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Thanks, Dave

Posted by Bob on March 14th, 2007 under Coaching Session


I’m just floating this, because I think the conversation needs to move into a more advanced domain.

Sometimes I feel that the whole trajectory that began with WWI has run its course.

Before WWI there was a very clear sense that the nonwhite world and the world of the Jews was a PRIMITVE WORLD.

It was understood that nonwhites (including Jews) were tethered to the world in a fundamentally different way, a primitive way, than they way whites are tethered to the world.

I the 19th century it was clearly apprehended that the world of nonwhites was a world of ghosts and unseen forces that ran with the land and waters and of spirits of the dead residing in soils and tides.

In the 19th century, whites understood HOW DEEPLY, HOW TRULY DEEPLY, nonwhites (including Jews) were submersed into a world of malevolent spirits and unseen forces and how their primitive tethering to the world shaped their response to life and everything about them.

Before WWI, whites had a COPING STRATEGY in dealing with the primitivism of nonwhites and Jews: Accordingly, it was clearly understood THAT NONWHITES AND JEWS WERE PRIMITIVE.

Somehow this knowledge disappeared in the trenches of WWI. After WWI, a popular pretense arose in the white world that Jews and nonwhites were capable of modernity.

That was the forerunner of political correctness and a great blindness descended upon the white world. That blindness persists today as much in white nationalism as in neoconservativism. White nationalists and neoconservatives have exactly the same inability: Both factions cannot fathom that nonwhites are tethered to the world in a fundamentally different way, a primitive way, RACIALLY FOUNDED.


Whites have long been singularly exposed to this primitivism, blinded by their own long modernity and the world wars.

Accordingly, whites cannot see that the clever media manipulations of the Jews for what these manipulations really are: a form of “putting on magic” to an adversary according to the logic of a primitive mind that now is beyond the ken of whites to scope out (unlike in the 19th century).

Or regarding Islam, for example in Mesopotamia, white nationalists and neoconservatives alike cannot fathom that the Mosques, Sunni and Shiite, their prayer rituals, etc., run WITH THE LAND and are about THEY VERY SOILS UPON WHICH THOSE MOSQUES SIT AND THE “SPIRITS” OF THE SOILS BENEATH THEM.

Islam runs with the land, regardless of where the Moslem actually resides, and try getting the blinded white of any political persuasion to understand that. Good luck! You are going to get blank dumb stares back from someone who thinks you are crazy.

And there you have our fundamental inability.

Our can white people wake up to the fact that in the rising swamp of our nonwhite and Jew tsunami the real issue is their primitivism?

We need to get our 19th century goggles back on!

Other than to avail themselves of white technology, nonwhites and Jews are not going to become modern IN ANY GUISE.

It is a fiction that is possible. If it were possible, the world would not be racial, and the world IS racial.

Accordingly, I evaluate things by my very eyes and direct experience.

For example, my community is now predominately nonwhite. I live and work among nonwhites including nonwhite Moslems every day. Gradually, I am becoming able to really understand them, Jew, nonwhite, Christian, and Moslem.




I experience this fact directly in my intercourse with them everyday and everyday I say to myself, “My god, I’m back in the 19th century!”

Whites don’t need “white nationalism”. Instead, we need a COPING STRATEGY for dealing with the primitivism of Jews and nonwhites.

Perhaps “reservations” are the answer.

Not old style “Indian reservations”, but a new system recognizing the irreducible primitivism of nonwhites, a sort of social “eco-sorting” of nonwhite people out into the structures appropriate to them and away from our structures.

This could be done with nonwhites and Jews themselves having absolutely no understanding of what we are doing. We need to recognize that we, as whites, have a huge ambit of action available to us entirely outside the apprehension of our opponents.

I’m just floating this, because I think the conversation needs to move into a more advanced domain.

We need a COPING STRATEGY for the dark primitive world remains our enemy today, just as it way in the 19th century.

  1. #1 by AFKAN on 03/14/2007 - 6:31 pm


    The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody replies:
    I have always regarded Culture, writ large, as the outworking of a Religion, and the purpose of the religion was to bind our Consciousness back to the realm from whence we came, hopefully improved for our experience in this incarnation.

