Archive for December 19th, 2006

Parker Again



Well, I guess what I was asking was, what do we do since we have already experienced partial genocide? Will whites be committed to ungenociding themselves? And that question can’t be answered here and now.

Comment by Al Parker


So if one of your squad gets killed, the whole group should commit suicide?

But the reason I quote this is because it is theme of a number of people.

Actually the land that Romans called Africa, at the southern of the Empire, was whiter than Italy is today. “Nubians” were captured on raids OUTSIDE the Empire. There are some very few people, like Syrians, who are unquestionably white down there, but almost everywhere there they now are definitely colored.

But after that happened there were ten times as many white people on earth as there were before. If you were to use that logic, the world in 1900 would have seen the demise of whites as natural. In 1900, Indians were referred to as The Vanishing American, blacks’ death rate had doubled since the end of slavery and their population was diminishing as a percentage of America.

The future in 1900 looked white.

By 2000 the opposite became the case. Demography is a branch of economics, and no economist takes any long-term demographic prediction seriously. It has been barely thirty years since the movie Soylent Green was made, and there were roughly a hundred other books like it. All the demographic literature of the time said that Americans were multiplying so fast the day would come soon when they were LITERALLY cheek-to-cheek.

The only long-term demographic prediction I know of that was right was made by Adam Smith in The Wealth of Nations. He said America would outnumber England soon. But Smith did not even MENTION immigration. He pointed out that the NATURAL increase in our population doubled it every twenty-five or thirty years. It never even occurred to him that America was a Nation of Immigrants, or ever would be.

We talk about the “replacement rate.” But, as a Dean at a Medical College just said when I brought up the question, it is unlikely that anybody born today will die before he is ready to. No matter how hard “pro-life” fights it, the human body will soon be modular, including the brain.

Also, the present system of pregnancy will soon be as optional as breast-feeding. People will CHOOSE their children. So to save our race we may just need to convince a lot of people that the end of our race is evil. I remember when the unofficial motto of our entire society was, “The white race is the cancer of history.” As we are ACTUALLY overwhelmed, that kind of saying is less popular every day.

But the bottom line, the ONLY bottom line, is that people who think they are Wise and Practical as prophets of doom are just plain silly. You don’t have the vaguest idea what the world will look like fifty years from now.

Silly-ass groans make me tired.

If you are hit in battle and you spend all your time bemoaning the guy who got killed, you can lose the whole squad.

That is no way to fight a war. A sergeant who does THAT should be put on disability as soon as possible.



Garbage Dump History

Our version of history developed because of the Bible. Christianity was already a huge group by the second century, AD. Even then people were going to Israel to find relics. Probably before that the same millions of Hellenic Jews who became the Christian Church had been making regular pilgrimages to Jerusalem.

When Constantine became a Christian the hunt began in earnest. The Emperor Justinian’s wife, Theodora, made her own travels to Palestine and she found the True Cross, the Birth Place of Christ and a lot of other things. A modern historian says, “I’m a PhD and my peer PhDs agreed this very convenient fact is true so shut up.”

Theodora said, “I’m the Emperor’s wife and this is the True Cross and you had better believe it or you’ll see what a non-true cross feels like.” Exactly the same thing, just different times, different mores.

But as atheism took over academia, they needed somewhere besides the Old Testament for everything to come from. They found it right next door. Mesopotamia was on one side of Palestine and Egypt was on the other. Do the arithmetic. What is the statistical probability that all things really originated within a few miles of where archeologists were already digging?

Nobody questioned it. It is still our official history.

My explanation is a bit different, and it is not cloaked in abstractions and details to show you how academic I am. Egypt and Mesopotamia had become colored lands and their advances had died. But if you just say that colored folks did all the stuff you are halfway to Political Correctness already.

But there is more to it than that. I have written about Garbage Dump History. I said that, if a catastrophe wiped out civilization tomorrow, historian of the future would say that everything was invented in the New York City Garbage Dump. Like Egypt, that would be the place everything would be found. We could get a theory that twentieth-century Harlem was the fountain of all greatness.

We find colored people in the dead, dry lands where nothing has moved for a thousand years.

Do you think there would be any WHITE people living in such places? The very absence of whites there should give you some indication of what REAL history is like. White Flight began a LONG time ago.*

But I am the only person who has made that observation.

