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Posted by Bob on March 2nd, 2007 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses

In the midst of an otherwise sensible discussion, The Artist Formerly Kuown as Nobody Puts this non sequitor:

“And, incidentally, by framing the issue of RACE in terms of FAMILY, the door is opened to RACE as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture. You will, of course, recognize Peter Shank’s formulation of our focus – FAMILY, RACE and CULTURE.”

To start with, if Peter Schank’s formulation WORKED we wouldn’t have the problem we have now. I deeply resent someone’s tossing in the name of some other writer on the blog this way. If his formulation WORKED, I wouldn’t have to do this blog.

Take the Mantra and stick “Family, Race and Culture” in instead of race and see how effective it is.

  1. #1 by Pain on 03/02/2007 - 1:55 pm


    Bob I am sure you are right.

    But if someone caught the Mantra somewhere and followed the link here, wouldn’t one say, “Ooh but he’s a crotchety old fart isn’t he” and never come back?

    Sharp chastisement may be necessary, but maybe it could be surrounded with classic Bob to draw in a websurfer’s curiosity?

  2. #2 by Bob on 03/02/2007 - 2:58 pm

    Pain is watching my back.

    Pain is my comrade. He does not hesitate to suggest that someone could say, “Ooh but
    he’s a crotchety old fart isn’t he” and never come back? Pain knows ery well that someone
    could say that and I appreciate his mentioning it.

    So I tell AFKAN, without any diplomacy, that he is dead wrong. I expect AFKAN to take it in in stride. Excellent obervation, Pain, but we have to be able, IN HERE, to be blunt.

  3. #3 by AFKAN on 03/02/2007 - 5:09 pm


    The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody replies:

    Roughly NINETY PERCENT of our nominally RACIAL brethren would just as soon turn and rend us as not.

    Of the remaining TEN PERCENT, NINE PERCENT will tolerate us from a safe distance.

    In a society that equates positive talk of RACE for White People as “Nazi” – and you are talking to a man who was uninvited from the Family Reunion because “You keep bringing the topic back to that Nazi stuff” – we have to take the responsibility to define RACE for ourselves, for a change.

    I have two definitions of RACE – one, RACE is simply a tremendous extened family, and two, right out of Yockey. I use the best definition I can for the audience I am addressing.

    Buchanan was so aware the power the demonic goddamned JEWS have in defining race, he chose as his VP someone who they could not criticize on the grounds of RACE – a high school typing teacher. Boy, I sure want HER one heartbeat from the Oval Office!

    Worse, from a political perspective, is to look at the organizations that have developed on our side on the issue of RACE. My GOD! The Refiner’s Fire has to work overtime to clean THIS mess up!

    One way or another, all of my casual conversations go back to RACE, one way or another. If I put FAMILY and CULTURE around it, I have transformed, in part, the abstraction of RACE into something they can understand – FAMILY – and a greater Context – CULTURE.

    I do not hide what I believe for a minute.

    I DO recognize that a little honey makes the medicine go down and get into the System, where it can do some good.

    No honey, and the medicine stays on the shelf, where it does not do anyone any good, whatsoever.

    In time, who knows?

    They might have pictures of Nathan Bedford Forrest over the mantlepiece!

    He fought for FAMILY, RACE and CULTURE, as well.

  4. #4 by Peter on 03/02/2007 - 10:40 pm

    Not Spam

    NOT sPAm

    I used to beat around the race word myself but I got flak for it, anyway.
    So now I come right out, real short and sweet, and say I think the white race should
    organize politically just like the Jews, Chinese, Latinos, and Blacks have.

    Then if I got an audience I hit them with the mantra.

    Then I leave. Always finish the show on a high note, first rule of show business.


    Christ against Christianity.

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