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Dammit, Simmons!

Posted by Bob on February 24th, 2007 under Bob, Comment Responses


I tried to say that with my Peak Oil posts, that the timing for the death strike against white liberalism is very near, but you chewed my head off then beat me with the mantra. Even white liberals (and that is the only kind) realize that what they advocated in regards to racial equality is a failure, and so most of them are switching over to Global Warming and energy depletion as their choice of “dramatics.” If it weren’t for the propaganda efforts of the “respectables” and their quest for empire the whole charade would collapse, and it will once our economy seeks its natural level and the cult’s lies are no longer profitable to the average lumpen.

Comment by Simmons


A little while back Simmons told me to take a break, “We’ll take it from here.”

So I took break, a long one for a workaholic like me, and waited for Simmons to get in here. He disappeared, unless this is my attention deficit talking. Now here he is back, thank God, but the old bastard Bob has another bitch to make.

I want Simmons to stop mentioning it and giving us web sites and TELL is what EXACTLY his “Peak Oil” idea is.

Yes, Prof Bob pooh-poohed it once, but this is NOT Mommy Professor territory.

Basso Profundo just got slammed — again — but he’ll be back and he enjoys it. I have slammed about everybody here and nobody minds slamming me when they think I need it.

Try THAT on Mommy Professor’s turf!

I approve your comments. I decide who is an old timer here, and I think you should be COMPLIMENTED when you get in here as a regular grad in our seminar. This puts an obligation on you. I am not interested in what some website says. I am interested in what YOU have to bring to US.

Even SHARI, whom I thumped on for a year about her humility, has stood up and started walking tall. She now understands that if you get in here the way she has, it offends ME if you act like you are not proud of it.

Dammit, Simmons, I want you to sit down and WRITE what Peak Oil IS, and put it in OUR context. No one outside our group can DO that, so referring to a web site won’t do it.

  1. #1 by Alan on 02/24/2007 - 4:07 pm



    Scare tactics suck as Peak Oil and Global Warming are designed to render a sense of hopelessness in the people, if our world is dying why bother to save our race or anything else for that matter, but there is hope. Those who preach this dire future are the usual cast of characters, the media, mommy professor, political left and the Hollywood high society club, Corporate America is in on it also, they like to hide in the shadows. America is the land of plenty where consumption is encouraged, spend and consume, bigger is better is promoted by the corporations. Along side this group is the Global Warming crowd, they scream at us that Global Warming “IS” our fault, we are greedy over consuming and wasteful white vermin who drive gas hog automobiles and pollute the environment. Peak Oil says when Oil production peaks supply will falter, societies will degenerate and war for resources will result. One group tells us to consume the other tells us we are bad for consuming and everybody is left confused. The Global Warming group wants us to trust them, nanny state rationing of resources will save us, in turn, and Corporate America wins out since this further eliminates market competition, the corporate giants will control the resources, and their profits will skyrocket. The new environment regulations forced of the corporations, “laughing”, will wind up being paid for by the tax payers through higher taxes. This garbage is rehashed horse crap, they confuse the people, create guilt, instill fear and helplessness, government is your only hope myth. While we sit around and fall for this crap, millions of brown third worlders will continue to flood into our white nations and this elitist will watch as we sit back and do nothing. The why bother, it is hopeless crowd ,will never notice life goes on and nothing ever changes except, there are less of us and more of the brown them.

  2. #2 by Basso on 02/24/2007 - 7:44 pm

    not spam
    not spam

    Who the hell slammed me, Bob, and where the hell did he go?


  3. #3 by Simmons on 02/25/2007 - 1:55 am


    Peak Oil is the end of cheap oil where demand outstrips supply, simple as that. What it means to us is the increasing costs of maintaining liberalism and its various charades. It means the cult has less treasure to buy the “loyalty” of its constituent parts. But you are right, we need to stick to your basics, PO is but an event where only the prepared can benefit. And moaning the usual gripes as if Bob never existed will not do anymore.

  4. #4 by Pain on 02/25/2007 - 5:22 pm


    “A little while back Simmons told me to take a break, “We’ll take it from here.””

    If you wanted us to “take it from there,” you should have told us that. I think you would have gotten more comments.

  5. #5 by mderpelding on 02/25/2007 - 10:49 pm



    Have you ever questioned WHY global warming HAS to be the fault of whites?
    Have you ever questioned WHY third world poverty HAS to be the fault of whites?
    Have you ever questioned WHY the third world must be integrated with us and ONLY us?
    Us whites, that is.
    In our world, we usually only accept responsibility for that which we can CONTROL.
    Do you see where the real “white supremacists” are?

    Do You See?
    Who insists that global warming IS the fault of the west?
    Who insists that third world poverty IS the fault of the west? (imperialism)
    Who insists white countries and ONLY white countries benefit from “Diversity”?

    White Supremacists. Of course.

    Ironic, ain’t it?

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