And I won’t be here forever, gang.

The Garbage Dump History ofhte future would come to the same conclusion pesernt historians do. It would be found that huge garbage dumps were placed away from the ritzy parts of town. Anyway those ritzy parts would be built over and archeologists would be looking for OLD stuff. They would find it in the dumps. The population nearest the dumps would be largely ghettoes. So obviously civilization was a product of minorities.

An almost unbelievable amount of NEW history was found when they discovered one single Ice Man in Europe. His corpse date from the time the first pyramids were being built. History had built a whole story of hte deveopement of weaving from the fact that his clothes should have been invented over two thousand years later later in the Middle East. His tattoos, a method history had said developed in the Middle East much later, showed the needle-point therapy, acupuncture, that was supposed to be developed a couple of thousand years later as part of Oriental Wisdom in China.

That was ONE body. Instead of causing history to be questioned, it was tossed into a sort of “Ripley’s Believe It or Not” category in some documentaries and then carefully forgotten.

As so often happens, there is an alliance between Old Testament “Christians” and atheistic Political Correctness professors that neither one knows about. The Old Testament types want everything to be developed in Palestine. You will never hear an accurate description of where Mount Ararat is in a Sunday School class and no professor will talk about it.

So if you say that everything started in Egypt and Mesopotamia, the “Christians” will scream foul. If you say it all came from Palestine the atheist professors will raise hell.

But if you say that things came from OUTSIDE the Middle East, both groups will join the lynch party or the laughter at the idiotic theory, whichever mode is in fashion at the moment.

What is important about the Ice Man, for instance, is not the breathless news we hear. If anybody else will join me in CLEAR, BASIC thinking, he will see a whole new world of history opening up to him.

* There was a stele at the Second Cataract of the Nile, which survived into modern times to be photgraphed repeatedly before it was flooded over by hte Aswan Dam, that said, “No Nubian shall cross this line except to buy provisions and return.”



The Absolute Importance of BASIC Thinking

Commenters keep saying, as with what I said about St. Pail and Mani, “I haven’t heard this before.”

Of course you haven’t heard it before. Nobody’s SAID it before! You simply do not understand how RARE my kind of thinking, the KIND of thinking I am trying to pass on to you, is. And the urgency is growing for me to stop being modest about it. If you do not value it enough, I will be the last person who does it.

Two thousand years of history, billions of words of theology, history, and archeology, and no one else has made this CLEAR connection!

And the word CLEAR is the point. If you really want to you can go back and find some mumbling mention of this sort of thing. It is well known that Mani synthecized Zoroastrianism and Chrisitianity, but the CLEAR, SHORT connection is hte important one. Adam Smith did not found modern economics by a passing mention of supply and demand. Newton did not give us our present picture of the universe by a passing mention of gravity.

If CLEAR was not such an important word, you can say that every workman in Neanderthal days who noticed that something was heavy was an early Isaac Newton. Ten thousand years before Adam Smith was born every trader knew that a shortage meant high prices. They were NOT all Adam Smiths.


Stop trying to prove thirteent hings at once. Get over your obsession with the IMPLICATIONS of where a comment goes. Scrub out of your mind hte Stormfront habit of mentioning things just to show how much detail you know.

I need to help develope some fellow CLEAR, BASIC thinkers before I die.



Drowned History

If people are on the move, the seacoast is a very good place to travel. There is food there all the time.

I used to think of the people who crossed into America in the Ice Ages across the Bering Land Bridge into America as all going on land across the western part of Canada and the US, down onto the deserts of Mexico, and a few of them going through Central America.

Now this seems naive to me. Central America looks like a bottleneck on the map, but it has jus as much coast as the coast-to-coast US or South America. In fact, it may have had twice as much, since travelers doing south in the west could not have used BOTH coasts as they could in Costa Rica. The deserted cities in the Central American jungles had access to two coasts, and people from two coasts might well have wandered inland enough there to meet each other.

But all that history is drowned. Coasts shift all the time while archeologists will only go to places like Egypt where neither new civilizations nor water have disturbed the garbage heaps they mistake for the places human development took place. That leaves out our Aryan, Iranian, Erin (Ireland) history, because we are still building on the locations we live on. It leaves out the entire Black Sea Valley. As technology advances, our present history is going to be a laughing-stock.


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