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Rule by Dramatics

Posted by Bob on February 19th, 2007 under Bob, Coaching Session, History, How Things Work

I tend to laugh in the wrong places, and then feel very lonely.

One example I gave in my book was that, at the age of 17, I first heard the Preamble to the Soviet Constitution. It declared that the USSR was a union of workers, peasant, soldiers, and intellectuals.” I laughed out loud. Then I noticed the rest of the class and the professor were looking at me funny.


To me, the idea that this guy will work in a factory, that guy will work on the farm, and the others guy will be out there freezing his butt off on the front until he loses an arm, while I am “the intellectual” who sits in an office and gives the orders is FUNNY. Who would fall for a load of crap like that?

Who would take that crap SERIOUSLY?

Everybody but me, apparently.

I did the same kind of lonely laughing at a documentary dedicated to the oncoming weather catastrophe. At one point, they state that in fifty to a hundred years the ocean would overwhelm the coast, and that over fifty percent of America’s population LIVES on the land that will be drowned fifty to a hundred years from now! The clear implication is half our population is in eminent danger of drowning.

I STILL can’t write this without bursting into a fit of giggles.

I live in the state where many people didn’t get out of the way of Hugo. I know a lot of people got drowned by Katrina. But even the present administration of the City of New Orleans could probably evacuate most of the population within fifty to one hundred years.

In order to keep up the drama, this program went on to show how Africa had suffered when the weather went awry. But Africa can’t cope with ANYTHING. When was the last time you a picture of starving child who was NOT in Africa? Hundreds of thousands are starving in North Korea and in places like Haiti. You don’t have to be in Africa to have a black skin.

If half of the money spent on Studying World Hunger were spent on food and transportation, nobody would be starving outside the black and Communist worlds. We had a blog entry about a Japanese researcher in Britain who did a study saying that Africa’s problems were due to low IQ. A representative from Oxfam, the anti-hunger group, attacked him for being a yellow naziwhowantedtokillsixmillionjews.

What does Oxfam have to do with this? Nobody cares WHY a child is starving, but Oxfam is there for ideology, not hunger. Can you imagine how many children could be fed the minimum diet they need for the salary that career spokesman gets?

But this is not the point. The point goes back to why that documentary had to shout that half of America was going to drown because the population could not be moved in a period of fifty to a hundred years. You and I know why they implied that:


A whole classroom full of people takes “a union of workers, peasants, soldiers and intellectuals” seriously because it is about the most exciting thing you can to a classroom:

That lecturer up there living the welfare-state life of a tenured professor is not the drone he looks like. He is a Hero who will lead the Working Class. He, along with his fellow intellectuals, meaning YOU, will overthrow all those generals and politicians and capitalists – No one will ever again ask him, “If you’re so smart, why ain’t you RICH?” — – and he, along with his Faithful Hippy Companions – YOU, no less, will assume your rightful role as rulers of the Earth.

That’s why I laughed my ass off. And that’s why I was the only one who did.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 02/19/2007 - 2:24 pm


    Same thing happened to me in English class some college younin was giving a presentation on the latest enviro doom theory of UV radiation and the ozone hole slash global warming, and all I could do was snort at the end of it. All I could stammer out was, “Do you really believe that stuff?” Then I proceeded to tell him and the class that in my youth the science books were warning about the next global ice age, the whole class was flummoxed by my continuing retorts. The larger lesson that came from that encounter is that all cults are verbal in nature, relying on the hesitation to challenge out of politeness and peer pressure. My tactic is to go “Columbo” on the wordist by asking for a detailed explanation of the basics from the beginning.

  2. #2 by Alan on 02/20/2007 - 8:04 am



    Global warming doom and gloom has reach the point of nausea. This one sided non debate reciently cancelled a meeting because the tempetures were unseasonally cold there. So its raise the alarm, beg for the cash and spread the guilt, have people do silly things that give them the sinse they are trying to slow global warming down, lol. The has been Al Gore derives a sinse of worth in this phony crusade, of course nobody will ask why he burns tons of jet fuel in a private jet to tell us retards we must not drive to far and often.

  3. #3 by Alan on 02/20/2007 - 12:33 pm



    Have you noticed how all the dooms day people are shouting , we have 10 years to get global warming under control or we are all going to perish. To me this global warming hype is another leftist scare the masses into submission racket designed to prepare the people for some sort of nanny state tax, regulation and rationing scheme they have planned for us. They know its bullshit, hell, Al Gore spews more co2 into the atmosphere buzzing around the globe in a private jet than 10,000 slups like us. The Al Gores tell us we need to drive less, it is our greedy selfishness that is the problem, guilt factor, sound familar? Then there is the rich hollywood bow hards telling us the same thing, most own 20 room mansions and live as a couple in these mansions, drive gas hog limos and own private jets and nobody sees this freud. They know they the media and the PC groupies will stiffel opposition, they are cowards attacking a non existing enemy, the truth is forbidden a voice in this war, its all a set up.

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