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Eleven Comments on Jews

Posted by Bob on April 1st, 2008 under General, Mantra

I mention all we really need to hammer on about Jews and I get eleven comments.

I can write three articles on Mantra strategy and not get a peep.

We are attacking the enemy. Our people see the huge, best defended fortification on the enemy line, anti-Semitism. They say, “Look! Thats BIG. Let’s attack that FIRST. It must the important place, becaus it’s the BIGGEST fort.”

Meanwhile there are holes in their line. They have used HItler so much that they have left huge gaps in their lines to be attacked by a small force with the Mantra. But there is no way that most of our froces are not going to slam, wave after wave, against the big, obvious fort:

“If THAT weren’t the IMPORTANT thing, they wouldn’t have that big fort there?”

No doubt about it. That reflects General Staff thinking.

FRENCH General Staff thinking.

Tens of thousands of Persians were helpless against the Spartan three hundred as they slammed into the FRONT.

It was the ones who paid a Greek to show them a small unseen path to the Sprtans’ REAR who did what was hopeless for the frontal assault.

I am TRYING to show how we can make DEALS with some of them and hit them where they are most vulnerable.

Obviously that is a lot less interesting to the rank-and-file.

Which is one reason it WORKS.

  1. #1 by Z on 04/01/2008 - 1:41 pm

    “FRENCH General Staff thinking.”

    Hahahah, that’s funny, but you make a very good point. Anyone who knows anything about guerrilla warfare or maneuver warfare knows its stupid to attack the enemy in its strongest place. Since we’re obviously the equivalent of a small guerrilla force, we should stick with the Mantra.

  2. #2 by Z on 04/01/2008 - 1:48 pm

    You are correct that pro-Whites/racialists/and WN are too obsessed with Jews.

    I’m interested in what BUGS opinions are on why this is? Bob, feel free to chime in here too. Its one thing to say that we shouldn’t obsess about Jews. Its another thing to understand why “we” do, and why we shouldn’t. Its sort of like psycho-therapy in which we try to understand our obsessions in order to stop obsessing about them.

    So what do you all think? Why do WN/racialists/pro-whites obsess about Jews and why is it wrong to do so?

  3. #3 by Bob on 04/01/2008 - 2:04 pm

    You are now worrying about what commenters think about what pro-whites think about the Jews.

    I could get endless commentary here if I just stuck to JEWS and nothing ELSE. THAT is the reason those who make their LIVING at this talk about nothing ESLE.

    The mass of out people also like to wave swastikas and say they are waiting for the Day of the Torchlight Parade before they turn a hand.

    Then they’ll show us who is dedicated!

    Also, info on Jews is easy to find.

    In other words this is largely laziness and lack of imagination.

    And, of course:

    “That must be REAL issue. That’s where the big FORT is.”

    Beats the hell out of THINKING.

    When I discuss Mantra strategy next, could somebody please imagine it’s the JEWS and send me all these prompt thoughts on it?

  4. #4 by unjew on 04/02/2008 - 8:46 am

    I am TRYING to show how we can make DEALS with some of them and hit them where they are most vulnerable.

    I must be going blind. No, really. Make deals? How many supposedly superior intellects have made that mistake throughout the centuries? From the Roman emperors, through Martin Luther, to Hitler? Not to mention some contemporary (and lesser such) – the AMREN losers. Think you can use a jew? Good luck, please go that way. Only you won’t be around to see the results of your applied teachings. You’ll be probably laughing you ass off, watching from a comfy pit in hell.
    Not over-obsessing with jews is one thing, trying to sell the idea they are manageable to a bunch of kids who regard every word of yours as supreme wisdom, is treason. Don’t be dishonest , Whitaker.

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