As always, what matters in politics is being ignored. That’s why they paid me the big bucks.
Part of professional politics is realizing that a black or brown skin means a Democratic vote. You aren’t allowed to say that, but the Democratic Party spends many millions each year to get out the minority vote.
They put their money where the bigot’s mouth is: a dark skin is a Democrat.
Back in the 1980s, all the media were talking abut “the gender gap.” This meant that Republicans were not getting the women’s vote.
But people like me, people who got paid for this kind of thing, were noticing one tiny little fact that meant nothing to the media but meant everything to those of us who did this for a living: Republicans were WINNING.
Silly little point, isn’t it?
In defense of those of us who did this for a living, let me say that winning elections was what we were all about. So while the media were fascinated by Republican sexual oppression and the Democratic capture of women and minorities, we had a forgivable obsession with the fact that Republicans were winning real elections.
I know it sounds simplistic, but remember we were not paid to be fashionable. Our job was to win elections.
When you said “the gender gap” back then, you meant the women’s vote. But professionals like me considered men’s votes important, too.
We had this silly idea that there are TWO genders. So it seemed logical that if the Democrats were getting the women’s vote and losing, the Republicans must be getting the men’s vote and winning.
Silly little point, isn’t it?
My silly little mind would say that since the Republicans were losing a lot of the women’s vote and still winning, and since there are only two genders out there, the Democrats had an even bigger gender gap on the male side.
A political science professor announced to the graduate class I was in — I went back to school briefly in 1992 — that a male gender gap is not a gender gap. Only a female gender gap is a gender gap.
If this sounds stupid to you, remember the fact that nobody but me has noticed the growing RACE gap today.
Brown skins are increasing at a breathless pace. But Republicans have the Presidency and a majority of both Houses of Congress.
Back when whites were a solid and overwhelming majority of the population, Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress.
As brown skins increase, the Democrats are piling up automatic votes. Everybody notices that.
But somebody like me notices that there are TWO groups involved here. There are not just minorities, there are also whites.
All I read on Stormfront is pointing frantically at the growing minority vote. Nobody ever seems to notice what is happening to the white vote.
While everybody else is busy panicking, I quietly note that the white vote is moving steadily to the right. This steady movement is under way, and it shows no sign of retreating.
Whites are ceasing to feel guilty about being on the other side from the minorities.
Whites are getting really angry. They are beginning to see that there is more at stake here than polite disagreement.
Well, DUHH, you say. But if you have been watching this for fifty years, this is a breakthrough.
I thought that whites would never even BEGIN to catch on. But their opinions are finally moving.
So can’t we all cry and wail over the increasing non-white population?
I was raised where whites were a minority, but they were hard right.
We ruled.
No multiracial society is ever a democracy. So when we move right, and if we are hard right, we will become the ruling group.
Sorry if that doesn’t sound depressing enough.
OK, you can now go back to panicking. I just thought I might mention this.
#1 by Don on 11/03/2004 - 4:27 pm
RE: “No multiracial society is ever a democracy.”
Could it be possible that – God be thanked and praised – some changes are in order here?
Take me to your leader!
#2 by Peter on 11/03/2004 - 7:23 pm
Thank you Bob, for this one. Maybe whites are coming together as a Group?
#3 by Walter Ring on 11/03/2004 - 9:07 pm
I would rather live in an all-White dictatorship than in a so-called multi-racial democracy. Wake up, White people.
#4 by Don on 11/03/2004 - 10:57 pm
I am not looking for a Good Leader to vote for.
I am looking for a Good Leader to follow.
Time to bring this Charade to an end.
Time to start voting not with silly little pieces of paper, but with our deeds, our lives, our honor.
#5 by Blau on 11/04/2004 - 2:31 am
What good is having a vote block if there is no real alternative to vote for. All dressed up and nowhere to go – Bush is just as bad for whites as Kerry…
#6 by Hank Parnell on 11/04/2004 - 8:25 am
Helpless without that leader — is this a herd of sheep, waiting to be led, or what?
And I continually hear that whites are “more individualistic” than the other races. For the life of me, I cannot imagine WHERE that idea comes from, since I have never seen it. All I see is hopeless people helplessly looking for another der Furher to follow.
Such people did not build white America. But they have sure helped to destroy it.
#7 by Scott on 11/04/2004 - 9:37 am
Very insightful piece, Bob. Thanks.
