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The Stormfront Sink

Posted by Bob on October 7th, 2014 under Coaching Session

One REAL “copy and paste” on the web is worth ten thousand arguments and proposals.

Arguing is exciting and, since everybody at BUGS is by nature combative, the Stormfront Sink is a great danger to us.

The Stormfront Sink is:
1) Arguing with one another and then feeling our work is done after the arguing.
2) Proposing instead of doing.
 photo sink.png

That’s what Stormfronters do.

The Stormfront Sink is not Doers.


To me the very idea that a professional pro-white would use some of his precious money to actually go to Europe and actually protest censorship was breathtaking.

I read it back over and got my breath back.

I looked at the comment again and saw that Taylor had expended all he was going to on PROPOSING to go to Europe.

As with every other pro-white, he stops at arguing with other pro-whites and proposing.

There have been at least a hundred thousand PROPOSALS for action on Stormfront over the period of its existence.

Even with inflation, a dime a dozen for PROPOSALS would be ridiculous overpricing.

BUGS would not exist today without Stormfront back when. But since then, like Jewing, Stormfront has had no impact whatsoever in over a decade.

They argue and they propose, and all pro-white resources outside of BUGS go down the Stormfront Sink.

Arguing is fun.

Saying “Why doesn’t someon” and showing off your genius in a solution is FUN.

We are the only ones who WORK.

The WORK of our tiny pro-white group has VISIBLY destroyed anti-whites memes that would be there forever if it had been left to tens of thousands of Stormfronters or Jareds.

  1. #1 by Mimmy Jarr on 10/07/2014 - 9:24 am

    1) Arguing with one another and then feeling our work is done after the arguing.


    Don’t get pissed, get even.

    If you think your ideas are superior, SHOW us.

  2. #3 by Scott on 10/07/2014 - 4:01 pm

    Well said Bob. Thank you for your words of wisdom as always.

    Marr – Great work as always. Love the bagpipe routine!

  3. #4 by Denounce Genocidists on 10/07/2014 - 4:21 pm

    Originally Posted by Freedom lover View Post

    The jewish control of the media nowdays ensures that any party deviating too far from the status quo’s agenda will be ridiculed and laughed out of town.

    Originally Posted by Freedom lover View Post

    You said yourself that the media were silent over the BNP accusation of white genocide. That is how they marginalize people like Griffin, with silence.

    God bless Stormfront.

    • #5 by Tom Bowie on 10/07/2014 - 9:18 pm

      The Media has had the tables turned on them, they’re always happy to put others in a Fear Based Trance but when it happens to them; they run and hide.

      Too much panic to even make an attempt at fighting the message.

      • #6 by Asgardian on 10/08/2014 - 7:32 pm

        They don’t know whether to shat or go blind.

        • #7 by Scott on 10/10/2014 - 7:29 am

          In combat paralysis kills. Stagnation is the enemy of any warrior or combat unit. Always take action. Always take the initiative. By the time you’ve circled the wagons, it’s too late. You’ve already lost.

          If the enemy is becoming paralyzed, scared to make a move, he has already lost. Nice observation Bowie.

  4. #8 by Henry Davenport on 10/07/2014 - 8:47 pm

    With our easy mailinator guide (click on link), it now takes only 30 or 40 seconds to add initials to a White House message:

  5. #9 by Jason on 10/08/2014 - 4:34 am

    Like I said twice before, there have been NO “internal fights” at BUGS over the last few threads. These were disagreements between BUGSERS and a proud non-BUGSER.

    Should I write it hieroglyphics?

  6. #10 by Simmons on 10/08/2014 - 7:18 am

    “Muds and Kikes” how boring is that shat?

    Nearly a billion white people want to be liberated from the propaganda of Political Correctness, and what are they up to at SF? Answer, typical right wing penis waving contest to see who is smarter and who will get the next Smart Badge from some leftist, or twelve likes for a boring essay in which at least six likes of the twelve come from people too bored to read another boring essay about crap they already know. Victory.

    Question, what is the hottest jewser meme in the cybertorium? And once you read it do you feel like laughing? I’ll bet you do.

    I’ll grant them one thing it is consistent propaganda, but mainly in the service of the people they oppose.

    • #11 by Daniel Genseric on 10/08/2014 - 9:51 am

      That’s easy and I assume somewhat rhetorical. Robert Randsfeld’s borderline comatose “With Juice you lose” is the latest drooling from the Comic Book Pro-Whites. And the usual clique of Pro-White Super Heroes is simply giddy about his Truth Telling Prospects.

      Good. Good.

      Yes, let’s parrot the very thing that any job applicant or new hire immediately understands when they finally learn that their employer or boss is of a particular persuasion. Let’s parrot the very thing that European American war veterans have LIVED after a tour in The Sand Box. Let’s parrot a super-succinct fund-raising rallying cry for SPLC marketeers. Let’s parrot a super toxic meme which will get you deep-sixed from any job at almost any level or denied indefinitely on your loan application or student aid request.

