Archive for March 2nd, 2007

Family, Race, Culture


If you can’t stand up for race, don’t get in the fight. Respectable conservatives use “culture” and “family” as mantras to avoid race. Latins insist that they will welcome anybody into the family who speaks their language and gets a guy in a dress to wave his arms over the couple.

I say it as one who has been in this battle a long, long time:

Every time you find a smart little niche to hide race in, it comes back to bite you on the tail. You join a segregationist fundamentalist church and a few years later you find you are supporting nothing but fanatical Zionism.

Let the Tradition Values crowd draw their salaries and talk about “family,” including that sweet black boy the preacher married to their daughter and how cultured he is.

Let the neoconservatives, who see we already have enough coloreds here to get rid of whitey, lead their lucrative campaigns to end immigration.

There are few of us. And WE are about RACE.
