Our Right to Racial Discrimination
If your daddy was successful and lucky, you inherit money. If you are a third worker under whose soil oil is discovered, you are paid. Whites used to assume the same thing they assumed for others for themselves. It was called discrimination.
So if our race produced a technology which allowed twenty times as many people to live on earth twenty times as well as they did before your technology, you got the advantage of it. One of the main methods of destroying this rather obvious right of white people was Ex Oriente Lux. Ex Oriente Lux said that everything we have came from Egypt, Palestine, and Mesopotamia, with China thrown in to fill up any empty spaces.
Ex Oriente Lux history, in my youth, showed whites as literally, and I mean literally shaggy brutes until the Middle East got there. We deserved NOTHING. We just got the Light from the East before blacks did. Every university taught that.
I have pointed out before that nothing was more economically rational than racial discrimination in South Africa. The fact is that whites were WORTH many times what blacks were, for their allowing political stability and the white man’s attitudes which were lacking in the rest of Africa. Illegal black immigration INTO South Africa was steady throughout white rule, and there was no labor flow OUT of South Africa.
Even for political dissidents, every Communist country had barbed wire to keep people IN, while South Africa deported people and took away their South African passports so they couldn’t get back IN. If you don’t understand the difference, you would LOVE prison.

#1 by Peter on 02/03/2007 - 3:10 pm
One can see the dominance of Ex Oriente Lux mentality most clearly in martial arts. 100 years ago someone who wanted to learn self defense would learn boxing or some other rugged and practical system. In medieval Europe, knights and vikings developed battle tested systems of combat that rival anything the orient ever produced. Even some texts on eastern arts now admit that most eastern systems migrated from ancient Greece and evolved to their present form.
Today, someone wishing to learn self defense get guided to an oriental system. It can be an effective one, but more often than not it’s a watered down imitation relying upon the sense of awe that’s been drilled into people about those systems. The Ex Oriente Lux ideal has allowed many scam artists to part gullible people from their time and money. I’ve heard all sorts of “wordist” mumbo jumbo come from martial arts instructors that nobody ever wins a fight and you’ve already lost when you get into one even for self defense (translation – our school’s training stinks so we don’t want word to get around how it failed you when you needed it the most).
#2 by Alan on 02/03/2007 - 9:29 pm
In the Southern United States before the intellectuals decided that blacks had a right to the what the white population worked to achieve, there were seperate bathroom facilities, black facilities if they existed were what they deserved, filithy and in the back. The white properity owners had every right to provide white customers with superior facilities, it IS their property. Sinse whites made up the bulk of their business, it makes since for this arraingement to have existed, ones lively hood depended on it. Soon laws were passed and everyone had equal access to everyone elses properity, the intellecuals said it was the way it had to be. Like South Africa, the Southern Whites created the wealth and prosperity, they built it up, it was theirs and they right to deny it to those who contributed little in its evolution. Today, blacks are laying waste to neighborhoods once considered clean and safe, the homes they occupy are run down and is disrepair, crime is rampant and most life of the wealth of the sucessfull, that was their contribution, after equal rights, the Whites seen it long before it came to pass.