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Posted by Bob on March 9th, 2007 under History

I.M. here does not mean Instant Messaging. It represents the one thing I can offer you that you cannot get for yourself: Institutional Memory.

So let’s do some I.M. I used to know a lot of members of the group that would later call themselves The Greatest Generation. You would not RECOGNIZE my description of the way they were in the 50s. One professor wrote an article in Reader’s Digest in the 1950s about The Silent Generation. He pointed out what I saw:

That guys who were in college on the G.I. Bill from the Korean War talked abut their experiences, but the guys from WWII never did.

Can you IMAGINE that? Back then, the WWII crowd was the Silent Generation!!!!! Now THAT’S Institutional Memory NOBODY else will tell you about.

In the last piece, I mentioned we pro-whites today are ahead of the curve of conservatism in the 1950s. You see, as Twin Rule will explain to you, Hitler LOST World War II, and the only absolutely consistent War Crime is LOSING. No one on the winning side has ever been accused of a War Crime, much less convicted. So in the 1950s everything that came from the right was Hitlerism. In the first Knesset in 1948, no one would sit on the Right… Any mention of racial IQ difference was grounds for a lynching, and I do NOT mean that figuratively. Ask Professor Osbourne of the University of Georgia.

As I said, William Buckley’s appearance on the Jack Paar show in January of 1961 was as shocking as Dr. Duke’s being on a major show ten years ago. Paar made fun of him, while O’Reilly shrieked at Duke, but it’s the same game. But I have been here before. To you this is a whole new game; to me this is where I came in.

Today, Dr. Duke’s being on national television is unusual but not unheard of, as Buckley’s was then.

While the Fanatical Losers TODAY tell us that we get no hearing, I am amazed at every time we DO get a hearing.

Or a chance to go around the System, like this blog.

Let’s look at the 80s:

Oh, yes, I remember the “Oh, God, ALL IS LOST!” fanatics. “Liberals rule all things, and will forever.” They turn out to have been right, but that is largely because of THEIR efforts. We won, so, while we concentrated on the GGS , the neoconservative strategy was being used to outflank us.

While we were trying to talk the “Reagan is not what we thought he would be idiots (no adult ever thought Reagan would be the single-minded anti-abortion fanatic they expected)” down off the ledge, neoconservatives whomadd the best of liberalism made the best of conservatism.

You see, while Gloomy Gus and Gloomy Gloria were whining about how Yesterday Will Never Come Again, those who had ruled policy previously simply adapted to the new world and ruled again. While most of us were trying to deal with the perpetual losers, the winners got into reality and won again.

In the end, I won AND I lost. As long as you accept the hypothesis of the Losers that bringing down the whole Soviet Empire was meaningless, I did NOTHING

All the Gloomy Gusses and Gloomy Glorias are saying that the enemy did not disappear; they just abandoned the Soviet Union.

Of course they did. It was a sinking ship.

But that is where GG’s interest in the whole thing ends. They want to prove it is all hopeless, that Conspiracy is All Wise and God-Like and cannot lose.

Which is exactly what enemy propaganda is all about.

So I KEEP pointing out that the biggest brag of National Review and other neoconservatives is that they stand by that liberal philosophy of John Kennedy’s crowd, “The Best and the Brightest.” So, I say, THEY got us into Vietnam and neos got us into Iraq. That is forty years of Institutional memory that could work for you.

What do I get back?

“Neos are JEWS! Read this book about JEWS!” “JEWS are all-powerful and loyal to each other and wise beyond our mere goy perception.”

Which is the propaganda your enemy ALWAYS has to PAY to put out.

I am SO sick of this! This is where I came in half a century ago.. But I am still on OUR side. I know all about selling out. I know all about it PROFESSIONALLY. I just won’t do it. I am NOT a sociopath.

But note this: Those of us who put out THEIR message will get the attention. One thing Allied Propaganda used to do was to repeat the worst things Nazis said about the Mongoloid race to the Japanese. And if you can be quoted as saying that the Jews are unbeatable, where do you think THAT quote will go?

And surrender always sells.

I have been this way before. I have been part of a group that fought its way to public and I told them what they were doing wrong and they did it.

I have been this way before.

And the fork is just ahead.

  1. #1 by Alan on 03/10/2007 - 2:12 am



    In 1980 I was 18 years of age and I voted for the stupid, B actor, war monger, right wing Nazi extreemist, Ronald Reagan. They said Reagan was to right of center to be elected, that came from liberals and respectables, I voted for Reagan and was proud of it, hell I bragged about it to any whinning blabber mouth with in ear shot. When our enemies attack others in the unjust manner they attacked Reagan, you can bet he is the one person they fear most. Reagan was sold out by the wimpy, we can not rock the boat to much defeatest republicans, we blew a great opportunity to destroy the liberal bastards for good and neo conservatism would never have come about , period. The neo conservatives as Bob said jumped on board ship and stole the movement, they took control because the wimps were to absorbed with the fear that their victory was a fluke.

  2. #2 by AFKAN on 03/11/2007 - 12:52 am



    The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody replies:

    This is a point the late Sam Francis made; he believed that, in effect, Reagan won, and Bush took over, and has run the Party into the ground.

    Not that they gave a damn one way or the other.

