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AFKAN Says, in Part:

Posted by Bob on March 15th, 2007 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses, History, How Things Work


The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody replies:

I have always regarded Culture, writ large, as the outworking of a Religion, and the purpose of the religion was to bind our Consciousness back to the realm from whence we came, hopefully improved for our experience in this incarnation.


Yockey is great, and I promoted him, but he and Spengler did their bit centuries after Ibn Khaldoun had the same insights. To me, the word “culture” is, as you say, a religion. It assumes, as did Spengler and Yockey, that race is not important and that this Great Culture thing moves regardless of genetics.

Willis used up every excuse he could for Yockey. He wanted someone to worship, and I never have.

Yockey and Ayn Rand and Marx and Spengler all fall into the same category for me. Yockey worshipped Culture, Marx worshipped Economics, Rand worshipped Freedom. Then Yockeyists, Spenglerites, Randian Objectivists and Marxists get together and point and laugh at natives worshipping totem poles or devout, illiterate Catholics who pray to, actually pray TOWARD, statues.

I stated below how I laugh at the “intellectuals” who marvel at ridiculous “classical” sculpture or the Capitol Building because they STILL think the gray, worn-out statues they dig up are true Classical statues. Meanwhile REAL classical statues looked like the ones in (correction taken) the few Catholic churches that still have statues in them.

“Intellectuals” are the worst kind of rubes because they think they’re smart.

“Intellectuals” think it is silly for an Eskimo to assign special powers to a totem pole HE made. They laugh at an old-style Catholic who wants a statue to focus his prayers on.

Then these “intellectuals” worship Culture or Freedom or Economics, each of which is just as much a product of the people who made it as that totem and that statue is. But what is especially ironic is that the old-style Catholic KNOWS that what he or she is praying to is NOT the actual Saint.

But Rand and Marx and Yockey actually BELIEVE that the Freedom or Economics, or Great Culture they are groveling in front of has a LIFE of its OWN. Unlike the most ignorant illiterate South American Catholic, they honestly believe that this work of man’s hands is the be-all and end-all, that that product is the determinant of history.

Boys and girls, you CANNOT get dumber than THAT.

  1. #1 by Dave on 03/15/2007 - 11:50 am


    George Bernard Shaw had such fun making fun of intellectuals.

    I see the real world all the time when I remember that famous scene in the play, Major Barbara, where the English munitions industrialist Undershaft explodes at his son Stephen who is always carrying on that, “It is the English spirit that rules England”.

    Finally exasperated, Undershaft shouts at his son, “I rule England you idiot! The English spirit has nothing to do with it.”

    Stephen looks on dumbfounded; too stupid to realize that it was true, that his father actually did rule England.

  2. #2 by Peter on 03/15/2007 - 3:11 pm


    Bob wrote:
    But Rand and Marx and Yockey actually BELIEVE that the Freedom or Economics, or Great Culture they are groveling in front of has a LIFE of its OWN. Unlike the most ignorant illiterate South American Catholic, they honestly believe that this work of man’s hands is the be-all and end-all, that that product is the determinant of history.

    Boys and girls, you CANNOT get dumber than THAT. *end*

    in reply:
    We “CANNOT get dumber than that?”

    Let’s try.

    Essentially – and I read The Muqaddimah (Rosenthal translation) in school, and still have my copy in the attic – I’m defending Yockey on this.

    Yockey understood the deeper issues – that words, manipulated as they are by the likes of Rand and Marx – and saw that none of “this” came from Nothing – there was a Source, and there is a hierarchy between us and Him.

    My definition of the linkages between RACE and CULTURE are rather explicit; absent the RACE through which it can work, CULTURE remains inchoate, and useless. In this world of Form we can work with the abstract ideals – and Ideals – of our CULTURE, which ONLY our RACE can do with any degree of success.

    I don’t see this as a process of human passivity at all. Simply put, the Culture-Soul proposes, and our RACE disposes. In turn, our RACE proposes, and the Culture-Soul…proposes. WE are the vehicles through which the Culture-Soul acts in world before us.

    There is an old saying – “Life is God’s gift to you. What you choose to make of it is your gift to God.”

    That’s why RACE is so important; the Culture-Soul CREATES the fabric from which the RACE is constructed, and we, acting collectively, form objects with that fabric, ranging from the most abstract to the most mundane.

    What gives sense and meaning to all of our efforts is RACE, writ large.

    This is a bit of an abstraction, and we all know plenty of “White people” who are not worth the powder to blow them to Hell. Yet, CIVILIZATION is a process that the Whute RACE, and ONLY the Wite RACE, can carry forward.

    The most causal review of the Ruins of Detroit reveal a painful truth:

    When the White RACE leaves, we take CIVILIZATION with us.

    That unique process of creating, and sustaining, CIVILIZATION, is something that only our RACE can do; it is a reflection of the interaction between the members of our RACE who can hear the Teaching of the Culture-Soul, and transform it in their hearts, their souls, and their lives.

    Every night, before I go to bed, I open my copy of Imperium and read Chapter One, “Perspective,” as a reminder that we are far more than what we see before ourselves in the mirror.

    Much more.

    The fulfillment of that is our Responsibility to our RACE.

  3. #3 by MrWebb on 03/15/2007 - 5:48 pm

    not spam
    not spam

    I am convinced that unless you gain control of the mainstream media/corporate media you will never reach the goal that you speak of so incessantly. Bob, who so often refers to various phenomena as being “obvious,” ought to know this better than anyone. As long as the MM/CM has the ability to brainwash the sheeple on a minute by minute basis, all that will belong to Bob and others like him will be this blog and other relatively ineffective mechanisms that might exist.

    This is not defeatism. This is not surrender. This is merely a statement of the facts. The MM/CM controls the thinking of the masses.


  4. #4 by LibAnon on 03/15/2007 - 8:40 pm


    You’re wrong. Aryan genetics is the result of selective breeding, which is culture. Lose that culture and there soon will be no more Aryans. That’s what Yockey meant, and he was right. For proof, look around.

    Mother Nature, unaided, produces insect societies. It does not produce Aryans. Everything that we Aryans are, including our genome, is the “work of man’s hands.” Leave the divine creation myths to Jews and other aboriginals. Let them believe, as all savages do, that they’re the creature of some Sky God. As it goes, they’re more or less correct. But Aryan genetics, unlike theirs, is a clearing made in the forest, wrested from nature by means of hard work both physical and spiritual, and we need to keep our axes sharp if we are not to be reclaimed by the jungle.

  5. #5 by Pain on 03/16/2007 - 2:15 pm


    “Yockey is great, and I promoted him, but he and Spengler did their bit centuries after Ibn Khaldoun had the same insights.”

    Ibn Khaldoun stated what everyone already knew and talked about:  that dynasties rise and fall.

    Spengler wrote on a different topic altogether:  that civilizations were the product of an organic whole (race) and that any civilization would naturally change into something else when its fundamental thesis was achieved.  Thus a civilization was like a novel; when the author is done putting on paper what he wanted to say, he puts his pen down.

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