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  • -Sentinel-

    Yes that’s better, or

    “Hate is the language of saying anything that isn’t anti-White.”
    “HATE is having thoughts that aren’t anti-White.”
    “HATE is having European ancestors.”

    in reply to: Meme idea: Racism requires Diversity #54760

    ”The Human Race” is code for White Genocide.

    ”Can’t we all just get along?” (and blend white people out of existence)

    Saying that a Race has ”Privilege” is Hate.

    in reply to: Meme idea: Racism requires Diversity #54728

    Anti-Whites’ solution is always More Diversity.

    Kitchen on fire? Put it out with a bucket of gasoline.

    …i.e. They don’t really want to solve these problems. They want White Genocide.

    in reply to: Attacks to blast the word "racist/racism" #54725

    When Bob comes up with a talking point, it’s as short and precise as possible. If you try to shorten it even by one letter, the meaning is distorted. I imagine that he starts with an idea and mentally distills it until his sentence is 100% pure — the most efficient possible use of total characters to convey the desired message. The shorter it is, the easier it is to repeat. Distillation makes the message more flammable, more spreadable. There is a lot of skill behind that.

    “Racist is a Hate Word.”

    Could you add to it when making a certain point? Of course. But I wanted to recognize and appreciate that there’s no way to condense that statement any further and maintain its specific meaning. It’s a diamond.


    “Racists” want freedom. “Anti-Racists” want control.

    Racism makes Anti-Racists rich.

    Racism requires Diversity.

    in reply to: Attacks to blast the word "hate(r)" #54701

    Hate is just a Hate Word to make White people shut up and accept our genocide.


    Possible meme: If this is Diversity, I’d Hate to see Triversity!

    Hate is a language that anti-Whites have named and it includes saying or thinking anything that isn’t detrimental to White people.

    Hate is a Hate Word.


    You don’t mind Nationalism. It’s the *WHITE* part that anti-Whites like you can’t stand.

    in reply to: Responses to being called a “White Nationalist.” #54432

    “I would like to know what you’re doing to fight nationalism among OTHER races. Or are you just anti-White?”

    in reply to: Are you new to BUGS Swarm? #42367

    Welcome to our new teammates. I look forward to swarming with you!

    And to HD’s comment above – giving up tailgating takes discipline for sure! And +1 for Beefcake’s podcasts. Required listening.

    in reply to: Anti-White Supremacist? #42366

    “Anti-White Supremacist”

    Wow.. I LOVE that!

    I.e., not “against ‘white supremacists'”, but:

    Anti-Whites insist that they must rule the world with their OPINIONS as LAW; therefore, they are ANTI-WHITE SUPREMACISTS!

    End anti-White supremacy! Crush the bigots! No hate on our streets!


    in reply to: Follow The White Rabbit 74 #41554

    If one can resist tailgating with an AMPW, he can resist any anti-White’s BS.

    ”…So easy, an AMPW can do it!”

    in reply to: Are you new to BUGS Swarm? #39823

    Welcome, Hex!

    in reply to: "How I found BUGS” #36380

    Great topic.

    I initially started seeing Mantra comments on YouTube and was intrigued since I had been posting my own ”onion skin” pro-White comments for a couple of years. I started to get on message but still didn’t understand completely. Started visiting BUGS and reading all of the great mini-Mantras. Peeling back the layers and peeking outside the dusty old cave is exciting.

    I kept seeing that White Rabbit image and link around SF, among posters whose writings I enjoyed. So I eventually listened to the whole FTWR podcast while working, exercising and driving …and loved it. I’ve since re-played several of the meatiest episodes.

    So here I am — proud to be amongst such fine people. Do we really understand how special this group is (*as long as we’re working hard*)?

    I think that SF has talent if we look for it, and I do recruit when I see quality. Hopefully we will be getting a few particular new folks whom I reckon would be valuable.

    Thanks again, Bob, Horus and ALL of BUGS.


    We are ruining their credibility.

    They have labored long and hard at N&J to develop pristine credibility among the public. We pests are tarnishing it for them. We’re going to ruin everything!

    We have rough hands and strong backs. They have credibility.

    I’m proud as hell to be a BUGSTER!


    It’s an argument over image, not effectiveness. Of course, Bob already covered that regarding JT, et al.

    We do what works, NO MATTER WHAT.

    in reply to: Mini Mantras I #31457


    “Uh… I’m White – how can I be anti-White??”

    Mentally healthy person:

    If I were Black and I made excuse after excuse for blending Black people out of existence through massive non-Black immigration and forced assimilation into all Black countries, I’d obviously be anti-Black, despite my being of said race.

    But since I’m White, you can’t grasp the concept of wanting OUR race to survive.

    You say that you’re anti-racist.  What you are is anti-White.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    in reply to: Mini Mantras I #31456

    Anti-White accuses two or more us of being the same person.

    BUGSter response:


    And if I thought of all the drones who spout the same anti-White rhetoric, I’d think that you were one person with a BILLION usernames, not TWO!

    You anti-Whites are hilarious.

    50 years of anti-White blah blah blah and you think it’s NORMAL now. Promoting genocide is just as psychotic now as it ever was.

    -Nothing justifies genocide.
    -No race is innocent.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    in reply to: Mini Mantras I #31455


    “White people are among the richest people in the world, so [genocide-justifying rhetoric]…”

    Mentally healthy person:

    Asians and Arabs are also among the world’s wealthiest people, but no “anti-racists” are demanding that Asian or Arab countries be flooded with people of other races and forced to “mix in” until they are extinct.

    Japan is one of the world’s richest countries and still 99% Japanese. You see, “anti-racists” like you don’t demand that Japan “diversify” to make up for their past. You ONLY demand this of White countries.

    That’s White genocide.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    in reply to: Mini Mantras I #31454

    Anti-White’s argument in favor of White genocide:

    “Black racism is the same as White racism.  Anti-racist means anti-racist, you $@%&#!”


    “Anti-racist is a code word for [any cute excuse for a world without White children]”

    Mentally healthy person:

    Interesting! Here on planet Earth, no groups exist to combat “Black Racism.”

    In fact, no People-of-Color get harassed, fired, expelled, arrested, beaten or murdered for the R-word, and everyone knows this.

    Only White people are abused and controlled with the R-word and only White countries are being subjected to genocide by mass immigration and forced assimilation!

    You SAY that you’re anti-racist.  What you ARE is anti-White.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    in reply to: blasted with a Mantra-based article! #29612

    AWR, thanks for the cache link.

    We already knew that Respectable Conservatives just can’t handle the Mantra, but this is more proof. Their knees buckle under its weight.

    I have to wonder how many unique views that article had during its short life. 🙂

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