The “Mantra” would work best if the target audience is already questioning the powers of PC. We are deprogramming a cult and first we must get the herd to start questioning the authority of its priesthood and then we add our layer to their freshly cleansed belief system. Anyway it’s about power, and let me state unequivocally that the first normal sounding candidate to come out and question PC will garner more power than they know what to do with.
“We are deprogramming a cult…”
Those words opened up my whole life before me. They are the five most important words I have ever READ!!!!!!!!!!
Just because it as so BIG I did not see liberalism, respectable conservatism, Marxism, all as a simple CULT Political Correctness is NOT puzzling.
I look back over more than fifty years of dazed faces repeating the same stuff. And the stuff was:
I have learned the Truth! All that I thought was good is bad. Above all, everything I thought was beautiful is ugly.
Rev. Moon’s Universalist Church DEMANDS interracial marriage. The ONLY link between members must be the Reverend Moon, not race, tradition or anything else.
Watch time I talk to a Political Correct type he forgets everything I said the day before. He has that blank look I have seen in brainwashed POWs, like something is being said that hurts, because it upsets careful and hard-won programming.
I have been reading biographies of Stalin, and it always strikes me as surrealistic that grown men could dedicate their lives to a CULT. It is easier to see behind the Iron Curtain. Letter after letter to Stalin worried whether the writer was being, quote, “politically correct,” unquote, seventy years ago.
But I saw the Hare Krishna and the Moonies at their height, out on the street hustling money and always ACTIVE, exactly the way Politically Correct people are today. You can get ten thousand PC whites on the street easier than you can get a hundred real white working people.
Who knows what the Monies might have become? But they did not know they were up against an earlier Moonie Movement a thousand times as powerful as they were.
Those five words, “We are trying t o deprogram a cult” represents the BASIC thinking I keep begging for. But even my begging for this showed how critical it was that someone SAY THOSE FIVE WORDS.
The one thing every Cult says is “NO BASICS.” Basics are everything a cult crushes. The basics are all in the cult, you must be programmed. And programmed we are. And I am out here on the outside begging people to think BASICS, which is EXACTLY like telling people in Jonestown to declare BASICS.
PLEASE take this lesson to heart. Please THINK about it. Please TALK about it.
My whole life has been lived almost incredibly much as an outsider. THAT is the reason I have completely escaped the programming. We tend to be outsiders, though that is certainly not a fixed rule. But I thought it was the RESULT of our personalities. It may also be the CAUSE of it.
I made an excellent living in politics, and there is no more insider vocation than that. But I was psychologically self-made.
THINK about this. Don’t JUST regurgitate some opinions, thought they are welcome. Think over your life this way. This could tell you a lot about YOURSELF.

#1 by Simmons on 02/13/2007 - 12:32 pm
Speaking of Jonestown the radicals are actually regurgitating ol’ Jim’s rhetoric and the respectables are negotiating with these madmen. I tried a mantra like approach over at AR in response to a thread dealing with the Geno’s Cheesesteak “Order in English” controversy, and of course it was so basic it skipped right over the moderator’s head. He instead posted the usual bitch gripes as if Bob never existed and the usual lawyering rebuttals of quibbling the details with madmen replies. I basically stated why shouldn’t Geno discriminate in favor of English, heck its commons sense to say the least. But no its like the Moonies having a faction fight instead of questioning the whole legitimacy of PC to begin with.
#2 by Bob on 02/13/2007 - 1:03 pm
This shows you are actively fighting for our ideas in the OUTSIDE WORLD!
GO, man, GO!
#3 by Pain on 02/13/2007 - 3:44 pm
That’s a BRILLIANT statement from Simmons!
“My whole life has been lived almost incredibly much as an outsider. THAT is the reason I have completely escaped the programming. We tend to be outsiders, though that is certainly not a fixed rule. But I thought it was the RESULT of our personalities. It may also be the CAUSE of it.”
This is a very wonderful thing to say and true.
This also sums up the American experience and the role we play for the Race.
Being an outsider = freedom
As outsiders we can step in, do what needs to be done and move on.
An insider is stuck; he needs everything he can get from the inside. He can’t afford to do what needs to be done because he might offend somebody.
#4 by Peter on 02/13/2007 - 10:08 pm
Speaking of cults, liberals, commies, mud people,.. etc.
My wife always agrees that “We’re better than they are but
then she hits me with “But we should act better than they do.”
I say, “We should & do, that’s part of being better.” She
is still skeptical.
#5 by mderpelding on 02/13/2007 - 11:02 pm
Remember, that our worst enemy is our own people.
We must understand ourselves.
That means that our communication methods must
work for white/western people.
And no-one else.
Why do you think that our government endlessly
searches for new challenges?
Or…”War on…” for political power?
Libertarians say that “government is evil”.
These same Libertarians say that all people
are the same.
Just like MARXISTS.
In fact, the Only difference between the
Libertarian and the Marxist is in WHO should
control the mindless herd.
Western governments try to solve problems.
Just as the individuals who populate those
governments do.
Where we are failing as a race is in
determining WHO our enemies are.
I don’t want to hear endless happy-crappy
about how kind and peaceful and law abiding
and how other bovine descriptions about our race
describe us.
I want to discuss KNOWING our enemy.
And the ways to DESTROY him.
Don’t talk to me about compassion or tolerance.
I possess neither.
#6 by Antonio Fini on 02/13/2007 - 11:56 pm
Nope. I was born on the outside. You throw a party and I’ll be the guy observing everything while quietly getting drunk in the corner. “To be sure, I am a forrest and a night of dark trees.” Nietzche said that.
