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? to Mr. Webb

Posted by Bob on March 22nd, 2007 under General


Mr. Webb,

When a theater begins to fill up with smoke, all it takes is ONE clear-headed person to organize an orderly evacuation and thereby save everybody’s life. This has happened many times.

If no clear-headed person is present, however, then hundreds die. The really sad thing is that far more of them die from being trampled by their panic-stricken fellow audience members than from the actual smoke and flames.

Now, Bob himself may not be the best one to organize an orderly evacuation. As he has told us many times, he is by profession a staffer, not a leader. But Bob, who made his living doing the thinking for some powerful leaders, COMPLETELY understands the power that ONE CLEAR HEAD can have in a crisis situation. And a few clear heads are exactly what he’s trying to create here.

Mr. Webb, we’re all sitting together in a dark, crowded theater right now. And it’s starting to fill up with smoke. And you’re sitting in your seat screaming “Fire burns! Smoke suffocates! This theater is a firetrap! You are all idiots for not understanding these things!” But we do understand those things, actually. We learned things like “fire burns” quite early in life, thank you. Our focus now, however, is on how to get everybody out of the theater alive. The best way to start is by thinking, not screaming.


Thank you. VERY well done.


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How utterly schizophrenic can any one human being get? In the first four paragraphs of his piece Bob Whitaker says MrWebb is unutterably correct in his analysis and he is thoroughly mistaken. What kind of unmitigated crap is that, Whitaker? A man is not right and wrong at the same time regardless of your ideation.

I don’t have to tell you how to neuter the Mainstream media/Corporate media, Mr. Whitaker. I will leave that up to the genius that you say you are. I will leave it up to you and your imagination to figure out how you might defeat this enemy who promotes the genocide of your race. I would like to think that a genius such as yourself would not expect me to tell you point by point on this blog how to go about the task. For the love of God, man, use what passes for a brain when you talk to your superiors! You want instructions here on this blog? Oh, sho’nuf cousin, cummin right up! Put another way, whose side are you on anyway, man?

I pointed out who your essential enemy is and where he may be found and you want to trivialize this and minimize it. I now seriously wonder whose side you are on notwithstanding all your protestations to the contrary. You want to get into various trivia about your race and its superiority to all other forms of human life on the planet and you want to talk about how your race is about to be extinguished but you don’t want to spend any time addressing the sources of the genocidal bombardment. It is these sources that must be attacked on a daily basis. Talking this endless nonsense on your blog about all kinds of pointless crap goes nowhere. You need to make it a lot more simple for people and attack the basics of that which is attacking you. You can start with the Mainstream media/Corporate media which is daily attacking you and those whom you refer to as “my people.”

“Hammering on the obvious.” It is not obvious to most people in the USA that the White Race is under attack and it is certainly not obvious to them that the Mainstream media/ Corporate media is the major weapon of choice leading to their demise. You may think, Mr. Whitaker, that it is obvious to the overwhelming majority of Americans but it is not at all obvious to them. You should know that political propaganda doesn’t work that way. I think you do know that. Whose side are you on?

You’re a winner, Whitaker. You don’t even want to know who the villains are. It’s not even important to identify the enemy. You are one hell of a leader.

“It is certainly not true that you have to own the media to rule.” That is a Whitaker assertion. Well, who presently owns the media, who is presently ruling and where are we going? Oh, you are a winner, Whitaker. Who owns the media, who rules America and where are we going? Whitaker would have you believe that there is no connection. If you’re dumb enough to buy that keep reading this blog. There’s a lot more doodoo where that came from. This must be the guy who wants to save the White Race from genocide. Yeah. Right. Looks like it.

Yeah, the Mantra gonna save ya. Oh, the Mantra is so effective that it defies the imagination.

Another analysis would be that the Mantra is analogous to the power of a fart in a windstorm. The windstorm, by the way, is the Mainstream media/Corporate media. Whitaker won’t tell you that. MrWebb will.


