all around till something breaks. I will talk about media “landmines” in a podcast. Even in places like Iceland we had good media exposure. That may have been enough for selling white power music in Iceland. But we ain’t exactly selling music. We are threading memes into a population. We are in the process of moving a consistent message and our terminology into the mainstream of the Western World. And the media exposure we need has to have a base like BUGS Swarm. We need a steady drip from media outlets identical to the one the Political Cesspool has been giving to Bob over the last year or so. The appropriate phrase to what we are doing is “weaving velvet”. Weaving requires constant and methodical activity. Just like everyone sees from the Swarm.

    We kinda have a big agenda. You know like bringing down the Berlin Wall was a big agenda. The guys behind us have done it before. BUGs Swarm needs to be a little larger to do what we want to do with it. 300 is a number we are shooting for right this minute for the Swarm online. To most rabbits this number would sound tiny…..that is simply because they do not understand how a consistent message works or how it worked in bringing down the Berlin Wall.

    Bob has more than just a little media experience. He ran the press conferences for groups that were opposed to cross town busing (busing kids across town to force integration). He is still known in the South Side of Chicago for that. And there are those that still know his name among the Southies in Boston. He was employed by Presidential Administrations and in Congress. He was also employed by a famous alphabet agency. He has been called a lot of things. But never a media illiterate. And here is the point. Someone asked me to put the core group on message. And it has nothing to do with Bob being stupid or Stormfront audiences being dumb asses. With a consistent message it’s the same ole tune but the lyrics are always different. And every consistent message has different lyrics, different technology etc. This stuff never works the same way twice. Even when it comes to getting media exposure.

    We have the template of bringing down the Berlin Wall. But that is just a template. That message went “top down” with Ronnie Reagan’s:”Gorbachev bring down that wall!”. The thing was over with and no one even knew what happened. Many our betting money that ours goes the same way. I am not so sure yet. But there was a huge foundation laid to bring about that one liner moment for the Berlin Wall and Soviet Union. The key technological invention that allowed it? The Fax Machine. Of course, our key technology is the internet. The major tactic? The broken record strategy.

    Calvert has a great deal of experience in getting publicity for his white power music label. What we are dealing with is something slightly different. We need steady drips. And media outlets that will allow that. Some of the rules would apply and some would not. He does have some potentially good ideas. They could work. Sure wouldn’t hurt to try some of them. Usually, I am more impressed when good ideas are offered by people who are trying things out on message. In every case, this has been the essential ingredient for success. Because as soon as someone starts using a consistent message like ours. They always end up looking back at what there trying to do. Then they realize a few things and make some tweaks. Bob and Company has seen this type of attitude for a half century in Washington. Everybody thinks this stuff works a certain way until they try it. In fact, Bob will not pay attention to someone making suggestions and not actively working with the message. He has been around too long to run down that road. Everyone wants to give advice from the sidelines. Unfortunately that type of advice rarely if ever helps. Much better to have someone jump in and get their toes wet THEN give advice. For Calvert’s strategies to work in this deal. He would most likely have to work them himself. Simply because he would have to make adjustments. And only he would know how. This stuff is never the same. If you think you have experience, even relevant experience at the highest level, you will still have to tweak things.

    We have many good ideas as well (internal to BUGS). You have to have a media jumping off point and the numbers (swarmers) to work the message. We have done something that is unique insomuch as we have used the internet exclusively as jumping off point. Again, I have nothing against someone trying some of Calverts ideas for getting out our message into the lamestream media. Especially now or in the future …it certainly wont hurt. We have laid a foundation just for that. But as Derek Black will tell you. They media treated him totally different on message. And he is no fool either.

    We could totally hammer our message into the population with only a half dozen white rabbits. But we would have to have to be on Fox News often. And we would would need a few writers for big orgs to carry our terminology. This type of thing never takes as many rabbits as one would think. Neocons do it all the time. But for what we are doing with The Mantra you have to lay a foundation. Especially given the hand we have been dealt. Most of you have seen and been part of this foundation. Even when Ole Bob went on Fox News and they refused to air the segment. These days we could hammer Fox News and the relevant parties within Fox News with emails. We could also exploit the fact that they would not air the Mantra in other ways. But you have to have some numbers on your side to play this game.