    If you listen to the leaders of the goddamn demons who walk the Earth known as JEWS, THEY will tell you that their RACIAL identity is FAR more important than their temporal identify; “Before I was male or female, I was JEWISH.”

    The demonic bastards have this RACIAL identity placed front and center, at all points in their lives; “Above all else, One Question: IS IT GOOD FOR JEWS?”

    Note the emphasis on the plural in their ONE RACIAL COMMANDMENT.

    Indeed, the true meaning of the bar/bat mitzvah is the moment where, as Adults, they accept their RACIAL identity as being foremost, and their duties to the RACE coming first, foremost, forever.

    By our standards, this is incredibly primitive; there is no true Individuation in such a system.

    It is also remarkably effectively, as we have been divided and conquered by a system that openly denigrates our RACE, and preaches the joy of trivial individualism (the Libertarian focus on sex and drugs, producing a people who CAN NOT Create, and pose no threat).

    The best COPING STRATEGY I can imagine, for now, is to simply be Aware of the Total War that has been undertaken against us at the Cultural level, and not waste time in fighting it. It is a veritable tidal wave.

    I am doing this, and focusing on how my every act works in the furtherance of my RACE.

    The temporal test for this should be easy – start with your Family, and move outwards, for one definition of RACE is a tremendous extended Family. This was a very implicit focus of Brigham Young, by the way.

    The problem is, most of my Family rejects my RACIAL views, and my discussing them, to a degree that I find most disheartening. So, we pretty much ignore each other, and I look for small teaching opportunities with my nephews who come down over their school holidays.

    We must face the fact that a good NINETY-FIVE PERCENT of our nominally RACIAL kin would see us in Hell for being “RACISTS.” I’ve pretty much written them off – my criteria for women is, “Do you watch Oprah?” If the answer is “YES,” then dealing with her is a total waste of time. For men, it’s “Do you watch network television in general, and situation comedies in particular? Allowed exception is ‘The Simpsons,’ where our RACIAL Enemy shows their hand routinely. Ever see any JEWS on ‘The Simpsons'” Didn’t think so.”

    Any productive change will begin with out thoughts – “Only A Change Of Mind, Will Save Our Kind.”

    The first step is to simply be aware of RACE, writ larger, and just be aware of the constant attacks on our RACE by our RACIAL enemies.

    Then, get out of debt while you can.

  2. #2 by AFKAN on 03/14/2007 - 7:18 pm


    The Artist Formerly Known as Nobody replies again:
    Dave made a much more substantial point than many of us can easily grasp, and, to a degree, I fell in to the trap set by our RACIAL Enemies – the Satanic natured goddamn JEWS – that has been, ironically, the hallmark of most Conservative (“Movement”) thinking.

    We explicitly accept the validity of the intellectual framing of terms and ideas by our RACIAL Enemies – in short, we allow then First Mover Advantage, and let them run with it.

    I’m going to try something rather more challenging, and (hopefully) much more Creative.

    I’m going to look at the goddamn JEW-controlled Propasphere messages that I must see and hear – you can’t turn off the billboards on the way to work, or the newsradio programs at work – and try to reframe – restate – what I am hearing and seeing in light of what SHOULD be said in place of the messages we are getting.

    ACTIVE Transformation versus PASSIVE Acceptance.

    Better run the DVD of that GREAT Roddy Piper movie, “They Live,” for a little motivation.

    “…and I’m all out of bubble gum!”

  3. #3 by Pain on 03/15/2007 - 3:12 am


    “I’m just floating this, because I think the conversation needs to move into a more advanced domain.”

    But you’re right. The news media are just the kabbala. They literally believe that words are magic. This could explain why writing in the media is so bad: it matters little what words MEAN since the words themselves are magic.

    Another way of saying this is that when a liar such as Bill Kristol makes a press release to Time magazine he believes he is casting a magic spell. He does not care about the accuracy of what he says, since it is the words themselves that have mysterious power, and he does not fully understand what they mean anyway.