  1. #1 by Simmons on 03/22/2007 - 1:42 pm


    I tend to disagree with the need to evacuate everybody, I would like to leave Mr. Webb and possibly the man who deifies the Jews behind. Its imperitive that we not evacuate the foolish and the stupid, first it helps the race to cull the weak and it saves our sanity by not falling into the trap that to leave one person behind is failure. Reading Sailer over at v-dare write about Finland’s Manheim and what he went thru when Russia fell to the Bolsheviks is comparable to what we face. Manheim was a general when the Bolshies rose up and he being a Nordic white man logically deduced that his army officer corps could handle it easily. But he found that his officer corps being mostly the asiatic superstitious Russian variety had fallen into despair and could not function in the face of the hysterical Jew. Mr. Webb is here for a purpose to create misery and despair, Webb is the Sirens of the rocks, he is most likely a miserable person who wants company.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 03/22/2007 - 1:49 pm


    Bob for Chirst’s sake do not fall into the trap of the primitive. We already have David Duke making the Jew out to be the white man’s “booga booga” god and now you seem to go into a funk when a couple of crazies show up preaching doom and gloom. Its not like we are the Third Reich in its final days out to hang the “defeatists” we can simply because of our position in life’s great game take on the Happy Warrior mentality. Questioning authority should be fun for us. I for one would like to know why Mr. Webb thinks the bullshit artists of the MSM has that is so omnipotent that it can defy nature better than the USSR? But i’m not taking his garbage at face value, let him explain, than we can take him apart.

  3. #3 by LibAnon on 03/22/2007 - 3:58 pm



    I used to be exactly where Mr. Webb is now. More recently, I was exactly where David Duke is now. The only reason I’ve moved ahead since then is because those in front didn’t abandon me.

    Those of us in front have a responsibility to those of us behind. We are fighting the enemy for the leadership of our race, sir. As long as they’re still paying attention to us, even if it’s only to fling brickbats, there’s hope. To abandon them prematurely and leave them to the enemy, however, is treason.

  4. #4 by Bob on 03/22/2007 - 4:11 pm

    To commenter 3., your point is well taken, but please don’t use the word “treason” so freely.

  5. #5 by Dave on 03/22/2007 - 4:30 pm


    It is an old saw in the markets that “no one plays the Grand March of Aida” when the secular price trend changes.

    So it is with the Jews. The only one I know that points out that the tide is irrevocably running against the Jews is BW.

    This is not a man who fails to pay attention to current events.

    I was around and personally witnessed the triumphalism of Israel’s 1967 victory and the capture of Jerusalem.

    That is why today I have to constantly pinch myself to understand how it is possible that the Israeli’s could have been so stupid in foreign policy as to have arranged things to make in absolutely necessary for the Moslem plutocracies they are surrounded by to effectuate Israel’s withdrawal to its pre-1967 borders.

    These plutocracies must procure this retreat by Israel in order for to survive.

    Worse for the Israelis, America, Briton, and the European powers have no vested interest in preventing it from occurring. To the contrary, all vested interests are in alignment, Israel must retreat.

    To be witnessing this result and to believe that the Jews are all powerful is to miss everything.

    In addition, for 65 years the Jews have relied on inflation to finance their activities and domination. That too is now unraveling with enormous consequences for everyone.

    But as usual, all the pundits can see is a linear extrapolation of the past into the future. Nothing of the kind, the era of inflation is ending and so is the era of the domination of the Jews.

    Few will remember that BW made this call well in advance.

  6. #6 by LibAnon on 03/22/2007 - 5:21 pm


    “please don’t use the word “treason” so freely”

    You’re right, Bob. I hereby retract that last sentence.

  7. #7 by MrWebb on 03/22/2007 - 5:51 pm

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    So what do you have? Basically, you have a camp follower speaking for his master, Bob Whitaker. That’s pretty pathetic but it’s not the first time that it has happened. When Whitaker gets caught conducting an ineffective campaign to “save his people” from genocide he sends out one of his knuckledraggers to puke out a lot of nonsense and then he tells them how great they are and embraces follow all around. But the White Race remains as much a victim of genocide as it has ever been. The most powerful and effective enemy is never identified.