    Most of the folks on Stormfront don’t fully understand what we are doing yet. That is why I spoke at the Stormfront Conference. Some of Calvert’s posts read just like everyone elses posts before they go on message. Even Don Black did not fully get it until he heard the BUGS speech at the conference. Don Black has been around and seen everything there is to see. He did not understand the Soviet template BUGS is operating under. Of course, Don Black is on message these days. That should tell you something. This is not uncommon among people that have been around a long time.

    When it comes to Pro White Dissidents with media experience. They immediately assume that something in their past experience would help with what we are doing now. The experience may apply or NOT and it may help or NOT. You just never know. Of course, you have to understand a little about how a consistent message works first by using it. There are things that carry over. And there are things that do not. I have plenty of podcasts explaining things. But Calvert is not in my target audience. Hopefully many more rabbits that always ask the basic questions will listen to the Conference Speech. The speech at the conference was custom tailored to the Stormfront audience.

    Meawhiterabbit, we have a template of action that we are operating under. That is based on the fall of the Soviet Union and HOW that was achieved via a consistent message. That template has worked for BUGS like clock work. This is not Bob’s first rodeo. There is an active group behind this message. And I am not just talking about the ones on the Swarm. And this will all work for us even in the highest places. We just have to keep playing that infamous broken record strategy. When the media shuts you down. You raise the Volume by increasing your numbers. We got lucky and have a radical new media to work with. There are a lot of interesting unknowns with the internet. The groups that brought down the Soviet Union faced a lot of the same issues with fax machines.

    I would not have been asked to put up White Rabbit Radio IF a handful of white rabbits could have gotten the media exposure necessary to achieve our objectives. On the other hand, we are at a point where someone could lay landmines easily and maybe even get famous themselves. Even a Calvert could come in with his media expertise from his music biz and set the world on fire…..or NOT. He may find out quickly that this does not work in quite same way as promoting a message having to do with white power music. You just never know.

    The key is to always think out of the box. For instance, I totally went around White Nationalism to get my audience. My podcast has a target audience that is white and normal looking to fight the system. They like to listen to Alex Jones or Rense, or Red Ice Creations. My target audience is not necessarily racially aware in the conventional sense. That is the biggest misunderstanding. Derek Black calls me a “content provider” to Stormfront. Which is correct way to look at it. I am using our large online media presence to jump off into a target audience surfing Stormfront. And that target audience is not necessarily ever going to post anything on Stromfront. The shocker was that Stormfront was large enough to do just that.

    Anyone in the Swarm or elsewhere at anytime can step and run with The Mantra. We play a simple game. As long as you are doing something creative to push The Mantra……..don’t worry about failure. You are laying landmines. There is no failure in laying landmines. There are always landmines that do not go off. Most landmines laid in warfare never go off. Why? That is the nature landmines. How many landmines do you actually need to go off to hurt an enemy? Not many…….But we had to have the foundation and the numbers to take advantage of the explosion when it happens. That is WHY there is a Bug’s Swarm buzzing around. And feel free to try your hand at organizing.

    We want 300 white rabbits spreading our message and imbedding our terminology. I am talking all online and reporting it back. We have quite a few right now that are not reporting it back. Our enemy would triple our number on the Swarm. I would only double it. We are using this as a proxy for how many out there around the planet are actually using The Mantra everyday when they open up their mouths.

