Archive for April 18th, 2008

Shari on Jared Taylor

Jared Taylor has a piece about Asians joining the racial spoils game, at V-dare today. He says that, “Asians could have chosen to emphasize their common intersets with whites-eliminating AFFIRMATIVE ACTION” “Asians can make it in race-blind competion.”

That is just exactly, the premise that leads to “affirmative action” race blindness. This country was founded and established to be a WHITE country. That never meant that non-whites, such as Indians or Negroes, who resided here, were to suffer all kinds of torment and abuse, but DISCRIMINATION, yes. They were to live under OUR laws and make do as separate minorities.

“Race-blind” is the same as anti-racist, is the same as anti-white. I’m not too sure about Jared Taylor.