    Looks like Simmons is on your team, Whitaker. Good. I don’t recall his having anything important to say. I’ll have to assume he’s on their side.

    Super! I read Simmons’ second comment. There’s only two ways to go. He’s either on their side or he has no brains at all. Maybe he can’t read. Or understand.

    Sorry, Peter, you lose. Simmons is on their side. Bob let him in. Take it from there. It is my opinion that you have been duped.

    I’m not sure that this blog has any positive value at all. Listen to Dave. Is there even a word of truth in what he is saying? Is there any evidence at all to support what he says?

    I’m beginning to think that this blog is pure nonsense

    With one exception. Nobody. Nobody has written the best piece I have ever read on this blog. Bar none. I’m seriously beginning to think, Nobody, that you are wasting your time on this blog. I don’t think this blog is geared to hear what you have to say. I think there’s too much truth in what you say to expect it to be accepted here. This blog has no intention of going anywhere.


  8. #8 by mderpelding on 03/22/2007 - 9:24 pm



    Did you ever notice how modern PC accolytes portray all Germans as hateful anti-semites?
    Don’t you think that if Germans really were like that there would have been no Jews in Germany
    for the Nazi’s to supposedly hate?
    Lets go on to the South.
    Did you ever notice how modern PC accolytes portray all Southerners as hateful anti-blacks?
    (known as bigots)
    Don’t you think that if Southerners really felt that way there would have been no black slaves in the South?
    No other country treated Jews as well as Germany.
    No other country treated blacks as well as the South.

    So Germans are considered the worlds worst anti-semites.
    So Southerners are considered the worlds worst bigots.

  9. #9 by lyulf on 03/22/2007 - 10:14 pm

    Re. Mr Webb’s “fart…windstorm” remark and in line w/ BW’s
    observations to the effect of nobody noticing the obvious, how’s this:

    “Nobody listens ’til you fart”…anyone ever noticed???
    We few, we happy few, we band of gringos, hicks, rednecks, rebels & honkies.
    (Apologies to Shakespeare)

  10. #10 by AFKAN on 03/22/2007 - 11:07 pm


    The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody replies to Dave:
    you wrote:
    It is an old saw in the markets that “no one plays the Grand March of Aida” when the secular price trend changes.

    So it is with the Jews. The only one I know that points out that the tide is irrevocably running against the Jews is BW.

    in reply:
    Not in the forseeable future, as they are morphing into what they need to be, to do what they want to do. Look at how the “neocons’ (demonic Jews) took over the “foreign policy wing of the Republican Party” from the “paleocons” (last I saw, Pat Buchanan and the late Sam Francis).

    If they had lost ONE, I would give more credibility to Bob on this one.

    you wrote:
    This is not a man who fails to pay attention to current events.

    in reply:
    No doubt; while I agree the trend is against the Israeli nation in Palestine, I suspect the demonic Jews will simply transform, and move to ever greater control of the goyim.

    you wrote:
    I was around and personally witnessed the triumphalism of Israel’s 1967 victory and the capture of Jerusalem.

    That is why today I have to constantly pinch myself to understand how it is possible that the Israeli’s could have been so stupid in foreign policy as to have arranged things to make in absolutely necessary for the Moslem plutocracies they are surrounded by to effectuate Israel’s withdrawal to its pre-1967 borders.

    in reply:
    Every square inch of that “withdraw” will be paid for by the American taxpayers, and the American soldiers. Israel will return to more stable and defensible borders, having sold property they can not afford to hold and defend to the ultimate purchases, the American goyim.

    you wrote:
    These plutocracies must procure this retreat by Israel in order for to survive.

    Worse for the Israelis, America, Briton, and the European powers have no vested interest in preventing it from occurring. To the contrary, all vested interests are in alignment, Israel must retreat.

    in reply:
    See above.

    you wrote:
    To be witnessing this result and to believe that the Jews are all powerful is to miss everything.

    in reply:
    The demonic Jews are winning everything they want to win; the Israeli’s give up land they can’t afford to hold and defend, and we pay them for the privilege.