    What I personally want is more and more rabbits jumping up and doing things themselves. Lay some landmines yourself. “Horus do this or that!” I am only one white rabbit. I can do a lot…..but not everything. I was overjoyed with the landmine laid on We need and will have more white rabbits stepping up and doing such things under their own initiative. More will be attracted to the action and bring their creativity. Many believe that myself or Bob will be the ones that get all the attention in regards to the White Genocide. That would be the first time such a thing happened. Again, this is from a lack of understanding of WHAT we are doing and how a consistent message works in a closed society. The white rabbits that are going to be prime time are just coming on deck. They are looking at this message right now and have just started thinking about it. Could very well be a Pro White Dissident like young Mr Black etc. You just never know. Mr Black should use it like he owns it and never give Bob credit. That is how a message has to work! If I say something you like and want to steal. STEAL IT and go prime time. Not that there is anything wrong with wearing an undercover lover tshirt. Nor is there anything wrong with saying you like my podcast. Or that you read BUGS ….but the important point is to push the message and the terminology……like you own it.

    Meawhiterabbit, your most workable idea right this minute is the “sock puppet” idea. That would work great simply because you may the interest from the swarm. Get a few together and start experimenting. You can always private message on BUGS. There are parties out there that think we are professional astroturfers. LOL. While we are not astroturfers. I have nothing against using certain ideas. The only rule is as follows:”does this work?”.

    Before I get inevitable question:”Horus what the hell is astroturfing?”. You can wiki that and find out quickly. I may go into that in a podcast and how it applies to some parties looking at us right now. We have several different parties trying to figure out where this White Genocide message is really coming from. You have been labeled “electronic soldiers” from some. I like that term. What they have found out is that we are not turfing. Our media online is actually THAT dominate. I pointed this out at the Stormfront Conference. I explained to them what having me yapping at their conference really means.

    Meawhiterabbit feel free to post a link to this on Stormfront or anywhere else you think it could be helpful. You might want to edit this. Or even make it your own. I am not a writer. But we have never achieved anything by arguing on Stormfront with other pro white dissidents. That has always been a waste of time. We look to attract those that interested in the action. We play a simple game. Our target audience is huge. And that type of rabbit will always do the homework necessary to understand what we are actually doing. Or better yet hop in and go to town with the message learning as they go. But I have never seen anyone walk into the BUGS World and use their old bag of tricks without changing something.


    in reply to: BUGS Swarm Theme Song "Seek and Destroy" #10750

    Sorry, I put up the old “Down with Pink Rabbit” Video. Here is the latest from a listener. That above video was done by a different listener!
    “This was done by a listener with some talent. I will put up his youtube channel later. As always we are flattered that someone took the time to write a ditty “Down with Pink Rabbits!”. And even more excited that Pink Rabbits DON’T LIKE IT.”

    in reply to: BUGS Swarm Theme Song "Seek and Destroy" #10749

    Dick Whitman,
    In case you have not heard the new famous tune….”Down with Pink Rabbits”. Here you go. You guys might find it funny. I don’t like hearing my own voice anymore. Apparently that is something that goes with radio and podcasting territory. Anyway, I have not put this up on White Rabbit Radio but will soon. Antiwhites hate it! Which is great!
    Of course, we are getting a WN chiming in that he dislikes Follow the White Rabbit. You know the type. He is not in the target audience and does not get it….go figure. Oh and he has listened to one podcast and is an expert on everything in the podcast. lolz

    This was done by a listener with some talent. I will put up his youtube channel later. As always we are flattered that someone took the time to write a ditty “Down with Pink Rabbits!”. And even more excited that Pink Rabbits DON’T LIKE IT.


    “Thanks Horus, good points on consistency and perfection.

    I never meant to change the mantra itself though, it was more a tactic for the situations where the anti whites try to bug it down to the individual level. I should have been more precise on that.”

