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If You Think I’m Hard on YOU …

Posted by Bob on December 26th, 2006 under Coaching Session

I was very frank about what I really think in the last piece, which may strike you as being rough. If you think that, look at a piece I just put in the Sustaining members section on Stormfront:

— Running Home to Mommy

Every time Kelso announces a new membership level, somebody groans about how so many of registered members have dropped out.

But it seems that about twice a week when I go to the Sustaining Members section, I see another lead thread that says, “Somebody was mean to me, so I’m taking my marbles and I’m going home!”

People who sign up for SF are not go-along-get-along types. In my decades in the movement, I have seen more people get upset at trifles and march out than I have seen people who were still with us two years later.

The wonder is that we have all these people, whose very qualification for being here is that they don’t go along with massively enforced popular opinion, still with us. Until Sustaining Members stop running home to Mommy, I don’t have much use for the “Where do they go?” stuff.

  1. #1 by ALAN B. on 12/26/2006 - 7:46 pm



    I will hit on one other point that needs to be made here. When you post the Mantra on Yahoo Chat like I tend to do, show restraint and express yourself in a calm and professional manner when dealing with abusive retards. One horses ass on our side will do more harm than good for our cause. Try not to be pushy, rude and mean spirited, these PC parresites would love to label us jerks and malcontents with a chip on our sholders. So, do not give them ammunition to use against us, god forbid we cames across like thoese assholes.

  2. #2 by Nobody on 12/27/2006 - 12:43 pm

    A somber observation.

    Bob is talking about something that takes a LOT of work; it is, literally, a new model of perception that begins with the obvious – most of what we were “taught” is WRONG, and, to a remarkable degree, the exact opposite of “The Truth” – and moves to “The Truth” – all truly great human endeavors are based on RACE, writ large, as the living bridge between Family and Culture. At least, that’s what I think his big take-home message is.

    This requires a shift in mental conception on a par with forming a new religion, a new social order, the list just goes on; it is fundamentally foundational stuff, and most people simply cower in impotent helplessness as the shift in conceptualization required to form an entirely new mindset.

    I must give Whitaker full marks; all true Cultures have at their fouhding some spiritual conception that is very different from what came before, and from that comes a new religion, and from that comes a new social ordering on all levels, in the realms of Culture, Politics, and Economy.

    He has hit on our biggest stumbling block – JUDEOChristiantity as a tool for JEWISH RACIAL CONTROL over what Christianity would become in practice.

    This presents, in turn, our greatest opportunity – the Reformation of Christianity (remember what happened the last time THAT took place!) and, from that, a new social order, built daily, one minute at a time.

    Ironically, so many models have been refined by our RACIAL Adversaries, the demonic JEWS, that we need merely adopt and adapt the best of them – what works – and Reform i, into what will work better, for US – “US” being defined RACIALLY, in terms of our Posterity.

    Note the tremendous efforts put forward to remove the RACIAL component from Christianity; deliberately turning it into a universal faith. while remaking that faith over into what is most convenient for the Damn JEWS to control, at all points.

    I suspect the simplest way to develop this mindset is to frame all questions in the Light of ONE QUESTION – Will this make the world a better place for my posterity, in general, and my grandchildren, in particular?

    You will recognize this, of course, as our version of the One JEWISH Commandment – “Is it good for JEWS?”

    That ONE Commandment came from their conception that God’s Covenant with the JEWS was a Covenant that was not made to any single JEW; rather, it was a RACIAL Covenant, and ONLY applies to the members of the RACE, acting RACIALLY.

    Fortunately, their acting RACIALLY simply means parasitic behavior, and not Creative behavior.

    By simply organizing our conceptions to go around them, and thus, neutralize them, as the model of NSDAP Germany proves (“NO!” to payment of reparations) frees up an enormous amount of energy to be put into more productive endeavors.

    A useful conception might start with JUDAISM – which is our REAL Enemy, and the JEWS are merely nodes through which the process of Judaism operates – as being THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF CHRISTIANITY.

    Go from there.

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