    The “Israelis” come out a little bit ahead; the demonic Jews come out WAY ahead, thanks to the American taxpayer, and the American soldier.

    you wrote:
    In addition, for 65 years the Jews have relied on inflation to finance their activities and domination. That too is now unraveling with enormous consequences for everyone.

    in reply:
    They seem to have worked out really well in the Great DEFLATION that was the financial foundation of the Great Depression, buying assets for a penny on the dollar…

    Inflation or deflation, either way, the Bankers, the Eternal Parasitic Middlemen, the demonic Jews, seem to come out well ahead.

    And, if we ever start to figure it out en masse, they will create another Enemy for us to look for.

    you wrote:
    But as usual, all the pundits can see is a linear extrapolation of the past into the future. Nothing of the kind, the era of inflation is ending and so is the era of the domination of the Jews.

    Few will remember that BW made this call well in advance.

    in reply:
    All lines change, one way or another; the Discontinuities are what win first prize.

    Martin Anderson wrote a masterful history of the Great Depression – a Discontinuous Event, I’m sure you will agree, and one that is poorly reported in our schoolbooks.

    With that as their backdrop, the demonic Jews took over the Government in all possible ways, a moment so discrete in nature that Yockey referred to it as The American Revolution of 1933, fundamentally transforming American society forever, with them as the Gatekeepers, and the Eternal Middlemen.

    They haven’t missed a step since then, for all practical purposes, as the survivors of the USS Liberty will testify.

    I am not pointing to the demonic Jews as “All-Powerful”; after all, it is OUR Power that they have captured, and our Minds that they have trapped through their control of the words we hear and read, and the pictures we see, including control of the public education/indoctrination system.

    I AM talking about recovering our power through a shift in Consciousness to a positive Awareness of RACE, in general, and our RACE, in particular.

    The First Step is to see how the demonic Jews have manipulated us, and taken control of the commanding heights of our social order; the second step is to detach from that power (no debt! home schooling!), and the third step, logically, would be to form our own RACIALLY explicit Homeland.

    I recognize the Third Step is a bit much for many of us to accept, for now. Only Harold Covington is dealing with this in his “Northwest Republic Trilogy” of novels. Only Harold Covington, for now.

    Hopefully, our Posterity will see things a bit differently, in THEIR Nation.

    Again, to make the obvious crystal clear; I am quite the admirer of WHAT the demonic Jews have accomplished, and simply want to apply those lesson, where possible, and adopt and adapt them, where necessary, to our RACE.

    You see, ultimately, it all comes down to RACE, writ large.

    The sooner we can accept that, the better off we will all be.

    I suspect this Insight came to the late Sam Francis very late in his life, after he had suffered so horribly at the hands of the demonic Jews.

    I suspect this is why they had to get rid of him; not only had he identified them, but, if he continued in the lines of analysis he had developed from his studies of Pareto and Burnham, he would have arrived at the ABSOLUTE NECESSITY of the White Men, the Men of the West, coming to accept their RACIAL Identity.

    Now, THAT would have been bad news, indeed, for the demons known as Jews.

  11. #11 by AFKAN on 03/22/2007 - 11:13 pm


    The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody replies to Dave, again:

    you wrote:
    Few will remember that BW made this call well in advance.

    in reply:
    That reminds me of the movie scene where the batter “calls the shot” – points to where he will hit the home run.

    I agree with you, Bob made the call.

    Now, who will hit the ball, and what will it look like?

    And, when do we go to the World Series?


  12. #12 by shari on 03/23/2007 - 9:10 am


    Mr. Webb is either an honest man or he’s not. It will become apparant which it is soon enough.

  13. #13 by Bob on 03/23/2007 - 11:27 am

    Shari, so far Webb has been a camp-follower for the enemy.