On a brighter note, I am happy to report the mainstream media has just suffered a fatal seizure, although nodody noticed yet. I learned, on Stormfront of all places, that Youtube will soon begin paying people for their video submissions based on download ranking
This is a stroke of genius comparable to the newspaper’s figuring out they could get rich by letting advertisers, not subscribers pay their production cost. It means popular content, not PC content can rise to the top.
Here is our exchange on SF:
PAT88 SAID: Metacafe is doing the same, Google video too (or about to do it), and youtube will start in the spring/summer. It’s been on the news since a few lucky people (the top uploaders) have made several thousands with it (over $30K in few cases).
I SAID: MY GOD… do you realize what you just said? Mass media is now a democracy. All we have to do is produce slick, professional quality prowhite content and we can overrun the internet in six months.
The greedy bastards at Google/Youtube just want to get paid. The public wants content that shocks and outrages, while entertaining them at the same time. It’s perfect synergy. Lightning has struck.
#7 by AFKAN on 02/14/2007 - 12:43 am
The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody replies:
This is one of those blindingly obvious Insights that simply makes so much, so understandable. It really does explain why it seems like people aren’t ABLE to hear what we have to say. My GOD, this is why it seems like you are trapped in the movie, “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.”
This is a summarily important observation, and it REALLY crystallizes why we have made so little headway, and face what seem to be an almost robotic, mindless Opposition.
I’ll take this Insight and apply it across the spectrum.
It’s THAT important.
#8 by Anonymous on 02/14/2007 - 7:27 pm
Not spam.
Not spam.
It would be more to the point to suggest that you were ATTEMPTING to deprogram a cult. That is if you think you are dealing with a cult. From what I can see the deprogramming job hasn’t been very successful. So far. Hopefully, it will get better. At this point in time I would say that the great majority of Americans still salute political correctness.
It’s not five words. It’s seven words after Bob got done with it. “Trying to” are the two words that Simmons did not include. Bob rescued him ever so cleverly with “trying to.” And that makes all the difference. As they say, trying is an excuse for not doing. We are still stuck with political correctness. It is worse now than it has ever been. I’m not sure that the word “cult” is the proper word. I think the word criminals applies here better. Lawbreakers.
Simmons is, of course, correct in questioning the whole legitimacy of political correctness and everything it represents. That’s exactly what we need to do.
#9 by shari on 02/14/2007 - 8:59 pm
We are indeed deprogramming a cult. This is something that I understand, as I once got involved in a cult years ago. Needless to say it left a scar. The only good thing is that it was so immediately painful to me that I had to learn from it, or ELSE. Now, I can see how wide spread this cultic perversion is. Here, we have a new bolshivik priest, and people are not recognizing as they are mostly connected with the college. They have jobs,and education too! But,I know that it is just a matter of time until something comes out that will be very upsetting. I’m only hoping to say the right thing at the right time. I’ve been thinking of some things already, but I need to have my emotions under control. I want to be able to say some things before anything happens, not after.
#10 by cl on 02/14/2007 - 9:13 pm
Agreed that this is a monumental observation, but. . .
It seems to me that in “traditional” deprogramming, part of the therapy is substitution. That is, when you tear down, you must replace (with “normal” society). But what is to be done when “normal” society is what is out of whack?
Bob, this sounds like something up your alley.
#11 by Alan on 02/15/2007 - 7:02 am
I like to use words that best reflect the reality of a situation. When somebody said, I paied this in taxes I said, you didn’t pay anything, they “STOLED” the money from you, you never offered it to them. I try to have people say it in the real sinse, maybe it will catch on. When I ask somebody why their white professor forces others to adhere to white guilt I also ask, why their professor is racist against whites, while other races are complimented for behaving worse. This makes people think about the reality of what they are exposed to with out fear of intimidation from the group think atmosphere, who knows it might have some effect.
#12 by AFKAN on 02/15/2007 - 6:23 pm
The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody replies:
Damn, but Simmons’s observations makes so much, so clear; at first, the magnitude of The Issues is literally overwhelming. Then you think about it a bit, and some fault lines in the JEW-controlled System appear.
I tied it back into my Theory of Bureaucracy as a Cult; an Organization is bureaucratic to the extent that it works against its stated purposes, and eventually becomes a Cult, with its own Mythos and Rules, which all but ignore the stated purpose of the Bureaucracy.
Eventually, the Bureaucracy fails to perform, and people look for an alternative, whether the Bureaucracy is the Communist Part of the Soviet Union, or the Priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church(or the Roman Catholic Church itself, for that matter).
The Key for the deprogrammer is to have one simple intellectual formulation that opens that first crack in the edifice. Bob’s Mantra goes a long way.
I have many Evangelical Christian “friends,” and family members. Southern Baptists to a one, they are also Christian Zionists. My Mantra for this group has become accepted among the Dispossessed Men of the family – guys who have lost their jobs, and their place in society, forever, and the younger men, who need an intellectually defensible excuse (sorry, “framework”) in which to challenge their parents.
The Mantra for this group is simple – “JUDAISM IS THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF CHRISTIANITY.”
BOOM! They LITERALLY get this glazed look in their eyes, as if to say, “I didn’t hear that. That can’t be true.”
This is the key to begin to deprogram a Cult member –
(1) Wait until the Cult no longer delivers what it promised; it can’t, as Cults are essentially parasitic.
(2) Wait until they are near rock bottom.
(3) Then, having delivered the Mantra, be there for them and help them deal with the profound feelings of betrayal, always being very, very honest with them.
You can’t beat something with nothing.
For FIFTY YEARS, “CONservatives” have offered exactly NOTHING to solve the problems their followers faced, and there is a reason for that.
We offer something that WORKS, and, once they begin to Awaken, they can not go back to Sleep.
We can work with that.