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Wordism is the DISEASE of Institutions

Posted by Bob on March 19th, 2007 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses

I am not opposed to art. I am not opposed to music. I am not opposed to words. I am not opposed to institutions.

But if you decide that all races are equal because you like African art, I am opposed to that. If you decide your daughter should marry a black because some blacks are good singers, I am opposed to that.

None of this is hard to understand. But when I say that institutions are bad when they are substituted for racial loyalty, I am opposed to it, people get very confused. One commenter said that “e the People of the United States “ordained and established a constitution,” so I should not object to institutions.

What I LIKE about this statement is that it is blog statement, no frills, no fancy stuff, no attempt to cite endless histories to make it look like the writer is thinking Deep Thoughts. It is right or it is wrong.

And that precious word:


This is a PLAIN statement of a confusion that a lot of people have about Wordism. Just because you have an institution does not mean you have Wordism. Wordism is the fatal disease that every institution gets, and will get until we are fully aware that it IS a disease and what its symptoms are.

I am not opposed to art. I am not opposed to music. I am opposed to words. I am not opposed to institutions. But in the case of the Preamble to the United States Constitution I am reaffirming that the PURPOSE of the institution: to provide the blessings of liberty for OURSELVES and OUR descendants. I certainly do not object to an institution that does THAT.

But what is the Constitution today? The Constitution is the document used by judges when they OVERRIDE the peoples’ interests. When it was decided by California voters that they did not want to provide welfare for people who were NOT “We the people of the United States” the Supreme Court overruled them in the name of the Constitution.

Due to Wordism, the Constitution is doing exactly what it was set up toe avoid doing. Courts have picked out the words they want and made our Constitution into an institution which is an enemy of we the people and our posterity. This happens to all institutions eventually.

Whales gather barnacles. That does not make me anti-whale. People get diseases. That does not make me anti-people. Institutions get Wordism. That does not make me anti-institution.

  1. #1 by shari on 03/19/2007 - 5:52 pm


    So often you write something that I was “just saying the other day” I have realized the ” both sides” are missing it and I realize the natural corruption of institutions. I just wish I had a better grasp of what to look AT. Most of my hope comes from looking at the corruption and seeing that it is too ludacris for words and can’t last. But seeing beyond that, I haven’t yet. So many people that I know, and frankly, the only ones I know personally are white, are just bone tired. But even that exhaution says something. I think they would turn off the damnned basketball games in a minute if they saw something else.

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