  14. #14 by Dave on 03/23/2007 - 1:41 pm


    Reply to The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody by Dave

    What has impressed me about BWs call is that BW has made it clear that the demise of Jewish domination is not going to result in the demise of the plutocracies that hide behind political correctness.

    BW has also made it clear (he has seen it before) that the assault on the white race will continue, regardless of the fortunes of the Jews.

    I see these calls as being realistic and accurate because these calls are confirmed with the evidence I see with my own eyes, which I count as being the best evidence.

    The Jews (neoconservatives) staged a false flag assault on America to foment a war against the Moslem world.

    But something happen nobody noticed. Regardless of what you hear on the daily news, the Moslem world itself has declined the invitation to go to war. This is consistent with the history of Moslem peoples.

    If they don’t want to fight, they simply don’t fight. There are no esoteric calculations or geopolitical stratagems in their thinking. Instead, these largely nonwhite peoples are simply tethered to the world differently than ourselves.

    This has worked to the distinct disadvantage of the Jews. The Jews think in terms of provoking an organized force. It is easy to manipulate police forces for example because police forces can only act within the ambit that they are trained to act within.

    But Moslem nations generally speaking are stupendously disorganized affairs. They are not amenable to Jewish provocations. In contrast, Jewish provocations work much better in America and Europe.

    While nobody has been looking a profound phenomenon is occurring.

    An alliance is developing between the Christian world and the Moslem world. Contrary to what the Jewish controlled press allows, Moslems in general are amenable to peace and are capable of making the concessions to achieve it.

    How can you count the Jews as being the intelligent party in these phenomena? They have fomented the formation of a great alliance against themselves.

    This is what BW sees.

    He is right. But the issue of white survival is another matter.

  15. #15 by Anonymous on 03/23/2007 - 2:09 pm

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    Mderpelding goes a long way to making my point; i.e., the point that caused simmons to refer to me as stupid, foolish and crazy. But I was in good company. Nobody was part of that cow patty throwing crusade conducted by simmons. But mderpelding makes my point.

    If Americans en masse believe that Southerners are the world’s worst bigots and Germans are the world’s worst antisemites, where did that idea come from? That’s right. You guessed it. The mainstream media/corporate media foisted this political propaganda on the American people. It’s happening at this very moment. You cannot and will not gain sufficient manpower to reach your goal as long as the MM/CM has this kind of influence on nothing more than the masses. For asserting this, I get a cow patty flung in my face. How much respect am I supposed to have for the flinger? He who flings cow patties cannot conduct an argument.

  16. #16 by MrWebb on 03/23/2007 - 2:10 pm

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    The above, of course, was not Peter’s comment. This comment came from none other than MrWebb.


  17. #17 by MrWebb on 03/23/2007 - 2:23 pm

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    Lyulf, that’s a pretty good imagination you’ve got. I like it. Bear in mind my “fart in a windstorm” analogy was all about one of Bob Whitaker’s favorite subjects: power. I was attempting to point out the difference in the power of the mainstream media/corporate media compared to the power of 7 people on a blog. Surely, the ability to influence is power even if Bob wants to minimize and trivialize it. All over the television set today the public is being invited to learn about the Anna Nicole Smith story. Nobody is talking about Bob Whitaker’s concerns for the White Race in America. Which of these two things would seem to be the most important: Bob Whitaker’s concerns for “his people” or the Anna Nicole Smith story? If Bob had the power would he be talking about the Anna Nicole Smith story or would he be talking about the things that matter most to him?

    Now tell me that the power of the mainstream media/corporate media is a secondary consideration in the Bob Whitaker movement.


  18. #18 by MrWebb on 03/23/2007 - 2:49 pm

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    Shari, MrWebb is one of the most honest men you will ever meet. Guaranteed.

  19. #19 by MrWebb on 03/23/2007 - 2:54 pm

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    Nobody writes the best, most honest stuff that I have ever seen on this blog. Bar none and far and away the best and most accurate. I think we’re finally beginning to see what this blog is all about.


  20. #20 by LibAnon on 03/23/2007 - 3:00 pm


    I was just now wondering what would happen if Mr. Webb DID control the “mainstream corporate media.”

