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Posted by Bob on February 1st, 2007 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses, History

I feel a shift in the air; I think Political Correctness has about shot its wad. For decades they have pushed their agenda on the public, an agenda nobody asked for or wanted. P.C. Only exist in name, the whole phony thing is propped up by the media and the professor priest hood, it is similar to the Soviet Union in many respects. The Soviet government was propped up by the western press and the intellectuals, they gave it legitimacy it never deserved and could not survive with out. Reagan said tear down this wall, Eastern Europe pushed for freedom and a vacuum occurred that brought the entire rotten system crashing down. Its people, every day people who hold the real power and when they unleash it the media and the intellectuals will kiss their asses in fear and stand by and witness what real power IS.

I think PC will come tumbling down, I no longer worry about it like I use to, Bob’s blog has given me insight into how things really work. PC is evil by the fact that it will not tolerate opposition, anything lacking real substance or benefit uses all its energy trying to stay alive. Compare PC to liberal talk radio, in the open market, liberal talk radio fails every time, it’s based on nothing, it’s 100% wordism. Now there is talk of using the Fairness Doctrine, liberals think they are being shut out and they should be allowed to have their say. In the free market these idiots can not compete, its hollow, empty, wordist and so is PC but then again it’s all the same. PC is a cripple on crutches, one is the professor priest hood the other is the media, and the cripple is heading toward softer ground. Don’t give up, keep posting the Mantra. I like to start conversations on topic that will elicit the expected PC response and then gently exposed the stupidity of PC and it really gets people thinking. I do it casually like it’s an idea that just came to mind, that way it feels non-threatening to others, we need to remember that most of us have been taught not to think, just keep putting out the message.
Comment by Alan


This reality, that Political Correctness is coming down, puts more rather than less responsibility on OUR shoulders. Our example of the Soviet Union is the one we need to concentrate on. As I said, not one single “expert” on the USSR had the SLIGHEST INKLING that it was going under. Only Solzhenitsyn kept repeating that he was amazed at how seriously Western “intellectuals” took Soviet Marxism so seriously since ABSOLUTELY NO ONE in the USSR did.

I know this country the way Solzhenitsyn did his. Only Solzhenitsyn could SAY that, because any other ex-Soviet who made a living writing in the West had to please his American or European pay-masters, and none of them would tolerate the words, “That is a silly system that is barely surviving from day to day on US oil buys and bailouts.” If you make your living Analyzing the Soviet Alternative, you don’t just they’re a bunch of bloody idiots.

IT’S A JOB, gang!!!

They’ve got LIVES, you know. Pros don’t stay pros by throwing their livelihoods away in the name of some kind of truth any more than anybody else does who says he “has a life.”
I certainly could have gotten a lot more titles and better pay if I had gone the “I have a life” route. But what I wanted was POWER, and I GOT it. It was not a sacrifice, it was a tradeoff. I cannot imagine an emptier feeling than the one I would have looking back on a lifetime of becoming Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy and a longer list of articles and books in my resume.

Sacrifice? Well, it was EXTREMELY hard, but keep in mind that I did NOT live a life of quiet desperation the way most men do. I was NOT quiet, and my desperation always had a purpose only I could see. Standing on that bridge in the Moscow winter and fingering the Kremlin was only one of my private celebrations.
Let me disappoint those, if any, who would like to regard me with awe. My EGO was involved. You see, the woods are full of ex-governors and ex- Deputy Assistant Secretaries of the Navy and even successful authors. But I am one of a tiny number of people who can say, late in life, that he was the ONLY one who even came close to doing what he did.

How egotistical can you get? But it is an egotist’s dream: It is absolutely TRUE! What could you trade for THAT?

This is important to YOU, because you are in the same position now. So let’s continue with what ONLY I, and ONLY MY STUDENTS, can do.

The disaster of hiring all those Sovietologists who completely failed is like the failure of American intelligence before 9/11. No one was ever punished for it. Hell, no one was even officially CRITICIZED for it!

The disaster was that, when the whole viciousness silliness of the Soviet Empire collapsed, NOBODY had done any planning whatsoever about a post-Soviet Russia. And, as Alan would have said if he had EXTENDED on his thoughts here, no one but us is doing any planning for a post-PC America.

The only interest in my work anyone has is to ask, “HOW will it end?”

Don’t ask me that. Go find yourself a damned Gypsy.

