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Dave Read My Mind

Posted by Bob on December 11th, 2006 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses


Well, I don’t about that one, taking on that role. But Simmons gets to the very heart of things in his comments about BW taking on too much by thinking it is his duty to save the entire white race.

You see my problem is coping with the very fact I suspect it may be true, that it may actually be true that BW does bear that responsibly.

Now that sounds preposterous, but is it?

I have empathy for that fact that someone like BW may get up in morning, look himself in mirror, and say to himself, “Darn it all, if I don’t do it, it is not going to get done, and unfortunately, it’s me that’s got to do it.”

The problem is that God doesn’t pull punches, and at times in course of human affairs, the whole damn thing DOES ride on one person’s shoulders.

Now I know a lot of people don’t believe that, but I can’t help thinking of the old Navy advertisement trying to lure young (and dumb) engineering grads into the Naval Officers Corps: “In the Navy, you get responsibility fast!!!”

That’s called truth in advertising, because I fast forward in my mind and see this young dumb kid who bought into Navy’s come-on on the deck of some Naval vessel manning one of those one-time use only machine guns that are your only hope of shooting down an incoming Exocet missile.

Here’s the arithmetic: You have got ten seconds to shoot that sucker down from time you see that missile on the horizon and one burst of machine gun fire to do it and if you fail, you and everybody else on board die and horrible and violent death.

I wish to God life were not like that, but unfortunately it is.

Comment by Dave


Dave, in the late 70s when Pat Buchanan and Joe Sobran both supported open borders, the slogan of the right was, “Free Movement of Goods, Capital, and Labor.” I kept trying to explain to all of them that this was insane even as an economic proposition. The PEOPLE of a country make up the country, so a politically unstable population that comes in makes a country unstable.

Obvious, right?

Wrong. I spoke ont his in place after place, I put it inthe Congressional record, I did a piece on it in The New Right Papers, and they kept saying “Free Movement of Goods, Capital, and Labor.”

ALL of them, Dave, every ONE of them. NOBODY mentioned my point, even in the hundreds of reviews around the world that The New Right Papers got.

One of the triumphs of my life was about 1988 when I was listening to my car radio and a congressman was asked if there shouldn’t be free movement of goods, capital and labor, and he answered what I had been saying for two decades, in my exact words: “Labor VOTES.”

During the Cold War, every time somebody said something abot the Communists that amounted to, well there is hte West and the East, and both are more or less the same, I would ask, “Why is it that every Communist states has to build a wall to keep its people IN, while America has to build walls to keep people OUT?”

It never failed. I remember once saying, “For the eighteenth time,” because each time the person ran off with some attempt to avoid hte subject, I repeated it for the nth time, “Why is it that every Communist states has to build a wall to keep its people IN, while America has to build walls to keep people OUT?”

Nobody but me EVER used that argument.

Let me repeat that: Nobody but me EVER used that argument.

I developed the Mantra decades ago. Nobody but me EVER used it.

Let me repeat that: Nobody but me EVER used it.

Remember, I was the one who ORIGINATED these thunderously obvious sstatements of the reality that is at the bottom of an entire world view. Let me repeat: Nobody but me EVER used them. I had to use the congressional record and then a complete anthology I invented for a major publisher to get one point out.

I NEVER persuaded anybody to use the Communist argument, and nobody expected the Soviet Empire to simply dissolve because its people were sick of it.

As for the Mantra, I have been pushing it for decades, and only Stormfront and years on WhitakerOnline have ever gotten anybody to use it.

So I look in the mirror and I know damned well I am unique.

It is NOT a comfortable uniqueness. Why can’t people SEE reality? Why can’t they recognize an argument they can SEE working, that is the fundamental truth of everything they are talking about?

And when I am no longer here, will my species of humanity simply disappear?

  1. #1 by kane on 12/11/2006 - 10:20 pm

    Pat Buchanan in his latest book blames massive immigration on people who put “profit and markets over country and culture.” I’m not sure if that’s the exact wording, but he basically said that.

    It’s much more accurate and a much better target to use than jews. Traitorous elites are the best scapegoat.

  2. #2 by Alan B. on 12/12/2006 - 2:01 am



    Anything championed as the free movement of goods, capital, and labor instinctively makes me nervous. This phraise alone sounds like some corporate version of a marxis slogan, it sounds sweet but will leave a bitter taste in your mouth in the long run. How many times must the American public get kicked in the ass before they wake up and ask, this sounds good but we have heard this sort of thing before. Let me name a few other progressive ideas that turned out to be a nightmare, theres the Federal Reserve,Income Tax, New Deal, TVA, War On Poverty and the Equal Rights Amendment to name a few. Each and every one of these good intentions have been utter failures and they never go away, thats the worst part of every good intention that the federal goverment heaps on the American people. Heres a phrase I would like to see the goverment champion, “If It Ain’t Broke Don’t Fix It”.

  3. #3 by Dave on 12/13/2006 - 6:03 am


    BW wrote: “Why can’t people SEE reality?”

    That is the most essential question there is. It is as basic as it gets.

  4. #4 by Simmons on 12/13/2006 - 11:20 am

    No one is less enthralled by a cult of personality than me a born existentialist. I mentioned Dave perhaps adding material to your site so you could relax and produce at your highest levels and we still have something to chew, keep up the mo so to speak. Now Bob do you really want us to take up the slack and run with our new ideas or just yours? Now I like your mantra and all, but I have my own way of operations different from your blunt trauma methods. I understand the need for repetition, but in my book the faithful need to have their moment of doubt before the new idea will sink in to their skulls. Hell I even got thrown out of Baptist Sunday school for asking questions, and from that day on I found my calling, making sausage out of sheep. Now that the PC flock is the largest and most powerful in the hills let us work together in letting them fufill their true destiny.

  5. #5 by Alan B. on 12/17/2006 - 12:33 pm



    Joe Sobran’s wrote a good article, in this article he talks about Gorege will and Will’s dislike for Jim Webb a conservative democrat who won a seat in the senate. Joe points out Will’s petty critisisms of Webb’s grammer mistakes and boorish demeanor and opposition to the iraq war. Joe also points out that, Will has yet to master the writen use of the English language and his lack of critisism of the Presidents mangling of the English language. Joe is pointing out that Will is what Bob calls a respectable conservative and an arogant one at that, its humorus. Sorban’s went on to say, George Will thinks of himself as a maverick, though it is hard to imagine him taking any position that might jeopardize his hard-won status among our Olympian talking heads. Just another beltway boy, bias of course and always mindfull not to make to much trouble, its a living you know.

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