Archive for April 9th, 2008

Simmons versus Antidisestablishmentarianism


I think we are also at that point that as a political movement we could promise
liberation, liberation from PC and the goofs that lord it over us.

Comment by Simmons


The platform plank Simmons is advocating will begin:

“The established religion of the United States of America, Political Correctness, is hereby disestablished.”

Those who oppose this plank will be antidisestablishmentarians. I bet you never expected to see that word used in a sentence!

Ann Coulter’s new book, “The Church of Liberalism” is a straight steal from my “Political Correctness is not LIKE a religion, it IS a religion.” So this concept is no longer a far out idea.

All outstanding student loans will be paid out of the giant reserves universities have. Harvard University alone has several billion dollarrs. The rest will be charged to professors and deans and contributors who have contributed tax-exempt funds to the Political Correctness seminaries we call colleges and universities.

We just got several million votes right there.

Other platform sentences:

“Under American laws, all monopolies are illegal. Two men in the same business are subject to criminal prosecution if they DISCUSS prices in their common filed of business.”

“By the same token, anyone who discusses graduation from a Political Correctness seminary as a qualification for hiring is subject to prosecution under the Clayton Anti-Trust Act.”

A few million more votes from people who waulify for Mensa but never finished college.

A million votes here, a million votes there, and it adds up to serious political clout.


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Simple truth is an Underground Movement

Peter points out:

Do you really think that even the “testable IQs” that are marketed today are valid measures by race?

Do you really think that a psychologist who discovered that Orientals or Jews had much lower IQs than whites would be given much press?

In college, I had a Psych professor who did tell the truth — quietly. She found real, valid test results and displayed them on an overhead in class. She put the results up as just one display in a series of overheads. It was part of a group of overheads that she said we didn’t need to take notes on if we didn’t want to, that they wouldn’t be on the test, and that they were just for our own information. She had done this previously with more innocuous overheads, so we were familiar with the routine. She left up the overhead of the test results showing lower IQs for Orientals and Jews only briefly. But she did scan the class to see who had noticed. I did.

I stayed after class and told her thanks for the overheads, smiled and left. She got great evals from the class. I got a good grade.

Comment by Peter


That lady is part of our underground army, each member of whom works alone.

You were a blessing to her.

In any totalitarian environment, there are those of us who keep telling the truth, defying the Truth.

I cannot give you enough credit for understanding. I cannot give you enough credit for what you did for that lonely shieldmaiden whom I wod love to thank.

I get SO tried of people praising somebody who makes a publc statement which is something like the truth.

The heroes and the herioines are the underground warriors like her.

Like you.

Like me.

We fight for what is true simply because we cannot stand untruth.

That is heroism.

When you understand that, everybody else seems superficial and silly to you


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PC “Change” Versus change

Those who talk about Change cannot deal with real, honest-to-God change, just as the last people who know love are those who shout Love incessantly. No one is a better hater than a person who insists he is fighting Hate.

Marxism believed it was obvious that the best economy would be a PLANNED one. Instead of all that inefficient competition everyone would just pull together in an organized fashion. The term Social Progress has been laughed out of existence. Now they call it Change, though I haven’t even heard that term in a while.

But Social Progress or Change, it means that Political Correctness knows exactly where society is going, that it is going in his direction, so Change is on his side. Which is the exact set of assumptions that got Social Progress laughed off the map.

Wordists all claim to know exactly where the world is headed. Every Wordist also knows that if he could consistently predict the stock market that way, he could BUY the world in a few years. When peabrains like that actually take over an economy, anybody who should be trusted with sharp objects should know what will happen. But the experts and intellectuals declared it a success until it literally collapsed before their eyes.

The fatal weakness of Change is that it cannot deal with the slightest bit of real change. Marx assumed that what he thought were the trends of his day would continue unchanged. The proletariat would get poorer and more desperate. Even as he wrote, the first we of the city proletariat was becoming management and beginning to buy property and workers were being given the vote.

None of this concerned Marx in the least. A good Wordist never lets reality slow him down.

