Archive for June 7th, 2004

One Extreme or the Other

I know too damned much to hate anybody. I would cheerfully execute a Ted Bundy with my own hands. But I couldn’t hate him, any more than I could hate a mad dog.

People say they feel sorry for somebody who is “consumed by hate.” I don’t. The people you should feel sorry for is somebody like me who has spent his whole life trying to tell sane people, “Don’t be a damned FOOL!”

Jews don’t need to do this. If you are good hater, you would just believe that Jews have Satan’s Curse and are Naturally Evil.

No problem.

Man, that hate stuff is so much easier than being like me, watching an intelligent human being who simply refuses to be sane. These are people I would love to talk with, but they have chosen to destroy my race in a completely matter-of-fact way.

I seem to have spent half my life trying to explain that Jews are just people, for God’s sake. Jerry Falwell makes them semi-gods. Anti-Semites make them devils. Jerry Falwell is just as dangerous as any anti-Semite, because if you make anybody an angel, you are going to make devils of them when they disappoint you.

That is EXACTLY what happened to Martin Luther. That is why he ended up a raving anti-Semite.
Meanwhile, back on Planet Earth, Jews are just a group of people who are doing something evil and stupid. That’s my problem.

I think Jews have been horribly spoiled since World War II because of Hitler. You can’t say anything about them that is not wild praise. In other words, in the post-WWII era they have been angels. That means they will soon be seen as devils.

Henry Kissinger, an Austrian Jew who lost his family to the Nazis in Austria, summed it up. He said, “A people that has been persecuted for two thousand years is doing something WRONG!”


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‘Intellectual’ Lunacy

In social science discussions, you will often hear the term “counter-intuitive.”

The term “counter-intuitive” is summed up in the phrase used by every con man since the Garden of Eden:

“Things are not as they appear.”

Actually things are almost always exactly as they appear. If they were not, every animal on earth that has eyes would have lost those eyes long ago due to survival of the fittest.

By the time the Roman doctor Galen wrote up his theory of medicine in Roman times, people had long since noticed that a person who lost blood weakened and a person who lost too much blood died. The problem was that anybody could tell you that.

Galen came up with a theory about “balancing the four humors in the body.” Galen said the way to treat diseases was to drain blood out of the body. Let’s see some illiterate peasant come up with THAT!

Galen’s theory caught on big time. It became official policy taught in every university for almost two thousand years. When George Washington got pneumonia, his doctors killed him by draining over a quart of blood from his body.

Bleeding never worked, but the important thing was that it was something a peasant wouldn’t come up with. It was Intellectual, you see.

All frauds and all primitive sciences come up with “counterintuitive solutions.” Every historian readily admits that today’s social sciences are primitive, but no historian has ever applied the experience of every other primitive science to today’s history.

So social science today is one solid mass of “counter-intuitive” ideas. Just as primitive medicine bled people to cure them, modern social science says that if honest citizens are threatened by career violent criminals, you should disarm the honest citizens. The way to a better education, says the social scientist, is to bus children into the nastiest ghettoes you can find. It multicultures them. And punishment is no way to deal with crime, they tell us.

And so forth.

It’s the same old crap as medical bleeding, and it works every bit as well.


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Gold and Silver Coins

Most people enjoy gold coins and thinking about the old real silver coins that used to make that special ring when they hit the table. If you want to get an idea of the size of those coins in the Old West or when Scrooge treasured them, here’s the way to do it.

The following figures are not exact, and there is an endless history about every number I give you, but this is to give you a ballpark estimate of just how big those coins were and how they felt.

Get yourself a dime, a quarter, and a half dollar.

A silver dollar weighed almost exactly an ounce. So your quarter is still the same size as a quarter of an ounce of silver.

By a great coincidence, gold weighs exactly twice as much as silver. When I say exactly, I mean a cubic foot of gold weighs 1205 pounds and cubic foot of silver weighs 605 pounds.

So look at that quarter coin. If it were silver, it would weigh a quarter of an ounce. If it were gold, it would weigh half an ounce. The price of gold that was set on gold back then was twenty dollars an ounce. That quarter would have been a ten-dollar gold piece.

So those who have never seen a one-dollar gold piece are in for a surprise. It is a tenth the size of a quarter! The old one-dollar gold piece made a dime look HUGE.

If you watch the movie “Scrooge” you will old Scrooge looking at his “gold sovereigns,” They are gold British one-pound coins that he keeps on a red satin slide-out that he keeps locked up except when he slides them out to look at them. All this was supposed to have taken place in 1860, when the coins were the way I am describing here.

What will surprise you is how tiny those “gold sovereigns” are. When I read that grandiose title in history books, I envisioned those “gold sovereign” coins as huge and ringing loudly when they hit the table

A “gold sovereign” was worth just under $5 back then (when the dollar was worth at least twenty of today’s dollars). So the gold sovereign weighed about an quarter of an ounce, as much as a silver quarter, but it was twice as heavy as silver so a gold sovereign was half the size of a quarter. In other words, it was just slightly larger than a dime.

For people my age, the big thing we remember about metal coins is a cowboy in a movie buying a drink and tossing his silver coin on the counter. It rang when it hit. The pay of a cowboy was about $20 a month, but they were SILVER dollars, worth at least twenty of our dollars apiece, and he got his place to sleep on the ground and his beans and beef free on the trail. By the standards of the European working class back then he lived like a king.

And when he hit town, he DID have some coins to ring on the bar top.


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Black Television

Amos ‘n Andy was a hilarious program that made black actors its stars when blacks were simply not on television. For the first time, we saw black judges, black doctors, black experts going about their jobs.

In the television version, Andy was a cab driver who appeared very seldom. He was a dedicated family man and had touching scenes with his son. He would introduce the program sometimes.

They needed stooges to lead in a comedy show, so they used dumb old fat Amos and Kingfish, who reminded me of Oliver Hardy to Amos’s fat Laurel. In addition to the intelligent, well-spoken judges and lawyers in trial scenes, they had one dumb lawyer, Calhoun, as a standard comedy character.

In other words, Amos ‘n Andy had three totally comic characters. The NAACP went ballistic. Dumb characters on a comedy show! Good Lord, obviously Hitler was the producer!

In one of its greatest victories, the NAACP got this wildly popular show cancelled.

Amos ‘n Andy was obviously racist, because no comedy would show WHITE people like the Three Stooges or Laurel and Hardy looking DUMB!

We had some black kids who would come and watch our TV, since it was about the only one in Pontiac, South Carolina. They actually cried when Amos ‘n Andy went off.

Then, many years later, another all-black comedy hit the number one slot and stayed there. That was the Cosby Show. Cosby was a doctor and a dedicated family man. His wife was a judge. His children were intelligent and caring. The NAACP went ballistic.

The Cosbys were not BLACK enough! They did not present a realistic picture of the lot of the urban poor in the ghettoes.

Worst of all, Bill Cosby was the opposite of what a black man is supposed to be in a Politically Correct society. Black people are supposed to have a chip on their shoulders the size of the Brooklyn Bridge. They are supposed to dedicate their lives to a curled lip and Righteous Resentment, reminding white people every minute to beware of saying a wrong word, reminding white people of Centuries of Oppression.

Cosby took life as it came. On the show he was an MD, in real life he is a PhD. He knows things are wrong. He lives with that, and he does it well.

That is NOT the function of a guy running around in a black skin.

Look, liberals love black people. All they ask is that black people stay in their place.


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Cold Shower Logic

A reader liked what I said about the failings of the group that calls itself The Greatest Generation. He referred to my “cold shower logic.” I LOVE that term! That is EXACTLY what I am trying to do!


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