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Posted by Bob on March 8th, 2007 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses


Yockey wrote a more readable version of Spengler’s “Death of the West.” Yockey fumbled the physical portion of race as did Spengler except Spengler did it in such spectacular fashion he nearly ruined his whole work by adding a couple of paragraphs. Spengler quoted the research of Franz Boas which is like writing a book on “reason” by using the reasearch of witchdoctors. BTW Spengler wrote a pamphlet called “Technics” which if is read prior to his opus makes it all the more understandable.

Comment by Simmons


Actually Ibn Khaldoun wrote the thesis of the rise and fall of civilizations about the fourteenth century. Those of us who discussed Yockey’s book in the late 60s liked to refer to it as “Khaldounism,” a pun John C. Calhoun, of course.

But despite our “in” jokes, we were the ones who promoted Yockey’s Imperium. It has brillaint insights that one wants to paste on everybody’s wall, and we had damned few writers on our side then.

I’ve tried Spengler in English, I’ve tried Spengler in German, and I have tried it in a yoga position upside-down. Yokey is much shorter and infinitely better.

  1. #1 by Peter on 03/09/2007 - 12:41 am


    Now correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Yockey collaborate with the Soviets? Wouldn’t that make him on their side and not ours?


  2. #2 by AFKAN on 03/10/2007 - 4:18 pm



    The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody replies:

    Yockey met, informally, with some Soviet sympathizers to discuss the idea of working with Soviet Occupying Authorities against the Western Occupying Powers in Germany. This was their idea, and not his. Frankly, it sounds more like a classic false flag operation than anything else (SURPRISE!), and Yockey did not support them beyond sharing the idea that it would be an excellent idea to have the Occupying Powers out of Germany.

    To Yockey, it seems, the Occupying Powers, of course, were simply two facades of the goddamn JEWISH control system.

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