    Suppose, in other words, a genie were to say “Shazam!”, and when the smoke cleared, we were to see Mr. Webb standing in a luxurious corner office high above the streets of Manhattan, jingling the keys to the executive washroom in his exquisitely tailored pocket. What would happen then?

    Absolutely nothing. Even if he were a corporate television mogul, Mr. Webb would just complain that he can’t really do anything for our race because the Jews control Wall Street.

    The moral of this story? People like you, Mr. Webb, will be powerless no matter WHAT your job title. Power doesn’t come from job titles. It comes from within. If Bob is trying to tell us ANYTHING about institutions, it’s that.

  21. #21 by Simmons on 03/23/2007 - 3:22 pm


    With all these words of critique directed at me I still don’t buy into the notion that the Jews or the idiots of the media are all that special. I mean they are better than the “respectables”, but that is not saying much. Perhaps our two despairing antagonists would be better off taking their bravery and special insights to their “enemies” and inquire as to how they have aquired their supreme power. Then get back to us and tell us why resistance is futile. Go Mr. Webb ask the media barons why they act like they do and say what they say. Peter, its pretty easy here regurgitating what I have read about half my life so why don’t you write ol’ Abe Foxman and ask him why he hates white men and why is it he spends all his time in hysterics over our existance.

  22. #22 by Peter on 03/23/2007 - 5:20 pm


    2 quotes from Henry Ford seem appropriate to this discussion:

    “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.”

    “I am looking for a lot of men who have an infinite capacity to not know what can’t be done.”

    – Bruce

  23. #23 by Mark on 03/23/2007 - 7:03 pm


    I don’t know who’s right or wrong here, but I do know one thing: If more white men would stop cowering down when someone called them a racist and actually had the balls to say, “I’m proud of being white, I don’t want negroes or mexicans to live in my country, I don’t want Jews in power of position, and I’m not going to apologize for my beliefs,” then we wouldn’t be having this insane conversation.


  24. #24 by Peter on 03/24/2007 - 1:27 am



    To deprogram a cult, we need to work slowly and chip away at beliefs and introduce new ones at the same time. We cannot expect to barge into the cult compound and shout to the followers that their leader is a fraud and expect to be listened to. Instead, you take them as far as you can each time you speak to them, but not too far so they are repelled.

    There is another side that says we must engage in brazen antics — the George Lincoln Rockwell approach – accelerate the revolution. The reason is that we do not have the voice in the media to introduce new ideas slowly, over time. So by this approach, people do things the establishment cannot ignore.

    Al Parker

  25. #25 by AFKAN on 03/24/2007 - 3:38 pm


    The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody replies to Dave, again:

    you wrote:
    What has impressed me about BWs call is that BW has made it clear that the demise of Jewish domination is not going to result in the demise of the plutocracies that hide behind political correctness.

    in reply:
    Who controls those plutocracies?

    Who controls the financial plutocracies, the media plutocracies, and the political plutocracies? LOOK at the last AIPAC meeting, and see ALL of our “political leaders” getting on bended knee to them, see ALL of them dancing court to their Overlords – who ALL act as ONE in their exclusively RACIAL focus.

    If it isn’t the demonic Jews, WHAT is it?

    Their Faithful Colored Companions, who are the first to face Militant Aztlan, the deliberately controlled tool of deliberate controlled JEWISH policy?

    you wrote:
    BW has also made it clear (he has seen it before) that the assault on the white race will continue, regardless of the fortunes of the Jews.

    in reply:
    “The fortunes of the (demonic) Jews” come at the EXPENSE of the White RACE.

    We have identified our parasites as symbionts; this, thanks to our parasites’ control of the words we read, and the pictures we see, the political System, and the educational/indoctrinational complex.

    If we were freed from these blinders, and could easily SEE the inherently RACIAL nature of the War we are in, we could pretty much deal with the Colored Problem expeditiously.

