Archive for April 19th, 2008

On SF Opposing Views (Anti-White) Thread

Here I vary from my ALMOST INVARIABLE PRACTICE of ALWAYS refering to OVs as “anti-white.” I am doing it because I am trying to make ANOTHER point and i don’t want to give htem a chance to wiggle.

— We Know Your Stuff, You don’t Know Ours

Let us say that we are in sixteenth century Spain and a Catholic is arguing with Protestants who are remaining anonymous. First of all, WHY swould the Protestants would insist on anonymity?

Let me tell you what the Catholic would NOT say:

A reasonably intelligent Catholic Believer in sixteenth century Spain would NOT explain,

“There is an Inquisition. The Wise Men who run this Inquisition say that the only True Faith is the Holy Catholic Faith.”

Why would he NOT say that? Because it would make them look like fools The Protestants are anonymous precisely BECAUSE they are fully aware that there is an Inquisition.

Something else the Catholic would not do would be to recite the basic teachings of the Catholic Church and expect us, 1) not to know this stuff; and

2) to bow down when we hear that the Ruling Authorities disagree with us.

Any literate person in the sixteenth century had been RAISED in the Catholic Church except Jews. You would assume that even a literate Jew living in a sixteenth century Catholic country ALSO knew the basic doctrines of a Church that controlled all educational institutions outside of the ghettoes.

We get on Opposing Views for a good intellectual battle. We are ready to debate the established religion of OUR time, Political Correctness. It is therefore a hell of a letdown when you quote Political Correct Doctrine at us.

It is hard to believe that any adult outside a retarded home would honestly think that we hadn’t HEARD all this crap. It is hard to believe that anyone outside a home for the retarded would be repeating it to us in the obvious conviction we hadn’t HEARD it already.

Mommy Professor tells you that we take this position because we have not HEARD the shallow clichés of our established religion of Political Correctness. It would take a particularly mindless Catholic in 1550 Spain to think that any literate person RAISED in sixteenth century Spain would not know that all the PAID Authorities agreed that Catholic Doctrine was absolutely true.

If someone back then started out assuming that heretics had never HEARD of the Catholic Church, you would decide he needed a home for the retarded.

Same here. We are heretics. We KNOW what the established religion is. Nothing confirms our opinion of True Believers like your assumption that we don’t.

Those of us who go to the Opposing Views section are interested in a good, solid intellectual FIGHT. Instead we run into people who seem to have escaped from the Home during visiting hours.

We, too, were RAISED in your established religion.

How can ANYBODY think we haven’t heard the Standard Line?

Mommy Professor and the semiliterate black kid says we are “Jus’ IGNUNT.” You have to be a real imbecile to fall for THAT line. We have heard every word of your their doctrine at least as many times as you have.

More. We all know that every established religion concentrates on stamping out all heresy. Since we won’t accept the standard line, we are hit with it over and over and over.
For every time a True Believer like you has been exposed to these standard lines, we have been exposed many times, repeatedly.

Like every True Believer, you cannot believe that anyone who has HEARD the True Faith doesn’t AGREE with it.

So when we come to Opposing Views, we find that the True Believers genuinely don’t believe we have HEARD all the standard stuff. Mommy Professor tells you, “They is jus’ IGNUNT!” You genuinely BELIEVE that the only reason we don’t agree with Mommy Professor is because we have never HEARD Mommy Professor’s Confession of Faith.

Just how smart does that make YOU look?
