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Al Parker, the Integrationist

Posted by Bob on December 16th, 2006 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses



No, I have to disagree with this. There are non-whites — Asians, Arabs, Hispanics – that are indistinguishable from whites except by appearance and last name. Some are good friends of mine.

(As for the logic, there’s no telling that if we were tossed into third world barbarism and given dark skin that we wouldn’t resort to acting like the people around us, especially from a young age.)

This is the problem with white racialism. I can sympathize with it, but I don’t see how in a multiracial society, you will convince your people to exclude others who are just like you and live among you but merely don’t look like you. Even the Germans admitted they were made up of several white races and while Nordic was favored (eg: waffen ss recruitment posters), it was but one element.

Even where the non-whites are not fully assimilated, the goal of nationalism is to assimilate them and forge them into one people. Case in point: at the EURO conference Bob attended, the French nationalist speaker concluded, “We have to assimilate them [the non-whites].” Consider the numbers: 25% of French school children are Muslim. What should they do?

If you do not assimilate the people who already live among you in a multiracial society, you end up with some racial supremacy that is divisive and is ultimately untenable. (As we are well aware, all it takes is for one generation to drop the ball to screw everything up). Another option is convincing your people to pack up and move somewhere, like a white Zionism. That usually takes a cataclysmic event (think holocaust) to set it into motion. As a last resort, and the most comfortable state for folks in our community – you can become a nutball who looks forward to a race war that is to be fought when the day when the “shit hits the fan” — a day that never seems to arrive in the lugubrious decline into darkness.

Comment by Al Parker


I have made the point over and over that a brown-SKINNED world is a stagnant world, an ant-heap. Parker never heard a word of it. He thinks it’s all environment.

That French assimilationist should never have been at the Euro Conference, and if another Latin “My- daughter-can-marry-anything-that-breathes-if-it-speaks-good-French” type ever speaks at a Euro Conference, I will leave. I am not a nationalist, I am a RACIST.

Parker, you and I are enemies. You want a Wordist nationalism, which is as alien to me as a Wordist Communism. You act like one of us, and therefore you are more of a danger than a fanatically anti-white Jew.

Take your filth elsewhere.

  1. #1 by Mark on 12/16/2006 - 10:39 am


    “…you can become a nutball who looks forward to a race war that is to be fought when the day when the “shit hits the fan” — a day that never seems to arrive…”

    Oh really? Hey Parker, have you ever compared white South Africa with that of today’s multicult version? A race war IS being fought as we speak. The liberal media knows this but fails to comment on it over here in America — probably because they were the bullhorn-mouthpiece that “shamed” American politicians into embracing black leadership in South Africa. Now that it’s a proven disaster they run to the shadows and pretend they weren’t to blame. They close their eyes, just like you.

    I’d also like to point out a contrast in America. In the 1950’s, before whites engaged in the disastrous “civil right” campaigns for negroes, whites could safely walk through inner city areas of most major metropolitans — even at night. When “equality” was given to blacks in the 1960’s all that changed. Now we have the better portion of ALL major US cities infested with blacks — and if a white man takes a stroll through those areas — even in broad daylight — his life is in REAL danger.

    Black on white crime in America is at an all time high as well — and according to the U.S. Justice Department figures, blacks account for nearly 2/3 or ALL violent crimes committed in America — even though they as a “people” account for less than 13% of the population. This started when we gave negros the same rights whites.

    I don’t know what type of race war you are looking for, but as far as I’m concerned It’s already here — NOW!!– thanks to idiot race traitors like yourself.

  2. #2 by Al Parker on 12/16/2006 - 1:30 pm



    This is incorrect. First of all, I was not referring to blacks except in one sentence. Blacks are very different from us and probably always will be. Rather, I was talking about the mestizos, mixed race, Asian, Arab and indiscernibles among us. The latter have the ability (especially Asians) to make themselves talk, think and act just like whites. That leads me to my question: how do you reconcile white racism with the non-whites who many whites consider to be part of their group? This is still an serious question even if you choose to ignore, deny, minimize it, to decide to not know these people or to pose hypothetical situations about them.