    As to control, remember, the CONservative Newt Gingrich took away Washington’s Birthday as a national holiday, and replaced it with Dr. Martin Luther King Day, just as the demonic Jews wished.

    Where WERE the CONservatives?

    Hell, I suspect Sam Francis didn’t die from the equivalent of a heart attack.

    He died from a broken heart.

    He shook of the blinders, however hesitantly, however slow his Awakening.

    He realized he – and ALL of the Conservatives – had been played for total fools, because they were pawns in a RACE WAR the demonic Jews were playing.

    To be ignorant of the RACE WAR that is at the heart of demonic Judaism is to be Clarlie Brown trying to kick the football Lucy keeps pulling away, at best. At worst, it is to be Helen Keller, in the boxing ring with Mike Tyson. With one, we simply waste our energy, and go nowhere. With the other, we pay a horrific personal price, just like Sam Francis, who only SAW the nature of the Enemy very late in the game.

    No damn WONDER we keep losing.

    you wrote:
    I see these calls as being realistic and accurate because these calls are confirmed with the evidence I see with my own eyes, which I count as being the best evidence.

    in reply:
    I have been betrayed by people my eyes trusted, because all I saw was what my eyes showed me.

    My heart warned me there was SOMETHING wrong, my soul felt disheartened, but my eyes told me to trust what they showed me.

    My Mind saw much mroe behind the scenes, and went beyond what my eyes SAW, to what it MEANT.

    The eyes of Children see the same world as the eyes of Men; it is the MIND of Men that SEES much more deeply than the eyes allow.

    The eyes only see on the surface; the deeper realms, the realm of Abstractions, of Ideas and Ideals, are what Create what they eyes see, and so much more.

    My MIND says the demonic Jews are about to create a false temporal religion, with “the Holocaust” as its version of the Crucifixion, and the Zionist State of Israel as the Resurrection; you will NOT be allowed to criticize one today, and the other, tomorrow. Demonic Jews, of course, are the Chosen People, the angelics of this “religion” made flesh…

    Your eyes will keep being entertained with mainstream media, and you will trust you eyes.

    you wrote:
    The Jews (neoconservatives) staged a false flag assault on America to foment a war against the Moslem world.

    But something happen nobody noticed. Regardless of what you hear on the daily news, the Moslem world itself has declined the invitation to go to war. This is consistent with the history of Moslem peoples.

    If they don’t want to fight, they simply don’t fight. There are no esoteric calculations or geopolitical stratagems in their thinking. Instead, these largely nonwhite peoples are simply tethered to the world differently than ourselves.

    in reply:
    There are times when you wonder…

    Here is your phrase that just jarred me:

    “If they don’t want to fight, they simply don’t fight.”

    I think this misses a basic understanding of the Muslim world, and that is that the concept of Nation-State is pretty much alien to them; they never had a Treaty of Westphalia, and never had a need for it.

    Yes, Islam is currently fragmented – just like Christianity.

    But THEY did not go to war.

    WE went to war, and we were manipulated in this by the demonic Jews from Day One.

    We are not seeing the set-piece battles our military practices for in the Middle East.

    We are seeing organized bandeskrieg, more than anything else; opportunistic gang warfare, with the gans being tribes and subtribes, all within Isalm, as well as the usual demonic Jewish “false flag” operations.

    THEY did not go to “war”; if they did, Iran would cut our land resupply lines, and simply starve us out. This would be expensive for Tehran, and only used as a last resort. Their Shi’ia brethren, however, will simply drain us with the death of a thousand cuts, in a battle that only has two winners – the demonic Jews, and the oil companies.

    Islam is patient, and has centuries to work with.

    you wrote:
    This has worked to the distinct disadvantage of the Jews. The Jews think in terms of provoking an organized force. It is easy to manipulate police forces for example because police forces can only act within the ambit that they are trained to act within.

    But Moslem nations generally speaking are stupendously disorganized affairs. They are not amenable to Jewish provocations. In contrast, Jewish provocations work much better in America and Europe.

    While nobody has been looking a profound phenomenon is occurring.