#8 by Richard L. Hardison on 11/04/2004 - 1:13 pm
No Multi-racial democracy? Surely! Just as Robert Mugabe, he’ll be gald to set you straight!
#9 by Horace on 11/04/2004 - 11:37 pm
What we really need are some of those rugged individuals who made America great. Why, if Davy Crockett were here he would take his coonskin cap and rifle and go down to that there Rio Grande and shoot them wetbacks one by one as they crossed over.
And Danell Boone he would take those media people and whup on them till they a started doin the right thing sure enough.
Yes siree, I think Bob and David Duke and Don Black and Sam Dickson should just go home and mind their own business, cause we rugged individuals are fixin to make things right real soon now.
#10 by JC on 11/04/2004 - 11:51 pm
The unspoken reality is that the Republican Party has become the party of Whites. This is taboo to speak of, so Republicans are forced to speak in code, but most middle-class Whites get the point. As far as they are concerned, the Democrats have sold out the White people for at least 40 years. However, political parties are a manifestation of dialectics, and our rulers control both the thesis and antithesis so, when we get the synthesis, it appears to the masses that a choice was made that they had a part in making. In reality, instead of one Communist party, we have two, Communist and Communist lite.
#11 by Peter on 11/05/2004 - 2:50 am
Tell us how you know the eVote machines weren’t, uhh, enhanced.
#12 by Derek on 11/05/2004 - 1:29 pm
I especially enjoyed this article. I think that people are starting to wake up to the fact that no matter how many social programs are offered for others to “catch up” they are going to lag behind. Egalitarianism is enforced, by means of morality or otherwise.
I don’t agree with deomcracy or christianity but I often find that most Republicans have similar values as I, even if the current manifestation of the GOP doesn’t represent them. Democrats, like some of our current Republicans, pander to voter interest and feel-good values versus enacting legislation that actually accomplishes anything.
I am in the military. Trust me when I say that most of the guys here have more allegiance to Haitti, Mexico, or Jamaica than they do the US. We should have never made an amendment giving others freedom they later find to be contemptable.
Keep up the good work Mr.Whitaker.
#13 by Tribschen on 11/05/2004 - 3:32 pm
I would rather live in an all-White dictatorship
than in a so-called multi-racial democracy.
Wake up, White people.
Comment by Walter Ring —
I ditto that!
We need a furher/leader as a catalyst
to pull pur parts together.
Democracy equals DESPOTISM !
We need National Socialism NOW !
And IMO it is here already here and
will be ever more visible now
that Dub has won another term.
Remember Prescott Bush ?
#14 by Hank Parnell on 11/06/2004 - 7:47 am
Make fun of Davy Crockett and his brethren all you want, but he died for what he believed in, which I sincerely doubt some of you would (I suspect MOST of you are afraid of speaking out using your REAL NAMES for fear of losing your jobs, which is at present understandable), and men like him built this country, as it was ORIGINALLY, not men like Hitler.
If the future is to be a Nazi America, as an AMERICAN and a Southerner, I want no part of it. Putting “national” in front of “socialist” works no magic for me. A white face on tyranny is just a white face on tyranny. And we already have no shortage of white SOCIALISTS.
“First make sure you’re right, then go ahead.” — D.C.
#15 by Peter on 11/07/2004 - 8:46 pm
I don’t think he was making fun of Davy Crockett and all. He was making fun of loners who think they are Davy Crocketts and think they can solve all the country’s problem alone with a six-shooter.
As for a “Nazi America?” What has a Nazi America to do with Bob or any of these comments?
#16 by Don on 11/08/2004 - 9:38 am
Leadership? Here’s how I feel about leaders.
I would rather be a servant in the house of Robert E. Lee then an honored guest at the White House today.
#17 by Don on 11/08/2004 - 10:18 am
And for the benefit of Bedford, I would rather take care of Nathan Bedford Forrest’s horse than be an honored guest at the White House today.
#18 by Don on 11/08/2004 - 10:52 pm
Here’s one more on leadership. I would rather polish the shoes of David Duke than be an honored guest at the White House today.
#19 by Horace on 11/08/2004 - 11:11 pm
RE: “I don’t think he was making fun of Davy Crockett and all.”
You are absolutely right, Peter. In fact, I hold both Davy Crockett and Daniel Boone in high esteem. Don’t I wish we could turn the clock back to 1804.
But it is 2004 now. We have beautiful little White Children who are depending on us. I want a future for them, not just pathetic nostalgia for the past.
Thank you for understanding.