    The visual difference between the races is significant enough for coherence and for a spiritual bond “among the volk,” if you will — but would most whites see that way regarding these assimilated non-whites?

    And I have to say, this is also hypocritical treatment from someone who suggested the future of the white race might lie in Indians who may one day use modern science to produce Aryan babies.

    Lastly, I didn’t segue in well to the second part of my post, where I tried to criticize the new European nationalism. They seem to be driving towards assimilation, which is what I am warning about. I understand, especially in Europe, it’s sometimes necessary to talk like a paleocon, a nativist populist, or a respectable conservative (but if you do that, you attract those type of people and msy be overwhelmed by them), but I do not have sympathy for a multi-racial nationalism. A pan-Aryanism makes much more sense to me — why have lines on a map to separate one people?

    I am not a Wordist. I am trying to point out the logistical problems regarding the unassimilated, but more so, the assimilated non-whites (non-blacks) that live among whites in many nations around the world. If you do not want this type of commentary on Bob’s blog, please let me know!

  3. #3 by stevenp on 12/16/2006 - 1:34 pm


    Bob I wouldn’t extend the straight contrasts you draw between normalist/wordist to create artificial racist/nationalist distinctions. I’m sure you know nation and nation-state are two different things and that a nation is a group of people with common ancestry, i.e something that includes (and cannot exclude) race.

    When you distinguish between normalists and wordists, you’re clear that a normalist’s flag is his skin, whereas a wordist’s is some colored cloth or fancy book. You’re not so clear when you split racists/nationalists.

    Parker is not a nationalist because he’s loyal to a country, not to a people. The word for him should be nation-state-ist or countryist, if anything. A nation is common ncestry which boils down to common blood, faith, soil and honor (historic memory). You can’t let one pillar of identity roll down the hill and still call yourself a nationalist (in his case blood – he sacrificed the pillar by advocating racial engineering of the French).

    (Digression – by “faith” one means religious heritage, i.e christmas trees etc not text in bibles; By soil one means ancestral homeland, not text in constitutions; By honor one means ancestral history, i.e. western civilization and the dead white males that made it, not loyalty to text in history books. End digression – don’t want anyone confusing identity with wordism!)

    Just because a nationalist should also be concerned about protecting ancestral soil, faith and honor (history) doesn’t mean he can forfeit blood. What an absurd notion. After decades of relentless assault against all four pillars, you’d think the fact that weakening one weakens all would have sunk in by now.

    It’s a shame that the old definition for nation has fallen into disuse and been replaced by the anthropolgist’s “ethnicity” while the word nation has increasingly come to mean “country”. I agree that it is a bit weird to use a definition for one’s point of view that is now open to misinterpretation, but going alonmg with fashion and adopting ethnicity-ist isn’t appealing – it’s hardly pronounceable! The price of staying with the old word is that some people let their thinking flow along with the semantics and become countryists or colored-cloth-on-pole-ists.

    Anyway, the way I’ve always seen it is that racist is a derogatory term for nationalist, not something else. Plus I’ve never met a racist who ignores the rest of identity – have you ever met one who’d marry his daughter to Abdul the blond blue eyed Moslem Kurd in Turkey? Me neither.

    Having said all this, I’m not a white racist, white racialist, white nationalist or white liberationist. I agree with Fred Scrooby, I’m simply normal and I refuse to adopt any other label that gives legitimacy to white-haters and racial engineers.