    To show what I mean by that, watch the movie Bee Season. I couldn’t believe that such a stone-age movie could be made. The movie makes a straight connection from the kabbala to the spelling of words, and by spelling words and saying them in ways no one can understand, one becomes god.

    Primitivism. Wordism. Superstition. Worship of things that are not understood.

  4. #4 by richard on 03/15/2007 - 8:29 am


    A friend of mine used to own a store in South Africa, employing some black labour. When white rule ended, the blacks got given telephones and electricity by the government. It lasted a few months, then their phone and electric were shut off.

    When he asked them why, they said “Nobody told us we had to PAY for it!”

    They thought electricity was white man’s magic, and when blacks took over they would learn how to use the magic too.

  5. #5 by Simmons on 03/15/2007 - 9:32 am


    Actually “Crusty the Clown” is the Jewish character on the “Simpsons”, a bit of irony there. In another bit of irony it was my realization of my Existentialism that brought me to the reality of race. I came to realize the truth in what Dave was saying at a fairly young age for an unread man. It is also why I’m suspicious of the masses and any “movement” that seeks to evangelicalize every “Opron” or “SportsEunuch” to white nationalism.

  6. #6 by shari on 03/15/2007 - 1:51 pm


    I think that what happened to the white race since ww1 is that first they indulged in vanity and then lost confidence. I saw part of a movie the other day,and I never learned the title. It was dubbed into English and Ingrid Bergman was the “heroine” She played a woman who left her husband and family to “love” the whole world. When she was questioned about this by the doctors in the mental institution, she said her motive was not love but hatred for herself and her kind. Those were the actual lines. Everybody declared her a saint. When a person “repents” of huge things like racism, they get to feel morally superior for it. When you repent of things you personally regret, all you get is regret and you can’t undo anything, so you just have to live with it and go on. Jewish hustle just takes advantage of the false guilt. But it is become too obvious to hold its deception. Families who hold on to their moral security blankets are going to face facts soon enough. Didn’t Jesus say that he came not to bring peace, but a sword, that a man’s enemy could be members of his own house? I thing I now know what that means.

  7. #7 by shari on 03/15/2007 - 5:14 pm


    I have been thinking about this notion of “At the fundamentally racial level,they are tethered to the world differently than ourselves.” C.S.Lewis wrote a letter to his brother in 1932 which might shed some light on this. He wrote “When I have tried to rule out all my predjudices I still can’t help thinking that the Christian world is [partially]”saved” in a sense in which the East is not. We may be hypocrites, but there is a sort of unashamed and reigning iniquity of temple prostitution and infanticide and torture and political corruption and obscene imagination in the East, which really does suggest that they are off the rails–that some necessary part of the human machine, restored to us, is still missing with them–For some reason which we cannot find out they are still living in the B.C. period[as there are African tribes still living in the stone-age] and it is apparently not intended that they should yet emerge from it…”
    I don’t know if they NEVER will, but I know that we can’t change it by our pc efforts and suicide for us is not an answer, it’s disaster.

  8. #8 by lyulf on 03/16/2007 - 12:05 pm

    Christianity has two unique anathemas which puts
    it far ahead of other religions, past & present:
    1) No human sacrifice &
    2) One man, one wife.
    However, here’s something that may be relevant to
    “stealth coping” from the Bhagavad Gita:

    “Out of the corruption of women proceeds the confusion of races; out of the
    confusion of races proceeds the loss of memory; out of the loss of memory
    proceeds the loss of understanding, and out of this all evil!”

  9. #9 by lyulf on 03/16/2007 - 1:00 pm

    Christianity has two unique anathemas which puts
    it far ahead of other religions, past & present:
    1) No human sacrifice &
    2) One man, one wife.
    However, here’s something that may be relevant to
    “stealth coping” from the Bhagavad Gita:

    “Out of the corruption of women proceeds the confusion of races; out of the
    confusion of races proceeds the loss of memory; out of the loss of memory
    proceeds the loss of understanding, and out of this all evil!”

    Comment by lyulf — 3/16/2007 @ 12:05 pm
    (sorry about the No spam glitch)

    “To the moon Alice!” Ralph Cramden

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