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Posted by Bob on February 24th, 2007 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses


The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody replies:

Alan makes a much stronger point than many may realize.

For instance, I broke with Conservatism when I realized that, for SOME reason, the Godless Communists of the USSR were always facing massive crop failures, and yet, somehow, we kept bailing them out. At THAT point, I realized that Conservatism, in practice, was more of a CON game, than CONservatism.

I suspect that, at the end of the day, it all comes down to Peter Shank’s elegant formulation of FAMILY, RACE and CULTURE – especially RACE, which I see as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture.

I also realize that we are degenerating into the Aristocratic Republic we grew from; twelve years of Bush, eight years of Clinton, eight years of Bush – and Hilary guaranteed to run in ‘08. Further, it looks like The Game was rigged all along – BOB DOLE for President?

Thirty years ago, Robert Townsend, writing in “Up The Organization,” noted that the corporate form ws useful; even if the people who owned them were using them solely to keep the Game going, it was useful. Those corporate Forms were derived from the self-proclaimed “Greatest Generation’s” experience, and models of organizational behavior. You respected the uniform of a superior officer, and ignored the character of the man in it.

Those were the matters of Form that led us to where we are today.

We have been led down the path of folowing the matters of Form without question, and pretty much, ignoring the matters of Substance – Family, RACE and Culture – to our peril.

Our hereditary RACIAL enemies, the Satanic demons known as JEWS, have never lost their clear focus on just these issues; to them, RACE above all, and CULTURE exists solely to serve the RACE.

We have been like blind men playing baseball, with no idea what the game board looks like, or what the rules REALLY are, with the referee working hand-in-glove with our RACIAL enemies.

It’s really very simple – everything outside of Family, RACE and Culture – especially RACE – is really something of a sideshow, designed to keep the Drones amused, and busy, while remaining in their place, as cattle before Gods.

We have always been the ones who compromised, who HAD to compromise, as we accepted our RACIAL enemy’s terms and definition, in a social environment, a Culture, where we were encouraged to “go along to get along.”

No more.

Either we recognize that this is a life or death battle, and our children, our Posterity, and the world they will inhabit, are the stakes here, or we are doomed to always playing the Enemy’s gsmer, at the Enemy’s table, on the Enemy’s terms – and the Enemy gets to referee.

For the FIRST time, we have reduced the terms to what truly matters, and understand them.

Now, we must apply the same level of skilled ruthlessness to them, that they apply to us.

Above all, we must develop that skill, first and foremost, within our selves, by being focused and disciplined, and never allowing ourselves to forget the REAL issues at stake in every decision we make, no matter how small or trivial it may seem.

And what ARE those issues?

Family, RACE and Culture – simple as that.

Especially RACE.

  1. #1 by Dave on 02/24/2007 - 2:02 pm


    The Greatest Generation “models” contributed little. Their “corporate form” had to be undone in the 1980s to get improvement in America’s productivity.

    The Greatest Generation was one of the most unproductive generations in history, the proof being the great inflations of their working lives (1940s through early 1980s), inflation representing nothing more than a shortage of consumer goods, the opposite of what the MSM tell us.

    The Greatest Generation was good at getting others to pay their bills. That’s over, and that fact that we are stuck with their bills is the biggest economic problem we have.

  2. #2 by Herr Profundo on 02/24/2007 - 8:00 pm

    not spam
    not spam

    I don’t respect the uniform of a so-called “superior officer” and I never did. I always looked at the man. The character, if you will. The spirit. A piece of cloth means nothing to me. So, apparently, even though I grew up under the influence of the Greatest Generation it looks as if they failed to brainwash me.

    I never did “go along to get along.” That may well describe most or all of us that are here. Form does not interest us. Substance is what we are after.

    Nobody, you are right on the money. It’s all about race, family and culture.

    Herr Profundo

  3. #3 by AFKAN on 02/24/2007 - 8:27 pm


    The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody replies:

    Dave’s point address the degree to which the very INSTITUTIONS of this society have been perverted by the moral cowardice of the self-proclaimed “Greatest Generation.” Remember, more than two-thirds of them were DRAFTED – their biggest choice was Fort Dix, in combat boots,or Fort Leavenworth, in chains. You don’t need much “courage” to make THAT decision.

    Robert Townsend’s “Up The Organization” was considered quite radical when it first came out; it spoke of ignoring the formal organizational charts and procedures, to make the System work, one way or another. Never questioned was the inherent limit of the corporate form; for instance, Rich Zubaty sums up his entire model of corporations in three words: “Corporations Are Vampires.”

    What was the Army they served, unquestioning, with unquestioned loyalty to “the Army Way” after they left the Army? They NEVER asked, “Who controls the Corporations? How? Why? To what end?” All of those questions can be answered in one phrase – “Follow The Money.”

    Unquestioning, they never asked First Questions about their New Masters, the immortal Vampires that took the marrow from their bones, and left empty promises in its place.

    Both Forms they served – the Army, and the Corporation – have the same needs:

    LOTS of unquestioning, trainable Drones, who can be promised everything, and have those promises inflated away to nothing of value, whatsoever. We, of course, are handed debts that literally can not be repaid, thus placing us – and our Posterity – in eternal indentured servitude until we DO something.

    Ironically, such effectiveness as the Forms of Christianity promised have been reduced to mere social networking, as the gelded, Feminine Christianity makes the same hollow promises its temporal counterparts – the Army, and the Corporation – promised.

    GOD, but we have a lot of work to do!

  4. #4 by Eine Kleine Profundo on 02/25/2007 - 4:01 pm

    not spam.
    not spam.

    Excellent commentary, Nobody! I demand a standing ovation for Nobody! He is, once again, right on the money.

    I have noticed also that even today not enough people are asking the kinds of questions that need to be asked. It’s always the questions that are of no consequence to our people that are being asked. That, of course, is premeditated and deliberate. Yes, we have an enormous amount of work to do.

    Eine Kleine Profundo

  5. #5 by shari on 02/26/2007 - 11:37 am


    Profundo sounds like Joe Roarke to me?

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