    Fred Scrooby: A normal person who believes in normalness –

    It is still apolitical common sense that France should not become an Islamic republic and that California should not be re-occupied by Mexico. To see both of those things requires nothing other than apolitical common sense. That and the rest of the above is normalness. There’s no such thing as white nationalism. It’s redundant. What there are are various pathologies manifesting as narcissism, the absence of a social conscience, dishonesty, stupidity, cultural illiteracy, and so on, against which normal people react.
    Posted by Fred Scrooby on Saturday, September 9, 2006 at 11:23 PM | #

    White nationalism is the name for White opposition to our ongoing dispossession.
    Posted by Rnl on Saturday, September 9, 2006 at 10:53 PM | #

    Whan a burglar enters your home at night to take away your property do you come up with a special name for yourself vis-à-vis him? “Property Defender,” maybe? Do you say, “I’m something called a ‘Property Defender,’ therefore I oppose burglary”? Or do you say, “Some son-of-a-bitch-bastard came into my home last night and stole my stuff”?

    I say the second.

    Notice that making up a special name for yourself—a special name for normalness—implicitly concedes legitimacy to, in this case, the burglar, as if burglary was normal so a special name was needed to distinguish your kind of normalness from his. But burglary isn’t normal. There’s only one normalness. He need the special name of burglar, not you. Are you going to start calling yourself an “unburglar”? Of course not. Why not? Because normal people going about their business need no special name. They’re normal.
    Posted by Fred Scrooby on Saturday, September 9, 2006 at 11:37 PM | #

    What it comes down to, I think, is I concede nothing to the other side in terms of legitimacy. Nothing whatsoever. Absolutely zero. I’m going to call myself by some special name for opposing something that has absolutely no legitimacy of any kind whatsoever, zero?
    Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sunday, September 10, 2006 at 12:13 AM | #

  4. #4 by Shari on 12/16/2006 - 5:03 pm

    Not Spam
    Not Spam

    Masses of people pouring into lands that are not theirs cannot be assimilated. People of different races can and often do get along fine at the right levels but masses cannot. We have to have our own homes. I know people who are really suffering from this insanity and it’s affecting us all at some point. Who wants a race war? That’s another horrer that can’t be finally won, but it’s us ordinary not elite whites, who must have justice, not the hoards of non-whites. Although we can’t go around bombing them in their own places either. I can’t see how it’s to be solved, but in the meantime we have to keep on insisting that we live. We can’t ignore it because as Mark says it’s already here.

    White racial supremacy in a country like ours is not by itself untenable or divisive, but non-white racial supremacy definately is.

  5. #5 by Alan B. on 12/16/2006 - 5:56 pm



    Looks like Parker ran into Jane Fonda and she sliped that funny little pill in his expresso. Parker you talk about social engineering when you mention that goverment must bring the non whites into the family. I hate this muticultrial treason because it always requires me to sacrifice something to accomidate others who are allien to my society, it also forces me to have faith in word and a religion I don not want to belong to. Parker a true family does not require or depend on that do gooder horse shit. Homogenous peoples are always a family and thats what we have been trying to say for ever. Multicultrialsm is horse hit because it revolves around words, just do this or that and all will be well. No matter how you spice shit, it will always taste and look like shit, your an idealist.

  6. #6 by Alan B. on 12/16/2006 - 6:34 pm



    Mark you made a good point, but you need to keep in mind this, it was White South Africans who sold out their people. The reinvented Marxis scum to took over South Africa are now “Exploiting” all the Wealth that was a result of hard work and creativity of gererations of White South Africans. No American politican or any other outsider could have forced the White South African goverment to do shit. The decaying shit hole of South Africa is the result of betrail, The White traidors asked the South African people to trust them that Black rule would change nothing, as usual commonsense was ignored, the Whites were told to trust words. Just the other day one of the last White Rodeisan farmers remaning on his land, was found murdered, his land is now occupied by black thugs. This guy was one brave SOB, see what worshiping words can get you. Rodeisa was once selfsuficient in agriculture, they now face starvation, guess who will be feeding these low lives with their hard earner tax dollars, its all about words mind you.

  7. #7 by Antonio Fini on 12/16/2006 - 6:49 pm



    If our future racial nationalist state consisted of five percent non-whites of exceptional talent, say the top Japanese engineers and origami experts, and maybe a few famous Jazz musicians, what difference would it make?

