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Posted by Bob on February 2nd, 2007 under Coaching Session


I marvel at how often battles get determined before they begin which is just another way of saying we are most often blind to what is really going on.

For example, the computer revolution solved three basic problems. 1. Removing the pain from written communications (word processing); 2. Basic organizational accountability (email); 3. Record keeping (low cost document and data storage).

These delivered the lion’s share of the enormous increase in productivity of the last 50 years.

Yet back in the days when the experts were predicting what the impact of computing would be, not one of them foresaw that the main deliverable would be related to solving problems of coordination and accountability by utterly novel means.

That is because the experts could only think in terms of robots (machines replacing manual processes). The real problems were only discovered in hindsight.

A similar thing is going on today regarding the ideologies of race relations.

Low cost global communications means that the multitudes of third world peoples, previously thought to be “exotic” to whites, are no longer foreign.

The pretense of equality becomes much harder to uphold in the face of this. Accordingly, the defamation game victimizing innocent white Mississippians and Alabamians by self interested Jews is over.

Today, through 24 by 7 global communications we all live face to face with our nonwhite brothers and sisters, all of who are no longer foreign and exotic. We know who and what they really are.

Accordingly, the jig is up in race relations, and this is the “change in the wind” Alan referred to.

Also, the Ivy League schools are no longer gatekeepers for intellectual content and with the Internet it is easy to determine who the real intellectual heavyweights are.

The Internet is a brutal meritocracy. The superior minds shine forth like a cop’s 500 lumen flashlight on a moonless night. That is what draws us bloggers to BW’s blog.

I see this so clearly in the Internet based financial press. For example, Ivy League economists are laughing stock, universal laughing stock for any serious speculator. It is known, I mean genuinely known, who the real market minds are and they aren’t in the Ivy League.

The jig is up on the nonsense. You can use the Internet to find who the real intellectual heavyweights are in any field and you will not find many nonwhites there, though they do exist.

How does the nonsense of the last 65 years withstand this?

All I have got to say is that people like Nick Griffen of BNP better wise up because if he thinks the white English working class is going to get bailed out by a change of regime in London, he has got another think coming.

That is not what is going on at all. It is all much more basic and profound than that.

BW is giving us a good window on the future. There is nothing obscure going on here at all.

Comment by Dave —

  1. #1 by Alan on 02/03/2007 - 1:49 pm



    Dave, Bill gates is worshiped as a god, he created a software empire and few of his worshipers see how fake this god really is. The american business community, these men of foresight and creativity adapted the computer to thier business, Microsoft listed to them and gave them what they demanded. Microsoft is a giant today, the business community made Microsoft a giant and Bill Gates a billionare, they also made them affordable for the rest of us. Bill Gates would be nothing today had he relied on any other race but the White race to make this technology work. So last year, Bill Gates showed his thanks by donating to a charitable fund that operates in the 3rd world, funny how he forgot the nation and people who made his dumb ass rich, but then again he really wasen’t all that bright.

  2. #2 by cl on 02/05/2007 - 12:02 am


    “The pretense of equality. . .”

    That’s a good phrase! All the liberal propaganda terms should be associated with an “enlightener,” like “pretense.”

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