Someone asked me to do some Internet radio time for them. They soon declared me “missing in action.”
Here was my reply:
I asked you “How?” Maybe I need to expand on that.
I tried to do a program, but WavePad has to be reregistered every time, though I paid for it long ago. That means I have to somehow find all the registration info AGAIN.
Then the Smart FTP always jams.
Now I can’t get the WavePad to record.
I remember working through EACH of these problems before for SF. The I found that there was not a single comment about it to answer on SF, they wanted to talk about Iraq and Jews. So I proceeded to forget it.
I am just not to going back to my expert, I’ve had four, and Kelso is the one now, to start again from ground level.
I have the same problem with my blog. People report things to ME. I have given them Kelso’s number half a dozens times. Someone asks why I don’t write a particular topic, like Sir Arthur Keith.
I have subjects, I am even a good announcer, and I would glad to help, but I will spend no more HOURS on the phone being made to feel like an old fool to produce ideas no one pays attention to.
If you can help me, I would appreciate it and I have always knocked myself out for the cause. But someone has to think about “How?”
Thanks for listening.
Someone tells me I should update this blog. When I mentioned I might got o DC with Kelso, they said I should talk to Kelso about this.
Literally, for about the tenth time, Kelso’s number is 561-451-4424. Kelso has the codes and my trust. Why say to ME, “Bob, why don’t YOU remember to ask Kelso on a very busy trip about this and then do it on the computer when you get back?”
Can anybody understand what I am saying here? It’s just not rocket surgery. Pain, if you want to write about Keith, WRITE about Keith and I will add my two cents worth. But you who are in this group have to understand this is not just Bob’s blog, and Bob is not the only writer here. I PAY for this, I don’t GET paid for it. If this is not a team effort YET, then I’ll fold the damned thing up.
This sounds bitchy, so you are more than welcome to bitch back. But what it actually is what the coach tells you at half time, “Jim, you really screwed up that block! Tom, could you have one of those two left feet replaced with a right one?” and then, “We’re better than they are, so let’s go GET the bastards!”
Coaches bitch a LOT. But it is becaues I think you are better than this.
Now let’s go get those bastards.

#1 by Alan on 02/05/2007 - 8:41 am
Good job, your dependable and efficient thats why I fill you in when the blog is acting up, I know you will get the message to Kelso.