    They would know their place as aliens, remaining only at our pleasure and forbidden from miscegenating or buying political influence. In this arrangement we would gain something while powerful foreign competitors would lose the far right end of their bell curve. For this reason I think we should treat our foreign guests quite well aside from letting them have our women or write newspaper editorials.

    As it is, we get nothing but the dregs.

    And one day Mexico will be a White country.

    This will happen when the last brown skinned Mexican swims over the Rio Grande to get the last available job in a Texas meatpacking plant. The Mexican Euro-elite know this and are doing everthing they can to hasten their ethnic cleansing program. Artificial intelligence may one day eliminate the need for a non-White coolie class. By that time America will be the third world.

  8. #8 by Alan B. on 12/16/2006 - 6:59 pm



    This Parker reversal has me hot under the collar, one Parker is worse to our cause than hundreds of PC clones. Parker we trusted you and allowed you to feel like one of the family. For some unexplained reason you have suddenly sold us out and revealed yourself as a traditor. Nobody and I mean nobody can suddenly change their views in regards to the harm multicultrialsm is having on our nation and race. Our issue is a white issue and only a white issue, we want nothing of muticutrialism, can’t you get it. You never believed in our cause from the start, are you a sociopath parker? Did you had read Bobs comment on sociopaths, you would know why I would ask. Like Bob, I will not ever trust you again, a Camelans can blend in to its surroundings to hide from it’s enemies, what color will you be wearing tomorrow.

  9. #9 by Ian Santiago on 12/16/2006 - 9:07 pm

    The only choice that will be given to non-Whites, race mixers and their offspring wiii be the choice of the suitcase or the coffin! Non-whites do not have the moral, intellectual or cultural capcity to assimilate, so they must leave, all of them.

    If you don’t think that a racial war of extermination is coming then YOU are delusional.

    Viva La Raza Blanca!!

  10. #10 by Mark on 12/16/2006 - 10:09 pm


    “No American politican or any other outsider could have forced the White South African goverment to do shit.”

    Did you actually read what I wrote or are you purposely trying to sound like an educated-know-nothing?

  11. #11 by Al Parker on 12/17/2006 - 1:50 am



    “Our issue is a white issue and only a white issue, we want nothing of muticutrialism”

    I’m talking about multi-racialism, about the seemingly culturally assimilated non-whites in a predominantly white, but undeniably multi-racial society.

    “Non-whites do not have the moral, intellectual or cultural capcity to assimilate”

    But some have. They are not Jews you know. OK, maybe you deny that they have assimilated. Let’s say that they “impersonate” us. But the point is it is uncanny how some non-whites can “impersonate” whites so well. You see somebody who sounds and acts like you, but looks quite different.

    That is what I’m holding up as the problem. I know WE don’t consider them to be one of us, but we seem to be hoping that other whites will be as radical as we are.

    Remember, I am only talking about the seemingly assimilated non-whites and not blacks and not the unassimilated. I don’t see how raising this issue this would contradict my earlier posts or make me a traitor to the cause, or would prove that I disagree with the views expressed on this blog. I think this treatment is unfair and furthermore, the ease of which folks in this community turn on others who have questions or quandaries is itself sociopathic behavior. Especially on this blog that seeks leaders, we should be able to raise questions and find the answers needed, and not be condemned and vilified for asking.

  12. #12 by George on 12/17/2006 - 1:51 am

    Is this guy high?

  13. #13 by Alan B. on 12/17/2006 - 11:53 am



    Mark, the Media and of course the gutless politicans harped on South Africa day in and day out. The news media dispised South Africa because it stood out as a shinning example of White superiorty VS non white stagnation. This was an embarresment to all those leftist who deny that blacks are inferior to whites, so White South Africa had to go, even if it meant draging the entire nation down the gutter. To a PC leftist, a prosporus African nation led by a minortiy white goverment is bad, it never mattered to them that blacks were more prosperous under this system, it theory always come before humanity, thats why they are freaks. Anyway the White traitors sold out their people and as expected the nation went down the pits like the rest of the country, and these White idealist freaks would tell you that Soputh Africa is better off today, of course they never bring up South Africa on the news anymore.

