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Posted by Bob on March 9th, 2007 under Coaching Session


The world is full of innocent people that ideologues of any stripe are especially talented at harming.

That is because these ideologues are forever focused on everything but what is actually true.

Johann Goethe stated it another way: “God save us from BELIEF”.

I suggest if you really want to understand race relations listen to BWs Untrained Eye Audio titled “Tourettes”. In there you will find the whole truth of race relations, not just a part, but everything there is.

In it, BW tells us what the real responsibilities of whites are and it is the best “sermon” on race relations ever uttered.

Johann Goethe said another thing, more important than most imagine: “In life, nothing less than everything will do.”

This was Goethe’s denunciation of ideologues of any stripe. The welfare of the entire world depends upon white people understanding the meaning of that.

  1. #1 by shari on 03/10/2007 - 1:11 pm


    I have never read Goethe, but I think that those two quotes are pure gold.

  2. #2 by Bob on 03/10/2007 - 1:27 pm

    I knew his daddy.

  3. #3 by shari on 03/10/2007 - 2:17 pm


    They told me that I saw his daddy one time, but I was too young to remember it.

  4. #4 by AFKAN on 03/10/2007 - 9:31 pm


    The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody replies:

    This ties in quite well with a point Dave made earlier.

    In an earlier quote, Dave said:
    Whites don’t need “white nationalism”. Instead, we need a COPING STRATEGY for dealing with the primitivism of Jews and nonwhites.

    Perhaps, “reservations” are the answer.

    Not old style “Indian reservations”, but a new system recognizing the irreducible primitivism of nonwhites, a sort of social “eco-sorting” of nonwhite people out into the structures appropriate to them and away from our structures.

    This could be done with nonwhites and Jews themselves having absolutely no understanding of what we are doing. We need to recognize that we, as whites, have a huge ambit of action available to us entirely outside the apprehension of our opponents.

    I’m just floating this, because I think the conversation needs to move into a more advanced domain.

    We need a COPING STRATEGY for the dark primitive world remains our enemy today, just as it way in the 19th century.

    in reply:
    This is a MUCH stronger point than many realize.

    JUDAISM is a RACIAL philosophy that is ruthless practiced, every minute or every hour of every day of every year by ALL Jews at ALL times. It is essentially a totally pragmatic, totally ruthless philosophy of RACIAL domination through duplicity.

    I am to the point that I can FEEL when I am in the immediate presence of my Jewish coworkers, and my FEELING is that I am looking past the facade, and can damn near SEE comething cold, slimy, and ruthlessly evil, that is ALWAYS calculating my weakness, and how that can work to his RACIAL advantage, at a RACIAL level.

    By accepting their WORDS, and the organization of those WORDS to shape the intellectual framing of the discussion, we pretty much lose before we even take the field.

    This is our Challenge, as a RACE – to ignore their WORDS, superficially, and look for the deeper meaning of the words they are using, and how they are using the words we accept as manipulative tools to control us, and use us for their RACIAL purposes.

    I think the answer comes from what was done so successfully in NSDAP Germany – they simply removed the structural Institutions the goddamn JEWS had installed to control the German people. By simply neutralizing the JEWS as an Institutional force, the Creative possibilities became manifest for the German people to organically organize their society along positive, life-sustaining and life-fulfilling lines.

    The JEWS are simply – and “simply” is a bit of a simplification – an Asiatic Hive Consciousness that works through the nodes of JEWS, individually and collectively, and is so inherently Satanic that it willfully mocks God the Creator, and serves God the Destroyer – a God they made in their own image.

    Yet, their only source of power is that of their Host, for they are a Parasite.

    I’ve noticed that Jews literally enjoy being hated, as if they get some sort of pleasure from that.

    They do.

    They verbally frame that as jealousy of their self-proclaimed superiority, and reward that idea constantly.

    The answer is simple.

    The opposite of Love is not Hate.

    It is Indifference; in our case, the transcendental Indifference of the Adult to the schemings of children in the playpen, knowing that our energies are required Elsewhere, in the fulfillment of our RACIAL Destiny.

    Our Work is to recreate our Culture, being as wise as serpents – symbols of Earth wisdom – about how the hook-nosed Satanic demons known as JEWS will always work to thwart us, guarding ourselves against their activities, and BUILD Something Better, starting in our individual lives, and from there to our Families, and from there to our RACE – ALWAYS having the RACIAL perspective the entire while, as the Pole Star for all of our navigation, the transcendent Goal we are always aiming for.

    The basics are obvious, even though few of us follow them:

    1. No television.

    2. No debt.

    3. Home schooling of children.

    4. An awful lot more that will become apparent in time!

    To those who say this is impossible, I can only refer them to Brigham Young, and those who followed him in the Trek of ’47, and challenge them to define how we can do as well, and hopefully, much better.

    There is an Old Saying:

    “Sow a Thought, Reap an act
    Sow an Act, reap a Habit
    Sow a Habit, reap a Character
    Sow a Character, reap a Destiny

    When you thoughts are of fulfilling your role, however small it may seem at the moment, in the fulfillment of our RACIAL DESTINY, then the goddamn JEWS seem like slugs in the garden that YOU are Creating, and Cultivating.

  5. #5 by Alan on 03/11/2007 - 12:44 pm



    The goverment finances public messages about drugs, they end with this “Just Say No!” Three simple words could destroy the adjenda of any race and religious group when it is the majorty that is saying, NO! When it comes to our enemies, use the Mantra and Just Say No to their sick and twisted political correct pipe dream.

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