Archive for December 31st, 2006

The Toughest Guy

Alan B. informs me that he was only joking when he said he envied the appointment I gave him.

Alan B. shot my ego trip down mercilessly.

But I didn’t let it get to me. A couple of hours under the bed in fetal position and I was just fine.


In fact, if I win the lottery or something, I am going to pay to get Tom Brokaw to write a book about me called The Toughest Guy. That’ll make it true. And I won’t be the one who said it. Brokaw did.



The Servile Theme

The World War II generation brought back to America the old servile attitude: “This is a government of laws, not of men.” The preamble to the American Constitution was exactly what the Kings men did not want: “We the PEOPLE of the United States of America… and OUR Posterity.”

There was a sense of ownership before World War II that is hard for me to explain today. When the Federal government intruded, it was a personal thing. WE were responsible for being sure no white woman got attacked in OUR territory.

Contrasted to this, I remember how odd New York television programs looked. From Superman to cowboys, they showed the bad guys lynching evildoers, and the evildoer was always innocent and should have been governor. What struck me as odd was that, as I looked at the rabbits who had come home from World War II, I could not imagine any of them taking ANY law into their own hands.

Basic training in WWII was aimed to make a rabbit out of a man. Then half of them went on to college under the GI Bill and learned that you had to obey and regurgitate to get that degree. I did not meet ANY products of World War II who would sanction any independent action of any kind.

Today, if your child is rape, the jury will kill you if you take the revenge any male would take. The idea that they wouldn’t is as alien as the America before the Tyrants’ Greatest Generation took over.

When the first member of the WWII Generation became president, his inaugural speech said, “Aaask not what your country can do for you, aaask what you can do for your country.” You could not put the servile spirit more simply and more clearly. In 1789 we formed a government to serve US. In 1961 “The Greatest Generation” reformed it to a government we had to serve.

The FBI denied the existence of organized crime and did what the World War II generation wanted it to do. It concentrated on infiltrating and destroying anyone who resisted integration. The World War II Generation contained a lot of segregationists, but all of them said the FBI was right. Like respectable conservatives, any lynch mob the Feds formed they wanted to LEAD it.

Today this servile attitude is embodied in gun control. Listen to someone who is demanding gun control and you will hear that old servile theme, “All Power to the Authorities. Only the Authorities should have guns.”