    One other thing Mark, try not to come across as an overly sensitive twerp. Thanks

  14. #14 by Tim on 12/17/2006 - 12:35 pm



    Mr Parker,

    No one has ever assimilated Non-Whites into a White Society. You stated that France has NO choice but to assimilate Muslims because 27% of school children are Muslim. LOL. You are a fool. You will never assimilate them. The French will either deport them, fight them Martel style or die. No in-between.

    Mr Parker, the problem is simple. You believe in Magic.

    Wouldn’t it be funny if China said that they wanted the Irish diaspora from all over the world. The Chinese give us Irish special incentives to move to China and become Chinese. Free Welfare, health care, and affirmative action. So all 100 million of us (maybe more) from all corners of the world flood into China. Everything and everyone Irish and part Irish ends up in China

    Of course, the Chinese abide by the Al Parker school of assimilation. Al Parker and the Chinese both believe in Magic. So the Chinese institute the Magic Words and Magic line that causes assimilation for the Irish immigrants. You see. The Chinese border is a Magic line. As soon as you cross this Magic Line known as the Chinese border you must say the Chinese MAGIC WORDS :”All Chinese are Equal”. Then all the Irish immigrants will be Chinese and act Chinese.

    Now Al, do you think this would work?

    Of course, Mr Al Parker thinks this is a wonderful idea and would work quite well. He believes in Magic.

    Mr Parker, I do NOT believe in Magic. I do not believe in Magic Words or Magic Lines.

    Only a fool would believe in Magic. There is NO SUCH THING.

    (Merry Christmas Mr Whitaker and I am obviously still reading and stealing your stuff and making it my own. Been working 15 hours a day. So I have not had time every day to read blogs like yours everyday and still do my drive by commenting elsewhere. So I had to choose between cunning comments here and cunning comments to those who have not heard them before. I figure you got this one covered. I would spend my time in areas you do NOT have covered. Don’t think for a minute that I have missed a post. I still read you. Just can’t everyday.)

    as always


  15. #15 by Mark on 12/17/2006 - 7:50 pm


    “One other thing Mark, try not to come across as an overly sensitive twerp. Thanks”

    Again, did you actually READ what I wrote? You talk a lot but that’s all I see you doing. You have no clue as to what was actually said, do you? I was not arguing any other point than the fact that there is a race war going on now. You, my ignorant college goof, are proof positive that government schools do nothing but create big mouths and little brains.

  16. #16 by Alan B. on 12/18/2006 - 3:07 am



    I noticed that some of us need to explain how we are not racist and not this or that because of what we are fighting for. I am at a point where I could care less about how somebody might think of me, every body else non-white is worshiped when they take pride in their race, its poor whitie who is always forced to apologize for doing the same. The white leftist flakes demand it from us the most, someday they will come running to us to save their sorry asses, I hope I am their to greet them. How this country became so twisted is beyond me, we fought 3 wars against communism and all the while these bums were sneaking in through the back door and taking over our country, every American life lost from WW1 to the present was a total waste. How many times these traitors have gotten away with re-inventing themselves, Idealist, liberals now progressives, its easier to kill cockroaches than it is to rid ourselves of these parasites. The year 2007 is nearing and these retards are still worshiping that barbaric and totally exploitive killing machine called communism, our country is invaded by dark skinned non assimilating welfare cases, and when we are really lucky, we discover and deport 86 year old German camp guards back to Germany, I can rest easier now. Remember the hundreds of thousands of illegal who marched in the streets in defiance of our laws, if our people could get off their ass and do that this nightmare would be over in a day. The greatest generation sure did a wonderful job, they stamped out Nazism and made the world safe for communism. This is the world they left for us, did I mention that the history channel did an interview what another Auschwitz survivor and eye witness to the gassing. I think he is now the six millionth witness, I am beginning to wonder if the Germans made a spectator sport out of it, I better shut up they may use that next.

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