Archive for February 9th, 2007




New England’s culture is muti-faceted, a hodpodge of various flavors all lumped together, they process nothing unique that can define who they are as a group. PC and other radical and destructive social trends flourish is a land made up of people of nothing. In New England the intellectuals point out how modern and sophisticated they are, we are evolve, we change they say. Those who do not share in this enlightenment are labeled rednecks, hillbillies, inbreds, etc, intellectuals worship words anything of substance is feared by the wordiest cults.
Southern culture is attacked and ridiculed because it is real, its is “Homogenous”, Southern Culture is, “UNIQUE”. Southern culture developed in a geographic region that was harsh in climate and not adaptive to traditional farming techniques, the people who toughed it out in the South were those who believed in individual freedom, hard work, creativity and perseverance. In the South, cotton became king and it was worth a kings ransom, towns became cities and trade was strong, they made something out of an area that many seen as worthless. Southerners rich and poor share what they have, it’s the esscience of who they are, it is truly theirs, it is “Kinship”, felt by those who exist in a real culture, no wordiest intellectual nit wit would understand something of substance, that’s to be feared.

Comment by Alan


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ianity and Evolution

We all know that every emotion you have gets exploited for money. That has been the case throughout human history. Never forget that it was the shamans who INVENTED this. Whether the Oldest Profession is prostitution or shamanism is entirely a matter of definitions. By the time Christ appeared, Judaism had long since developed a perfected place for their shaman or high priests could get the maximum money and power. As far as he COULD without getting stoned to death on the spot, this was EXACTLY what Jesus repeatedly and specifically denounced.

He finally said “No man comes to the Father but by ME.” And he said it to JEWS. If he HAD said he came to replace the Law he would have murdered on the spot. But, by saying that to the JEWS he did make the high priest the same as any other shaman.

That was fine until the church became big BUSINESS and big POWER. Then the Church began to look more and more fondly on that wonderful setup the High Priests had developed to maximize money and power. If you can tell any fundamental difference between today’s Curia bureaucrats and the Puritan despots, and the one the High Priests had in Jesus’ day, please let me know what it is.

It’s called parallel evolution. There were enormous similarities between the MARSUPIAL saber toothed tiger and the Mammalian saber-toothed tiger, but they were less kin to each other than a whale is to mouse. The same conditions, in the case of evolution or human nature, cause the same results. A bureaucrat of the Temple, one of the scribes Jesus denounced, would have been right at home in the Vatican today or in a Puritan pulpit.

Only Christ was different. But ianity remains the same old thing as its Judaic ancestor.

Nothing upsets a religious professional like the idea of taking his Temple privileges away from him. It is no coincidence that the original church of the Calvinist Pilgrims is now a Unitarian Church, entirely ianity with no Christ at all.
