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Rule by Dramatics II

Posted by Bob on February 19th, 2007 under Coaching Session, History

The article below tells you one reason why actors tend to be leftists. Leftism is based on dramatics, Evil Capitalists versus Feeding the Hungry, the World is About to Drown and so forth. The old British actor James Mason always liked acting without an audience because, he said, “I hate for people to see what a silly thing I do for a living.”

Going to pieces on demand in front of a camera is not what most of us would like to be seen doing. Most of us have trouble smiling three times for a photo that isn’t coming out. Nut the person who can be a professional actor tends to be the opposite of Mason, he is someone who cannot get ENOUGH drama.

What has come close to killing the white race is precisely the fact that we have SOLVED all the dramatic problems. You can RAISE MONEY on dramatic problems. There are huge organizations in DC and New York City and everywhere else that are LOOKING for dramatic problems to raise money on.

Naturally, this desperate pursuit of anything dramatic is going to get a bit silly. Like the idea that, of there is global warming, half of America’s population will simply sit where they are for a century and drown.

“The poor we have always with us.” But we DON’T. What Jesus called “poor” consisted of people whose most usual cause of death was starvation.

Not going to bed hungry.

Not a lack of Vitamin D.


I have seen the funny movies where a beggar demands that Jesus make him a leper again because he made his living begging, but in the real biblical world the competition was fierce and the poor starved. I have watched the third world go from those times, when I could SMELL the special odor of starvation on beggars to now, when they beg for money BEYOND food.

The white man has solved the problem of poverty as any other generation saw it. But you can’t raise a dime by saying THAT.

We have a world in which no one, even in the third world, can imagine what a world without whites would be like. And that, boys and girls, is our biggest single problem.

  1. #1 by Pain on 02/19/2007 - 8:02 pm


    More healthy Bobish optimism. Yea.

  2. #2 by Alan on 02/20/2007 - 4:51 pm



    There are many who see our prosperity and wealth as over indulgence. We have abundant food, good medical facilities and adaquate housing, the average poor in america live by middle class European standards. Unlike the bleeding hearts, I am proud of my white race and what we have accomplished, though there are other less developed races, I do not feel in the slightest ashamed of my superior race and culture. The whites who venture to the third world and demand we end the poverty these people live in have obviously never contributed anything worth while to society, that IS, they never struggled to gain in life. Like Bob pointed out, the feed the starving outfits that blow wads of cash on hoopla and never a dime reaches those starving they claim need food are in this to make a living, its all PR to these jerks. To make a long story short, the serria club members can not tel a beef stake fron a tent stake, feed the children people have never missed a meal and the global warming freuds pollute 1,000 times worse than the folks they try to shame, they are all, “Full of shit”

  3. #3 by Simmons on 02/25/2007 - 2:05 am


    Since I’m allowed off the basics for one night I would like to add one thing to that last paragraph “the world without white people.” Tom Wolfe wrote a book called “Man in Full” a book about a man finding Stoicism the philosophy where in the end the man thru the keys on the table and said take them and then went about proseletyzing his new found “basics.” My question then is it time for the white man to throw the keys of Western Civ on the table and look to start over? The colonial era is dead, your friend Pat Buchanan wrote a great column describing Europe as dead and we in America close behind, and I wonder is it time to realize that and cut our losses instead of flailing about with “conservatism.”

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