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Pain’s My Buddy

Posted by Bob on February 1st, 2007 under Bob, Comment Responses

I keep telling you that you are the best at what you do. Believe me.
You have been writing without a real break for a few years. Ever thought about a week in Florida? Doing nothing but soaking up sunshine, soaking in a hot tub at a hotel, or swimming a little at the beach? Maybe you could talk business with Kelso and the Blacks over a pitcher of Guinness.
We can learn more from you when you get back.
Comment by Pain


Pain, the reason I said your statement hurt was precisely because you are the commmenters I PERSONALLY feel closest to.

The above statement is a good example of how you understand me. I have been talking to Kelso about going down to Stormfront HQ in Florida for a few days. You can tell I am tired.

But look at my most recent pieces. I think I may be getting a burst of new energy from the latest comments. Alan and Shari and other have been talking IN MY TERMS rather than wandering off into the standard bitches.

I trust your judgement, the way Ashbrook trusted mine, and you hit that point in another comment.

  1. #1 by Alan on 02/02/2007 - 7:26 am



    Bob, all work and no play can fry your brain, take a break and enjoy yourself in the company of a good friend. I am getting burned out, sinse last spring all I have done is, go to work, they in my spare time, prepare one home for sale and now I am busy up dating the one we just bought, its taken alot out of me. To make matters worse my best friend who I enjoy a good beer and conversation with moved to Missouri. I really need a trip and that good beer here soon, we all deserve one simple pleasure in life and that includes you to Bob.

  2. #2 by Pain on 02/02/2007 - 3:25 pm


    Well you are the best at what you do.

    Let’s hope I’ve made you laugh lately.

  3. #3 by AFKAN on 02/03/2007 - 12:43 pm


    The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody Replies:

    If you see Kelso, you might want to see if he should upgrade this to WordPress 2.0, and perhaps use the design formation of the Vanguard News Network. It conveys a lot of information quickly.

    He also might want to include a link to the Nationalsalvation website.

    It takes a lot of energy, and a lot of courage, to go down to bare metal and begin constructing political philosophies that are accurate, and work.

    I have been reviewing studies of how we dealt with the Great Depression, to try to figure out how we can rebuild on the Other Side, given our transformation into Mexico with snow, and the deliberate destruction of our “educational” system.

    I don’t think it is possible; a dysgenic immigration and social policy have too much inertia behond them, and the only answer will be to start where we are and build slowly, along the lines inspired by the New Thinking.

    The radio host Peter Shank summed it ONE phrase that shows the right mindset:

    “We LET this happen to us.”

    The CONservatives have offered us one false hope after another, while They Who Rule go from victory to victory. We have chased false flag after false flag, and to what avail?

    Impotence, and being ruled by the structures put in place by our RACIAL enemies.

    They did this by controlling the pictures we saw, and the words we read, AND the conclusion we were allowed to draw from them.

    Those days are OVER!

    I am trying to light the Spark of Awakening one person at a time, and, unlike when I was a CONservative, do not become attached to the consequences if they don’t get it.

    Alex Linder had a great point – once you give up the paste-jewel of middle class respectability, a LOT of energy is freed up for positive action.

    Where we go from here, is up to us.

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