Archive for December 15th, 2006

Znother Basic

What really throws us about non-whites is htat they “act white.”

Ted Bundy’s friends were largely made up of lawyers, who dealt with psychopaths all the time, but none of them had any inkling that Bundy was completely unable to feel guilty about anything. About one in fifty of the people you know is a complete sociopth, but I would be astonished if you knew who they were. I can only suspect, because I look for it more.

Very, very few sociopth know htat theyu are sociopaths. They act like everybody else.

So a person in a brown skin, if he is raised in this society, will act like a member of this society. But are the feelings inside him the same as mine?

Every respectable conservative and every liberal will tell you that their non-white “friends” feel and think the same way they do.

I wonder if it’s true?