    The idea is always and only argue within the confines of the Mantra. This is always a little difficult at first. But once we fully understand that the antiwhite arguments apply only to white countries and all white countries. This makes it all very straightforward. Our job is simply to point out this contradiction over and over again. I went into this at the Stormfront Conference. We always think we have to be so precise and perfect and have all the perfect arguments etc. Well our enemy lost every single debate on every college campus. This is a fact. And the reason they have power has nothing to do with intelligence. They imposed terminology. You obviously understand this. But you don’t understand that we do not have to be so precise with the words you are concerned about. Everything necessary is in the Mantra already. Just make it your own if u’d like. So basically what I am telling you is that your concern is unwarranted. We can lose every debate and impose terminology and have all the power. It does not matter IF you don’t have it all figured out for every response of the Antiwhites……as long as you impose terminology. We do not have to be that anal over terms and phrases like the ones that you were or are concerned about. “White ethnic group” IS a racial GROUP identity, “Whites” is not something you have to worry about. Don’t over think things. Our enemy took power just by yelling terms like Racist! and AntiSemite…..and Nazi! …..and the educational system that white rabbits were attending at the time were far better than the ones we have now. Think about that. And understand that for terms like Nazi… have to be anal…..and that is why we have naziwhowantstokill6millionjews. But also understand that we do not have to be so anal as to worry about the words and phrases like “whites” and “white ethnic groups” .


    “I’ve often experienced that anti whites move around the genocide accusations by talking about Whites as individuals and stuff like personal choice etc”

    Understand this one simple fact and this fact alone will answer the question. Our enemy is always …and I MEAN ALWAYS arguing a position that always puts in a world without any white people. But they talk this nonsense about White as individuals and well it is personal choice etc. Whever excuse they give is an excuse for WHITE Countries and only White countries. They are not using these excuses in African or Asia etc. You can easily move back into talking about White Genocide by pointing that out over and over again.
    No one is flooding China with non-Chinese and saying ….well it is all personal choice here so we are going to create a blended humanity in ONLY China
    No one is flooding Africa with non-Africans and saying …..well it is all personal choice here so we are going to create blended humanity in ONLY Africa
    Only White Countries are doing this, Only White Elites are supporting this… is Genocide


    Feu denfer,
    Anytime a newcomer comes in and starts asking questions rabbits can get testy. Don’t let that deter you. A consistent message is similar to a good jingle. There are no perfect consistent messages or jingles. There are only messages and jingles that are considered optimal. Optimal is defined the fact that they work more times than not. We all tend to look for perfection. If you weren’t trying you would not be white and we would have a whole new set of race issues to deal with. You will never be able to find a perfect consistent message. The Mantra is just considered Optimal. There is no perfection to be found in these things. I discuss a lot of this stuff at the Stormfront Conference and when the MP3 comes out. You might enjoy listening to it. I did the conference speech radically different than the podcast. Not only was I talking to a different audience at the Stormfront Conference. Furthermore, we have found that most know very little about Consistent Messages or even what we are really doing with something like the Mantra.

    But in general, I learned long ago to just use a consistent message AS IS. If it works, don’t fool with it. The Mantra is an interesting consistent message because it can be made your own after some practice. The Mantra is a closed system killer. Nothing More and Nothing Less.

    In short, we tend to get into all into trying to perfect the Mantra in the beginning. And there is no perfect consistent message …..only optimal. The Mantra has never really been adjusted by anyone but Bob. There are professionals that have looked at it. But none have fooled with it at all. Why? It works…..if a 7 year old in Germany can use it not problem……and a 10 year old in the UK can use it no problem……not to mention a 20 year old in the USA …..and to top it off a 60 year old in Australia can use our stuff with no issues AS IS. Well, it is considered optimal. No point in fooling with it.

    in reply to: White Genocide Petition #10634


    Good job. I signed it a couple days back. In case you did not know, James Edwards carried Bob’s post on their blog. I responded to defend the petition and posted the link in “where did you post the mantra today”. Just in case you did not know about it. I’ll post the link again here.

    in reply to: jettandjahn ? #9758

    Well I have not paid attention to much squabbling in the movement. That is not what we do here on BUGS. On BUGS there can be a hot discussion. But that ain’t the same thing as squabbling. Of course, you know this already. Never be afraid of asking a question.

    I had seen you around so much. I had no idea you where new! Cheers and welcome.

    But really, I cannot add anything to what dungeoneer has posted above. Always go with your gut. We have never had a conversation with these guys (that goes for me and Bob). I do not know if they ARE Bevis and Butthead or maybe simply Jews or maybe jewish bevis and buttheads? who knows? 🙂

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