Our job is to ride the beast down. But as we do it, we must not, as Pain says, just be the village atheist griping at people about their faith. The fatal problem with PC is very practical: as Alan says, it has no answers. When I look at books from the 1950s it is hard to even imagine how seriously all colleges back then took the most hair-brained crap about bureaucrats running everything and how human borders were contrary to nature, “You never see a bird or a monkey guarding its border.”

My God, but they were silly asses! Genetics meant NOTHING. They BELIEVED that!
Today those ideas, the ones that every sophisticated person believed in totally, the ones they laughed at anyone for contradicting, are so ridiculous you can’t even imagine how long and hard the fight was to get rid of them. But we did not do what Pain denounces, we didn’t just bitch about how great things were in the old days. We fought for ALTERNATIVES.

I was into EEGs, IQ tests, MMPIs and more; I helped with the original work in these areas that even the New York Times now admits has made the hereditarian view of race mainstream. The first job of Political Correctness and its indispensable allies, respectable conservatives, is to FORGET all that.

So I see today as clearly as Alan does. Power does not mean fighting just to take out powerful people. Power is deciding how you want things to go and MAKING them go that way.

In fact, the failures of Political Correctness make those two words everybody’s villain. What we could never say and get listened to otherwise is listened to precisely because it is an attack on everybody’s enemy. People listening to us have no idea that we are not just attacking the rulers all of us are learning to despise.

The important point is that, when I attacked liberals and Communists and when I attack Political Correctness, I am building the platforms into people’s minds that the NEXT age will be based on.

Look at the Mantra. There is LOT more there than just stopping the flow of immigrants. In fact, it was the IMPLICATIONS of the Mantra that made it so hard to sell before immigration got out of control.

Saving the race: It’s not just for Hitler anymore!

Nobody ever notices I am building tomorrow. Nobody notices what seed the Mantra plants. And that is precisely why one obscure guy from South Carolina can DO all I have done.
And that is why a group of me, like Franz Boas’ tiny group eighty years ago, can build the future. The way they tried to destroy it.

Welcome aboard. It’s great to have company for a change. It will be a hell of a ride.

One of these days, in the middle of a Massachusetts winter, you can get together and give Harvard a Gang Fingering.

Dedicate it to Ole Bob.

  1. #1 by Dave on 02/01/2007 - 9:00 pm


    I marvel at how often battles get determined before they begin which is just another way of saying we are most often blind to what is really going on.

    For example, the computer revolution solved three basic problems. 1. Removing the pain from written communications (word processing); 2. Basic organizational accountability (email); 3. Record keeping (low cost document and data storage).

    These delivered the lion’s share of the enormous increase in productivity of the last 50 years.

    Yet back in the days when the experts were predicting what the impact of computing would be, not one of them foresaw that the main deliverable would be related to solving problems of coordination and accountability by utterly novel means.

    That is because the experts could only think in terms of robots (machines replacing manual processes). The real problems were only discovered in hindsight.

    A similar thing is going on today regarding the ideologies of race relations.

    Low cost global communications means that the multitudes of third world peoples, previously thought to be “exotic” to whites, are no longer foreign.

    The pretense of equality becomes much harder to uphold in the face of this. Accordingly, the defamation game victimizing innocent white Mississippians and Alabamians by self interested Jews is over.

    Today, through 24 by 7 global communications we all live face to face with our nonwhite brothers and sisters, all of who are no longer foreign and exotic. We know who and what they really are.

    Accordingly, the jig is up in race relations, and this is the “change in the wind” Alan referred to.

    Also, the Ivy League schools are no longer gatekeepers for intellectual content and with the Internet it is easy to determine who the real intellectual heavyweights are.

    The Internet is a brutal meritocracy. The superior minds shine forth like a cop’s 500 lumen flashlight on a moonless night. That is what draws us bloggers to BW’s blog.

    I see this so clearly in the Internet based financial press. For example, Ivy League economists are laughing stock, universal laughing stock for any serious speculator. It is known, I mean genuinely known, who the real market minds are and they aren’t in the Ivy League.

    The jig is up on the nonsense. You can use the Internet to find who the real intellectual heavyweights are in any field and you will not find many nonwhites there, though they do exist.

    How does the nonsense of the last 65 years withstand this?

    All I have got to say is that people like Nick Griffen of BNP better wise up because if he thinks the white English working class is going to get bailed out by a change of regime in London, he has got another think coming.

    That is not what is going on at all. It is all much more basic and profound than that.

    BW is giving us a good window on the future. There is nothing obscure going on here at all.

  2. #2 by Peter on 02/01/2007 - 11:39 pm

    You never mention Sir Arthur Keith and his ethnic theory of evolution(1940ish) buried by the Boas commies, why?

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