      The tagline might as well be, “Socioeconomic ruin is the way of the future!” …. Perfect Robert! Just Perfect!

      I want to laugh Sim-shady. I really do. But it’s so sad that I don’t have the energy anymore.


    • #12 by Rob Roy on 10/08/2014 - 11:45 pm

      I heard that after decades of ineffectiveness Stormfront are trialling an exciting NEW tactic where they’re going to talk about news and jews.

  7. #13 by -Gar5- on 10/08/2014 - 11:36 am

    I’ve lost count of all the banners, flyers, and attention of the media that our message has got in the last few years.

    The point is, our strategy works better than sitting on the same website whining about everything you don’t like.

    I know because I’ve been there and done that already.

    I’d have to be stupid not to see this is a better strategy.

  8. #14 by ElectricWhiteRabbit on 10/08/2014 - 2:37 pm

    I would just like to point out all that “we’re all just human” and “I see no colour” garbage the White anti-White spew out of their mouths, non-Whites, including Oprah, don’t seem to fall for it.

    Just look at how Oprah and other non-Whites react to a Black women stating “I’m not African American” on television, and justifying that statement by stating “I no colour” and “Im only human”. Pretty interesting.

    Chance for us BUGS to point out the contradictions that anti-Whites like Oprah only seem to acknowledge those “we’re all just human” arguments, when justifying White genocide.

    • #15 by ElectricWhiteRabbit on 10/08/2014 - 2:40 pm

      I’ve just made some mistakes in my comment above and it wont let me edit.

      [Make sure all your browsers are up-to-date – the editor is Ajax, the best one he could find for WP. I can’t get it to work in the TOR browser/FF – but it works fine with all 4 of my others, not TOR capable. ~Sys Op]

    • #16 by Henry Davenport on 10/08/2014 - 4:24 pm


      Bob has written someplace,

      The Mantra itself is simply noting that all that Love and Brotherhood and ”mixing of the races” has absolutely nothing to do with the ultimate fate of any race but the white one.

      I need to get that contradiction into the monthly White House messages more often.

      Speaking of which, you folk please get used to using mailinator on these White House “petitions” as I’m suggesting everywhere…just use two initials to “sign,” then type anything at all, e.g. “grubrthy,” into the email address box, followed by “,” copy that whole address and press the “sign” button, go to and paste in that whole address, click “check” and then click on the link you will have received from the White House (or will receive very quickly if you refresh the page), and you’re done, in 30 or 40 seconds. No need at all for a regular email box.

      This is going to give us tremendous power if we can get enough people to use it.

  9. #17 by Rob Roy on 10/08/2014 - 4:20 pm

    • #18 by ElectricWhiteRabbit on 10/08/2014 - 4:42 pm

      @Rob Roy Yeah I know. I was just pointing out that, anti-Whites such as Oprah, who normally use the “we are all human” argument against us White people, don’t seem to believe their own argument when the tables are turned.

      And if you watch the video, you’ll see that a non-White used the term “anti-Black.”

    • #19 by Henry Davenport on 10/08/2014 - 4:42 pm

      Thanks, I should have known it too, but it has not been in my toolkit.

      The title:
      Saying “Everybody is Just Human” is Saying Genocide is Impossible

      The critical sentence:
      Genocide is not destroying humans. Genocide is destroying a PARTICULAR KIND of human.

  10. #20 by Rob Roy on 10/08/2014 - 5:17 pm


    Just making sure. Some who are new to BUGS may not.

  11. #21 by E S on 10/09/2014 - 8:47 pm

    I don’t go along with SF bashing – Don Black is doing HIS best, he puts on a nearly two hour podcast every weekday. It’s because of SF that I found Mr Whitaker and the BUGS crew. Though I do understand that an unfocused effort is usually doomed to failure. I try to post the Mantra somewhere at least once a day.

    • #22 by Henry Davenport on 10/10/2014 - 1:56 am

      You must be a newcomer…welcome!

    • #23 by Benjamin Newells on 10/10/2014 - 4:44 am

      Nobody has “bashed” Don Black or his radio show.

      so are you actually going to pretend that sf members are anything else except what Bob described in his article?

    • #24 by Secret Squirrel on 10/10/2014 - 5:31 am

      Apart from Bob, I’d vote Don Black one of the greatest Pro White leaders. If Bob points out the truth about SF posters, its because he wants them to improve.

    • #25 by Henry Davenport on 10/10/2014 - 5:34 am

      I think Bob is just using SF to make a point, and as a whole, SF does make the point.

      But I think of SF as a cyber-city, and like any city, only a tiny fraction of its inhabitants will aid in activism.

      Without that tiny fraction, the petition project would probably have failed, and now that many of the Stalwarts from SF and elsewhere have faded away, or disappeared after the White House reformatting, there are a few SF Stalwarts who are giving especially good help with the petitions, and one especially is doing real work that is very useful.

      • #26 by Henry Davenport on 10/10/2014 - 5:37 am

        And speaking of the petition project, I hope most of you will check out the thread I started tonight in the private section.

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