Archive for December 9th, 2006

Alan B. — By George, I Think He’s GOT It!!!!



I continue to post the Mantra when ever I can because I feel its important to get the ideas out. What keeps me going is this, just having somebody read the mantra will at least expose them to the fraud of muticultrialism. I am not concerned as to whether somebody is pro or con non white immigration, my main goal is to plant the seed so that eventually a little light bulb will pop on in somebodies head and they will begin to see multicutrialism for what it really IS, white race genocide. Just keep posting the mantra and let the truth do the rest. It’s more productive to post the Mantra in 10 locations, than it is to post it in one and spend 30 minutes trying to convince a retard to look at it with an open mind.

Comment by Alan B



Jumped-Up White Trash

The “society” column is not what it used to be. There is a section of the paper usually dedicated to “Society,” but now it means society in the anthropological sense. “Society” used to be run by certain people who were known as uppah clahss.

The major last book about this kind of Society was written by Cleveland Amory in the 1950s. It was entitled, “Who Killed Society?” Amory was a New York-Washington liberal — no other writers let their politics be known in the 1950s — so one of his conclusions was particularly surprising. He concluded that the only place where an upper class “society” existed was in Charleston, South Carolina!

He almost said it in plain English, “Charleston has an aristocracy. Everybody else has turned into jumped-up white trash.”

One of the most amusing (and least emphasized) examples he gave was when the Four Hundred Book Publisher came to Charleston. There had been a book describing the four hundred families who made up Society in New York, then another on the four hundred families who made up Society in Philadelphia.

Being popular, this Four Hundred Book idea spread to Chicago, Boston and on down the population scale. Then they showed up in Charleston. The scout who was to find out about the four hundred in Charleston was directed, of course, to a little old lady on the Battery. He went to her and he told her about the book, which every where else had met with gushing enthusiasm.

The Charleston lady was not grateful, she was puzzled, “Why are you doing this?”

The man replied, “So people in Charleston will know who the leading families here are.”

The lady replied, “We know that.”

There was never a South Carolina Four Hundred.

When integration came, our Charleston Society led the fight against it. When Mississippi was invaded by Kennedy, the Charleston paper said, “We should fight on the campus, we should fight them in the trenches. This is war.”

The New York Times took the other side. The Atlanta Journal took the other side. Charleston didn’t give a damn. And being so confident of your loyalties that you don’t give a damn what others think is one of the major factors that separates aristocrats from naciocrats.

Everywhere else, the “upper class” in Atlanta or New Orleans fought for integration. They wanted the kind of approval that comes from New Yorkers who published the Four Hundred.

In Britain, the Queen says all you need to live in the UK is to be loyal to HER. Her birth as Queen is important. The average Brit being born on the island doesn’t mean a damned thing. All peasants are equal.

The son of the Prince (Elector) of Liechtenstein came to America and married a black woman.

Charlestonians, the only real aristocrats left, were leaders of THEIR people, which is what aristocracy is all about. Louis Andrews, an old ally of mine who publishes the web page, “Tracking the Wild Taboo” is one of the last of that breed. I am sure that the rest of the Charleston “upper crust” has joined Atlanta and New York.

So what we call aristocracy and the uppah clahss today is jumped-up white trash.




According to every selective breeding theory about humanity, the Middle East should have the greatest geniuses on earth. The top man was allowed to have four wives and before that any number of concubines. The best genes would have proliferated, the way they do in the animal kingdom in most social animals, where dominant males have herds of females.

I do not think that anyone can look at the societies where harems and concubinage proliferated and detected a Master Race there. But all the theories that say that society is just a bunch of individuals with Family Values, the Work Ethics, and high IQ’s would find all the geniuses there.

Not only is that not the case, NONE of the geniuses in those countries stands a chance.

Before we butterfly off this base, let’s take a look at how BASIC this is. Let us see it CONCEPTUALLY. Building societies on individuals has been tried. It has not only failed, it has been history’s main disaster. One Chinese designer of computer ware may be a useful citizen, but China as a society, without white CONCEPTS, is a stagnant ant heap.

A melting-pot building on individual qualities is not only not successful, it is catastrophic. If there were a single society where it worked, the Bell Curve would tell you it would have a hundred times as many geniuses as any other country.

One more time: It is not that this just didn’t WORK. It was, in every single case, a catastrophe.
It doesn’t matter how a society respected personal merits to the detriment of being WHITE, the result was ALWAYS a catastrophe.

I want some concepts as to WHY that is true. There are a million people getting paid to prove that it isn’t. Nobody spends that kind of money trying to disprove and outlaw something unless it is an almost impossible job.



DISCUSS Institutions Here!

I do not want to give the impression that I discourage discussion of anything here. LibAnon asked me a general question and I gave him a general answer.

But, as usual, my reply was more to what he made me think of than to his specific question. I refuse to spend any more time telling people that, when I do this, it is not aimed at THEM, and thank God LibAnon is one of the few who never takes these things personally.

But the last article was, I think, a good example of what your talking makes me think of. We need to discuss things, and in the end my product is YOUR developing concepts and planting ideas. Ideas on what?

That’s the point, I have no idea “on what.” All we have is a goal. I am no more going to the moon than the editor of Amazing Stories, William Campbell, ever went to the moon. Amazing Stories was published in the 1930s and changed its name to Analog, which is the biggest sci-fi mag today.

