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Posted by Bob on December 8th, 2006 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses

“History is repeating itself. I have been this way before.”
I believe that this recurring “plague on both your houses” pattern in your career, and the consequent isolation, results logically from your definition of race. If I recall correctly, you define “white race” as “white skin”. Although that definition is admirably non-Wordist, the logical consequence is that you must consider most Jews, at least most of those who reside in the United States, to be white. That, I think, is the real issue: not whether Jews are angels or devils, but whether they’re white. And to that question there really ARE only two viable answers: yes or no. If your own answer is “no”, and I believe that it is, then your definition of “white race” needs more work.

Comment by LibAnon


I can’t believe you can’t figure that out for yourself!

White Jews are enemies because they are TRAITORS to my race. I don’t care if you demand the end of my race in the name of Jesus, as most people today do, or in the name of Moses.

As you damned well know, Dante’s Inferno said that the worst part of Hell was SOLID ICE. It was the Tenth Circle, the worst of all. But what few people notice is that that part of Hell was RESERVED for only one class of people: Traitors. Dante had an old European mind. Many a time Norsemen would die around the body of their leader rather than surrender. Loyalty was the highest virtue of our blood.

Treason is the worst crime to our blood.

That is why it can honestly be said that anti-Semites can HATE Jews, whereas the idea that the average segregationist HATES blacks is utterly puzzling to him. They don’t HATE smallpox viruses or mad dogs or “dumb niggers.”

I find a Jew who LOOKS like a Jew harder to hate than an anti-white Jew who looks more like ME. An obvious alien is different, by definition, and that is my natural way of thinking. The more alien he is the less a traitor he is.

A white traitor is a disease. He is a disease if he betrays us in the name Islam or Christ or Political Correctness or Judaism or Vegetarianism. The disease was located largely in New England and among the Jews, but it has metasticized, it was cancer of one part of the body but it has spread to others.

Tell me, which do you like better, an original cancer or one that metasticized? I have no preference at all.

In practice, the fact that a person is a Jew means I do not TRUST him not to be my race’s enemy.


But at Joe Sobran’s house I met one of his closest allies who was anti-Semitic is a thoroughly religious Catholic way. I distrust that type in the same way, thought not as much, as I do Jews. It turned out that he was anti-Jew and anti-white.

He was white.

That does not change the definition of the word “white.”

  1. #1 by Alan B. on 12/08/2006 - 2:49 pm



    The Comment by LibAnon is so typical of the political correct crowd, LibAnon needs a definition for White, and it’s all about words for the leftist. I guess LibAnon has a reference dictionary and a set of calipers on him at all times. Can you imagine him measuring somebody’s nose and ear lobes before he assigns a person a race. What we are trying to explain here is simple, PC multicultrialism is a Jewish invention, it thrives on words, racism and equality and yet ignores all natural human instinct, it IS, Social Engineering, Wordism. Its no secret that the Jews are using this massive non white immigration into all white nations as revenge for what they precieve as persecution at the hands of whites through out history. With that said, this war on my race could not occur with out the help of race traitors, evil and tretcherous devils who are knowingly killing off their own race because they worship words over rational thought. There is no need to debate what is white, I know a a member of my race when I see one. Now where the jews are concerned, the massive influx of muslims into Europe that was propagated by them, know a Jew when they see one and god forbid, they better hope enough whites are left to pull their ass from the fire.

  2. #2 by Dave on 12/08/2006 - 4:06 pm


    Bret Stephens is an outstanding example of a white Jew. Formally the editor of the Jerusalem Post he is now a pundit for the Wall Street Journal. There is nothing about his appearance, mannerisms, and speech that you suspect he was a Jew.

    He cannot perceive or even imagine a divergence between the interests of America and Israel. Yet, he left Israel (he was born and raised in the USA) over disgust with his fellow Jews!

    He believes himself to be thoroughly American and a white American beyond question, yet he cannot fathom he has any obligations other than to Israel.

    It is just plain beyond his ability to even consider the idea. The units of meaning conveyed by such an idea are simply not accessible to him in the same way actual sound is not accessible to a deaf person.

    That he is a pure and distilled treasoner of the worst kind is beyond the comprehensibility of Stephens.

    He is a true sociopath in perfect purity.

    That is what too many of these people are like.

    I would wish for a knowing treasoner in preference to Stephen’s type every time, but unfortunately there are fewer of that alternative brand of treasoner than you think.

  3. #3 by kane on 12/08/2006 - 5:28 pm


    Put it this way. Your mantra is a good way for me to judge people. Anyone who rejects the mantra I don’t like. Anyone who accepts it I do like. That is, except for people who accept the mantra but then do stupid stuff to discredit white survival.

    That’s how I judge jews. Simply by whether or not they oppose us being overrun and “genocided” out of existance. Obviously the most extreme racials do. That’s more important to me than whether or not someone is jewish.

    So I truly don’t see jews as angels or devils.

  4. #4 by LibAnon on 12/08/2006 - 5:31 pm

    Your answer is that Jews can indeed be white, but they can’t be trusted. That’s a good answer, but I phrased my question in the wrong way.
    What I’m getting at is this: how do we institutionalize genetic morality, and can this be done simply on the basis of skin color? We’ve already agreed that it can’t. Not only must the whites be separated from the browns, but the loyal must be separated from the traitors. Then we get into the classic problems of institution-building, familiar to anybody who has ever run a business, a platoon, a religion, or a political party: credos, mission statements, founding myths, mascots, demonologies, patron saints, heresies, and (most of all) a set of terms upon whose definitions all agree, starting with “us” and “them”.
    I’m bringing up the institutional question because I suspect that it’s either a weak point in your thinking or in mine. You seem to be an enemy of all institutional trappings (clear thinkers usually are), but I believe they’re indispensable, especially to a race like ours in which the instinct of self-preservation is, as you point out, weak or absent.

  5. #5 by kane on 12/08/2006 - 6:57 pm

    I think I may agree that Jewish affiliations are dangerous, now that I thought about it. Jewish ancestory is one thing. Jewish affiliations are another. Just like Catholic affiliations.

    This doesn’t mean that I automatically hate all practicing jews, I would just be less likely to quickly trust them.

    I think I’m bringing up the issue of the “self-hating jew.” Some people have jewish ancestory, a Jewish mom (that’s how Judaism does it), but they don’t really want anything to do with jews or judaism. I don’t see a good reason to hold that against somebody.

  6. #6 by Shari on 12/08/2006 - 10:19 pm

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    I still often feel foolish to make replies here, as I don’t have the gift that some here do. But libanon’s last statement, ” You seem to be an enemy of all institutional trappings….., but I beleive they are indispensible, especially in a race like ours in which the instinct of self preservation is weak or absent”, says what I have struggled and struggled with for years. Still do.

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