    Francis also believed, if I am reading him correctly, that the Middle American Radicals were the true foundation of the “Reagan Revolution,” and if they had organized with focused discipline, could have changed America dramatically.

    But, they didn’t – and that was JUST FINE with the Republican Party.

    Since then, they’ve been played for one fool after another with frightening ease.

    Take, for example, the issue of abortion, which the “Christian Evangleicals” claim is an issue that inspires them.

    In fact, it only inspires them enough for a few to make a comfortable living off the sheep.

    LOOK at the numbers of abortions since Roe v. Wade; think that tells you something?

    So, everyone gets to feel safe and morally superior attacking the “judge-made law” of Roe.

    However, by chasing this false flag, they ignore – willfully – the ONE area that really matters in terms of their having an effect – federal funding of abortions.

    Not a WORD on THAT issue.

    Is it my imagination, or do I see a certain RACIAL pattern in the names of ob-gyns (abortionists) in the phone book? Do I see the irony of the Goyim PAYING the JEWISH doctors to fulfill their Talmudic RACIAL duty of destroying other RACES in the womb?

    Not a word on THAT issue, either.


    What’s left to conserve?

  3. #3 by Alan on 03/11/2007 - 12:58 pm



    The comment by nobody is right on, Bob tells us to stick to the Mantra and Nobody’s examples of so called conservative orgaizations and how they sell out their cause for profit and power lends alot of support to Bob’s insistence that, we stick to the Mantra. The Mantra is direct, to the point and is unwavering, it can not fail.

  4. #4 by AFKAN on 03/11/2007 - 7:29 pm


    The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody replies to Alan:

    Alex Linder likes to cite Joe Sobran’s realization of The Truth about The Cause of Conservatsism – it was after Sobran gave more than twenty years of excellent work to Buckley’s NR. Suddenly, virtually overnight, if memory serves, Sobran saw twenty years of loyal service to The Cause vanish in a moment where he was struck by Hebrew Lightning. I suspect Sobran was more hurt – profoundly disappointed – rather than angry – at Buckley, believing it was all a misunderstanding, and Bill would understand the Goodness in Joe’s heart.

    Heh, heh, heh.

    Linder discusses this quite often – the fact that Institutional Conservatism is simply a con, a racket to bluff the fools, a JEWISH CONTROLLED FALSE FLAG to get the drones all whipped up, to no avail save a vague feeling of moral superiority – in short, a Plantation where they can never leave.

    Institutional Conservatism, as Dr. Revilo Oliver (one of the founders of the John Birch Society) realized, is simply a tool to keep any possible opposition in check; with reputable figures leading the organization, it’s easy to attract, IDENTIFY and control the drones. Oliver’s incredible feelings of despair as he realized what was really going on can be seen between the lines of his book, “America’s Decline.” It pretty much lays out why Conservatism failed.

    Short answer – it was designed to do so.

    Eventually, after you have scratched down to the bare bones and come to the unalloyed Truth, you realize:

    (1) Conservatism is a waste of time, as, under the best of interpretations, there is precious little to conserve, and

    (2) RACE, writ large, is the irreducable core of Culture, Politics, and Economics.

    (3) We talk about Politics and Economics all day, and even Culture, as these, in pretty much a free-floating isolation that most Wordists would just love to watch; at the end of the day, nothing of substance really gets done, for us.

    And this is not by accident…

    (4) RACE adds a dynamic element to its derivatives – Culture, Politics, and Economics. RACE is the overriding theme that defines the greater ends to be fulfilled by these means.

    (5) By keeping us ignorant of RACE, the true Foundation of our Greatness, all of the Power derived from the interaction of Culture, Politics and Economics, the Satanically controlled Jewish PARASITES can dissipate and drain our power, before we can use it, in the transformed, altered, weaker Forms.

    (6) RACE, then, is the True Issue that underlies ALL other social issues.

    Get THAT right, and everything else has a fighting chance to fall into place.

    Get that WRONG, and you are always fighting on shifting sands, today, and quicksand, tomorrow.

    It’s worth noting that the demons in shoe leather knowns as JEWS define ALL issues, first, foremost, forever, in terms of RACE, while we are the only RACIAL group that is specifically denied the right to even be Aware of it.

    There’s an EXCELLENT reason for that, too.

    Once we realize this, the Power that is available to us can be used intelligently, and creatively, not for the hook-nosed Satanists, but for US.

    For a change.

  5. #5 by Alan on 03/12/2007 - 8:00 pm



    Jewish power is of little concern to me, it IS like, politically correct institutional power and the power of the federal goverment in general. These outfits are only as powerfull as we allow them to be. Our race could bring down all three of these powerless groups tomorrow if we orgainized our white race and took to the streets, power of the institution is an illusion back up by “FEAR”. These institutions instill fear, they threaten and bully a few to keep the many in line, they are simuliar to the school yard bully. It always amazes me how dozzens of smaller kids can allow one overgrown stupid humanbeing make their lives miserable, why they do not gather together and smash the bully to a pulp is, FEAR. Every child immagines marching over to the bully only to discover they are alone and helpless. When the members our white race lose this fear of being the only one and come together as a group, our real power will drive thesebullies out of dodge.

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