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Seek and DESTROY

Posted by Bob on February 19th, 2007 under Coaching Session, General

The two pieces below, and a major part of my work, consists of making people take a new look at themselves. I watched while the word “liberal” went from everybody’s favorite label to an abandoned term, all in a decade or two.

And during that decade or two, liberals had absolute control of all means of communication outside of very local newspapers in the South and West. There were NO, repeat NO alternative media AT ALL.

So how did this seemingly hopeless attack on “liberal” in the time John Kennedy took office make it a word you didn’t US after 1972?

Simple: “Liberal” went from MAKING YOU LOOK like an idealist to making you look like a traitor and a fool. As long as the anti-racist or the pro-Communist or the libertarian LOOKS like an idealist or an intellectual, they will be out in force.

THAT is the vital function that respectable conservatives perform. Respectable conservatives began to populate the media at the exact moment that liberalism was becoming a laughing-stock. Suddenly every liberal was paired with a Faithful Conservative Companion.

I distinctly remember that, in the 1950s and early 60s, you would have two liberal Republicans and three liberal Democrats. I remember being in Washington at a Young Republican Leadership Conference when Jack Paar had William Buckley on his program. It was shocking at the time!

In fact, abut half the audience got up and walked out when Buckley left and Paar shouted, “I KNEW this wasn’t my regular audience!” But back then everybody was aware what his regular New York audience was. Can you imagine someone making such a self-revealing statement today?

That is where things were in 1962. One conservative on a late-night talk show was revolutionary. By 1972 every liberal had his Faithful Conservative Companion.

And it was accomplished, not by new arguments alone, but by new arguments SUPPLEMENTED BY IMAGE-BREAKING. You cannot let the other guy walk away with his image intact. He is NOT an idealist. He is NOT worth listening to. He is Mommy Professor’s robot. He hates his own people and wants them destroyed.

Do not seek and correct. Seek and DESTROY.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 02/19/2007 - 5:33 pm


    Bob those posts dealing with dramatics and idealists are works of genius. Now go take a vacation you earned it, and let us do the rest. For years myself I’ve implored my fellow “conservatives” to not think themselves morally inferior to the “liberals”, but being true to the “conservative” mindset most are hesitant to upset the “mommy” authority figure. But now I’m putting two and two together and I can see this going exponential.

  2. #2 by Peter on 02/19/2007 - 9:29 pm

    Bob – I’m the fellow who used to argue for Europe against your anti-Europeanism. Son of the South, like you, but with better instincts.

    Here’s an off-topic piece for you. If you can get by the typos it’s an excellent summary of the 20th century. It also, IMO, smashes your “Americanism” to bits.


    ~ Mike

  3. #3 by Alan on 02/20/2007 - 7:40 am



    Liberal was in fasion when civil rights was pushed along with busing, equality and immigration reform. Once these negitive effects of this came forth then the heat was on the “Liberals”. Ths one label carried the stigma of all that went wrong with leftist idealism mentioned above. The “Liberals” became progressives or moderates etc, they figured nobody would notice. The proper conservative was used to save the cultrial deviants, if Bob Dole was seen along side Ted kennedy then he must not be all that bad so it goes. Everytime these sob’s are on the ropes its somebody on the other side thast saves the “Liberals”, why not, the propers would have to behave like all the others who are never allowed on tv.

  4. #4 by shari on 02/20/2007 - 5:38 pm


    Enjoy your vacation, if that’s whats planned!

  5. #5 by Alan on 02/23/2007 - 5:19 am



    The PC Wordist goes by the group title, Liberals, Progressives, Idealist, Leftist and or Communist. The lable they march by is dependant on the publics negitive sediment it invokes, the lable may change, the distructive political consequences of it’s ideology remains the same. The PC wordist will force dreams of things that were never meant to be onto others, with the motto of damn the consequences. In todays society, groupies worship lables, letters and icons, they seldom understand or ponder the poison they are sold as a cure all for all our woes either real or imaginary. Why do these dummies fall for the same old horse poop sold under a new lable, its the group identity and feeling of belonging they seek, and the opposition they face is too meek and correct guide the wayward idiots into the path of the light know as truth and reality, they to seek acceptence amoung the weak minded and cowardly inept. One revolving door of horse shit, reinvented and packaged time after time, it is up to us to burst this ugly bubble and free our race from destruction.

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