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Mommy Professors Little Talking Dolls — Alan Hands us Some Ammo

Posted by Bob on March 8th, 2007 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses


Notice how mommy professor’s little talking doll can do nothing but insult others. This reminds me of those stuffed toys, pull the string and like clock work it will say the same thing over and over till that damn cord is worn out. Four years of higher education produces a stupid talking doll whose string is about worn out. These pathetic examples of white DNA never see the big picture, it is all about the “Message”, and this is all that matters.

Comment by Alan


I have been searching for a way to get that Mommy Professor title across. “Mommy Professor’s Little Talking Dolls” is PERFECT!

The whole point of my propaganda is not to give huge volumes of information to show we are smarter than the Conspiracy Geniuses, but to show the other side how damned SILLY and childish they are. When I hear some overaged hippie reciting what he was told in college, I always feel like I’m dealing with on of those smiling retards in institutions I worked in who have beards and diapers.

They are always smiling, but God, do they make you SICK! A hardcore LIBERAL being escorted through the retarded home had to take a detour to the men’s room after seeing them, and then HE said, “Why can’t you just put them out of their misery?”

My approach is to make these bearded hippie retards see themselves the way I see them: “Mommy Professor’s Little Talking Dolls.”

Suddenly a century of delusion is swept away as with the Mantra. Instantly they are no longer sophisticated people, “We’ve been to college, you know, and are explaining how Sophisticated Opinion works.” Suddenly they are kids who left their Mommy values and got reprogrammed by Mommy Professor.

That is the way to wage a WAR!

  1. #1 by AFKAN on 03/08/2007 - 6:34 pm


    The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody replies:

    I have argued that we are becoming an increasingly infantile nation; sixty years of television, and, more importantly, forty years of color television, have replaced our thoughts with their thoughts, their words, and their pictures. It has also dumbed us down horribly, for we lose the Creative faculties that ARE, truly, in God’s Image.

    The JEWISH model of us is that we are animals – literally, dumb beasts of the field – who are incapable of abstract thought, much less creative abstract thought. They simply send the signals we have been conditioned to respond to – Christoper Lasch noted the used of the word “crisis” as an example – and we fall into line, like children.

    The problem is, the Children are now wearing the bodies of Adults, and their purpose is to keep the OTHER Children in line. The flip side of that is that they are literally terrified of those who have moed forward, and have left them behind.

    So they drag them down, and keep them down, either by exiling them from the Organization, or exiling them from the Community.

    It’s becoming more difficult for them – the Internet allows them to begin to Awaken, and, to help keep them Asleep, they have to use prescription tranquilizers in simply massive levels, to the point that more than HALF of the “Adult” population is on prescription tranquilizers.

    Only Children, leaving in what is to us essentially a Dream State of Consciousness, can “accept” the disparities that lead to massive cognitive dissonance in Adults, as we see daily on the RACE question.

    The rest of us have to be forcibly mandated, restrained, and medicated, to accept what our Mind tells us is simply a goddamn JEWISH lie on the grandest of scales.

  2. #2 by Pain on 03/09/2007 - 4:21 pm


    “Suddenly a century of delusion is swept away as with the Mantra. Instantly they are no longer sophisticated people, “We’ve been to college, you know, and are explaining how Sophisticated Opinion works.” Suddenly they are kids who left their Mommy values and got reprogrammed by Mommy Professor.”

    This usually ends in shrieking, insults, and revenge.

    They really don’t care what you have to say, they just feel angry because you have made them feel stupid.

    They shriek in response because they are intensely jealous of you.

    The same thing happens on StormFront. Being polite and ignoring the shrieking works fine, but usually a moderator will come in and delete the less PC posts, punish the non-PC poster, then destroy all evidence.

  3. #3 by Pain on 03/09/2007 - 4:37 pm


    I recommend to you Bob, that you reconsider and ask to become a moderator in SF’s Christian sub-forum.

    Christians are not wholly welcome there, and the predominance of Jesus-haters on SF keeps out what is perhaps the best potential demographic group in the USA from the pro-White movement — Southerners. Pro-South Southerners seem to be good at working with others and for others, are loyal to the race, but they are consistently dedicated Christians.

    You do not consider yourself orthodox. However, I have noticed that when I have put some of your ideas up in SF, the Christians will tolerate them, but the non-Christian moderators will delete them since these ideas make Jesus look good — even though they push the edge of orthodoxy.

    There are no Christian moderators in the religion sub-forum.

    The only fair moderator is a neo-heathen, but she is unlike any of the other self-described heathens on the forum. These heathens state outright that the gods they pretend to believe in do not exist. Instead they say the gods are metaphors of themselves and they worship themselves. Racialism requires loyalty to the race, but they are self-worshipping individualists.

    Then there is the CI, whose followers believe that they are the real Jews — or should I say “Israelites,” if that makes any difference? This religion is led by self-loving individualists who make up their theology as they go along and require loyalty to themselves. CI is fascinating at first for its racial rhetoric, but it is psychological dishonest and harmful like the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Racialism requires loyalty to the race, but this religion is loyal to itself and its individualist leaders first and last.

    Third there is the Atheist sub-forum which is really just a forum to bash Jesus. True atheists represent a tiny percentage of Whites, and posts there simply restate Jewish hatred of religion in general and of Jesus in particular. Racialism requires loyalty to the race, but this sub-forum is dominated by self-worshipping individualists.

    Last is the Christian sub-forum, but that is closely watched and censored by the anti-Christian moderators.

    Southern organizations (such as the LoS) specifically say that the pro-White movement is dominated by Jesus-haters. They are right. These organization use this fact to advise their members to stay away from the pro-White movement. This is a shame, because pro-South men are reliably idealists and can work with others and for others.

    Bob, you are either Christian or almost a Christian and fair, so if you were a moderator there, you could easily help Bible-belters feel more welcome at SF.

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