    An alliance is developing between the Christian world and the Moslem world. Contrary to what the Jewish controlled press allows, Moslems in general are amenable to peace and are capable of making the concessions to achieve it.

    in reply:
    This “Christian-Muslim Alliance” simply does not exist.


    Meanwhile, John Haggee is making millions of dollars forming the “Christian” version of AIPAC, and psychopathic preachers across America are telling their flock that the (demonic) “Jews are the Chosen People of God.”

    The demonic Jews FORMED Christian Zionism more than a CENTURY ago, with their own Bible, which taught submission, weakness, and cowardice as being the attributes of moral superiority. THIS is the Bible taught by Southern Baptist preachers, and mandated at the Southern Baptist Seminary.

    The Civil War defeated the South militarily; the industrial complex defeated the South economically, but the RSV Bible defeated them on the foundation of Culture, RELIGIOUS grounds.

    How many times do we have to “turn the other cheek,” and “bless them that curse us.”

    Bob is right; preachers ARE sociopaths.

    Being raised and indoctrinated in a system of the RSV Bible virtually guarantees that they either become sociopaths, just to survive, or they go mad, and submit to the tools used by the people who are angry, and see themselves as helpless to deal with their anger – alcohol (controlled by the demonic Jews!), drugs (controlled by the demonic Jews!), and indiscriminate sex (not totally controlled by the demonic Jews, but that’s not from not trying!).

    you wrote:
    How can you count the Jews as being the intelligent party in these phenomena? They have fomented the formation of a great alliance against themselves.

    This is what BW sees.

    He is right.

    in reply:
    The demonic Jews have taken over the military of the United States, the internal security apparatus of the United States, the financial sector of the United States, the educational/indoctrination system of the United States, the political apparatus of the United States (look at who was at the lat AIPAC meeting!), the legal system of the United States, and the mainstream media of the United States, ALL without firing a shot.

    The Clash of Civiliations – i.e.; the attack on Islam – is simply the false flag and rationale that keeps the consolidation of ALL power in America either in demonic Jewish hands, our under demonic Jewish control.

    Hell, in this system, Islam is just a sideshow.

    you wrote:
    But the issue of white survival is another matter.

    in reply:
    How can you speak of “white survival” without seeing the Common Factor in all of the attacks on the White RACE, and that is the demonic Jews?

    How can you speak of battle without describing the Enemy?

    You speak in terms of “white survival,” but, before the demonic Jews took over the educational/indoctrination system and the mainstream media, it was assumed – read Madison Grant, read or Lawrence Brown’s “The Might of the West” – that White/Western Man would continue to dominate.

    Not just survive, but goddamn CONQUER.

    That we are even discussing “white survival” is quiet testimony as to how effectively our RACIAL enemies, the demonic Jews, have controlled the words we read, the sounds we hear, and the pictures we see.

    From THAT, with control of all systems of Governance, a focus on “white survival” – as in, “allowing whites to survive” – inevitably follows.

    If you want our RACE to “negotiate” with our RACIAL enemies, which is like Helen Keller “negotiating” with Mike Tyson, fine, go right ahead.

    But, your grandchildren will be “negotiating” with them…

    In Spanglish.

    My grandchildren – if I have done my job right – will be “negotiating” with them in a somewhat different language, one that is nonverbal, and universal in both understanding, and effectiveness.

    And MY grandchildren, whose Ancestors came to America NOT as immigrants, but as Conquerors. will succeed – “By Any Means Necessary.”

    My grandchildren, who I will help become the best of our RACE.

  26. #26 by MrWebb on 03/24/2007 - 6:40 pm

    not spam
    not spam

    Nobody wrote in reply to Dave: How can you speak of battle without describing the enemy?

    That’s exactly the point, of course. On this blog I have found over the months that I have been observing it that the enemy is never described. Of all things Dave speaks of a Christian and Muslim alliance that supposedly exists. That’s after hanging around Bob’s Blog for at least a year. Where did this Christian/Muslim alliance come from?


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