But while the rest of the world was fascinated by the latest words of Joe Schmoe in 1936, Campbell and his editorials talked about EVERYTHING. He got replies about EVERYTHING. Campbell will never be mentioned, because the New Wavers took over sci-fi in the 1960s, but he is one of the most influential people in all of history.

In fact, if you look in the files of Amazing Stories and Analog before Campbell died, you will find that it covered more territory than any other magazine was even vaguely interested in. In Campbell’s publication, you could say it out loud in a letter if you couldn’t get an article published. What magazine would talk about rockets and space or a completely self-contained environment or the speed of gravity back then?

The Germans made a CONCEPT of Stoddard’s work and developed the v rockets from it. A science fiction writer took the CONCEPT of the German V-1 and V-2 and developed the satellite CONCEPT in 1947. That is what the Orient does NOT do.

If you just build a Whitakerism out of what I say, I have failed.

Basics, concepts, a really Aryan, wandering mind, screw the herd. That is what this Blog should be about.


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“Now comes the critical word: PERIOD.”
I think the critical word is HOW, not PERIOD. Otherwise, you and I agree on all points.
Institutions are merely tools, the means to an end. Of course! But tools don’t build themselves, nor is it beneath our dignity to build them.
It’s fine for you to say “My aim is to destroy all traitors within our race and to preserve our race,” just as NASA once said “Our aim is to put men on the moon before 1970.” But if NASA had simply followed that up with slogans like “PERIOD!” and “Screw rocketmaking tips!”, they wouldn’t have made it there.

Comment by LibAnon


“Our aim is to put men on the moon before 1970.”

That is the PERFECT example!

The moon shot began in the 1930s and earlier with science fiction writers. Our entire satellite communications system was invented by one science fiction writer in 1947 in one story. But in 1950 no one thought much of it.

Even Goddard himself was only shooting better rockets and realizing their portential, which Germans took and made into the CONCEPT of the v-1 and V-2. I don’t know if Goddard would have mentioned going to the moon — he would have been laughed at — but I KNOW he never mentioned a satellite system. He just shot better rockets and saw their potential while everybody else was talking about the most modern propellors.

In the Orient, Goddard’s rockets would have been like their invention of the first mechanical clock. In obscure writings, Goddard’s work would be traced as his rocket design floated around for two hundred years and finally disappeared.

We would be raving about how the Chinese had better rockets earlier. We would not ask, “So what?”

If you want to see how Wordist thinking of the future looks to me, watch the 1937(?) movie, Things to Come. The ultramodern plane of the late 1970s in that movie has not four but EIGHT propellors.

Please note that the goal of reaching the moon by 1970 was announced in the 1961 inaugural address. There was no mention of a rocket, much less WHICH rocket, which men, or HOW. There was no mention of anything BUT that goal. One year later we were no closer to the moon than we were then.

I am following up on the program with the Mantra. I am in a tiny, unpopular outlet like 1930s science fiction proceeding the best way I can find toward my goal. I am writing to try to entertain you as well as get some ideas across.

This is because I found out something early in my career that others never discovered: SPECIFIC complex plans for the future seldom work out. I say seldom in case it worked for somebody else because for me it was NEVER. I tried libertarianism, John Birchism and conservatism because each of these isms had a PLAN and a GROUP. But in the end they all failed because, even when they got part of their goal, the enemy, a bunch of pros, simply diverted them onto side-issues.

The problem with the future is that you cannot really work with it until you are IN it.

That is why things like the Mantra work and all those institutions you want will NOT work. We went to the moon because the ideas got planted in tiny little fun publications which were laughed at by the literary committee. In fact, science fiction only began to lose its cutting edge when it began to take literary opinion seriously. I can communicate with anybody on earth by satellite because of science fiction stories written BEFORE that time.

Once Asimov started getting the big bucks writing for Playboy, the old days were over and science fiction was mainstream.

“Mainstream” means co-opted.

Then science fiction came up with a PLAN. It went New Wave in the 1960s and science fiction got a huge boost. New Wave Science Fiction meant, as I put it, “Putting a sociologist in a space suit.” That was With It. It predicted a future where everybody looked back on the Vietnam War as the height of viciousness in all history. I said then that thus was like someone in 1854 saying that you and I would think about nothing but the Crimean War today.

In fact, New Wave had waves of blacks going into space and all the rest. It was really the Wave of the Future. It is forgotten completely today. It sought to build the future out of today, which is the staple of Wordists and Modern anything. Have you noticed that all the churches that tried to “modernize” in the 1950s have half their old membership from back when the population was half as large?

But this is not just modernization. It is ANY attempt to build a rigid plan for the future, because we cannot see one hour into the future. If you could, you could go the floor of the New York Stock Exchange and be a billionaire in a week.

Nobody would look at MONEY that way, but all the amateurs look at POWER that way. If you announce you’ve got The Plan, the rubes will make you rich and you will lose. That’s how power politics is played right now. Washington is full of people living high off the hog, and the hog belongs to the rubes who believe that, while somebody who told you he has The Plan to Make a Million is an obvious fraud; no one can play real power politics UNLESS they have The Plan for Gaining Power.

Neither money nor power works that way. Respectable conservatives are rubes who belong to the neos, who are pros.

I plant IDEAS. I have done more than a million conservatives. If you go for power OR money, you have to stop predicting disaster or organizing for the Final Victory and get in there on the ground floor and do what needs doing. The Mantra is the SORT of thing that needs doing now.

We’ll get to the moon later.