Everything here RELATES. To an extent a present reader finds it impossible to conceive, the Middle East was the absolute basis of ALL thinking that thought itself civilized In Marx’s day. There was no real change. Every Great Civilization progressed through rigid phases. The High Culture was the pyramid-building and scribe phase Egypt had reached and we had fallen from.

You don’t need a free market to tell you how to build a pyramid. In fact you don’t need a market economy to do ANYTHING that twentieth century history says High Cultures did. All you need is scribes to plan and organize it.

Meanwhile out in the real world slamming an Egypt-style planned economy into the modern world was like taking the Wright Brothers’ plane up against a modern jet fighter.

And that is why what I say sounds so confusing. After a lifetime of being given exact plans and specifications for building an endless number of Wordist pyramids, I am trying to get you back to a system that visibly takes Wordism apart when it goes for a test flight. I do not NEED a mass movement. I need to push certain basics to keep the movement in a rational direction.

But, as with the economy, the apparent winner is the equivalent of planning, the torchlight parade approach. Just as a Great Civilization was based on building pyramids, a great movement is based on getting millions of people out on the street. That is why someone like me spends WEEKS arranging that “spontaneous” crowd when The Candidate shows up. That’s the way Harry Truman did it and, by gum, that’s the way it’s done NOW!

Meanwhile, back on Planet Earth, mass meetings are strictly for show. The real campaign is one-on-one or the despised “campaign slogan,” which is really an attempt to express the public mood, however crude. It is not “good” in the sense Marx would define a “good” economy. A campaign slogan is as hit-or-miss, when judged on its “goodness” as the latest trend in consumer spending. But have you ever LISTENED to the total, changeless crap that is shouted at mass meetings. They are mobs, with the IQ of mobs.

The age of TV moved from the mass meeting to the slogan. Has anybody noticed that we are no longer in the age where television is the Latest Thing? In our age, an idea very rapidly becomes either outdated or a challenge that must be met. This is the first time in history when the ordinary person has the POWER to DEMAND an answer. It is very, VERY hard to do so, but one of my favorite things is watching the old “professional journalists” get together and moan about this modern age when “professionals” no longer control every outlet.

Thirty years ago everyone knew who the Anchor Man on CBS was. I don’t. IS there one?

People always want me to present a more “solid” set of ANSWERS. Everyone you know can present you with a solid list of what constitutes Change. Everyone but me. I deal in a world that changes from year to year. Rule One: No kind of Change can deal with real changes.

The most “progressive” economies on earth proved that.


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Yesterday’s Ideas and Today’s Thought Police

When Karl Marx was a young man in the 1830s, the huge sensation of the time was Hegel’s Spiritual Dialectic. In the late eighteenth century the big buzz had been about Rousseau’s Noble Savage. Marx combined the two aqnd came up with Dialectic Materialism.

Rousseau, who never set foot outside Europe, declared that people outside of civilization were kind, gentle and equal.

Civilization, said Rousseau, caused all the evils and inequalities we are heir to.

I won’t bother explaining dialectic. It’s almost as complicated as it is silly. I would also have to explain how people in 1830 could have taken it seriously.

But Dialectic Materialism, called Communism, was enforced in the Soviet Empire until the 1980s. It collapsed the minute it stopped being enforced.

Now look at the spread of time between the philosophies the USSR was based on and the time it fell. Rousseau had been dead two centuries and the Hegel craze had been over for a century and a half. In the USSR both were Progressive thought.

The point is this:

When I talk about what social scientists all enforced in the 1950s I am talking about RIGHT NOW. Today’s Political Correctness is based entirely on the ideas of the first part of this century, not today.

In fact, they are not even based on the knowledge AVAILABLE in 1950.

Marx, Lenin, Trotsky and Rousseau all believed in a human behavior which, in the light of the slightest study of real natural behavior, is beyond the laughable. We now have endless studies showing that every social animal has a hierarchy, which is what Rousseau said only civilization produced.

In the 1950s you HAD to believe that only mankind has BORDERS. The only thing that prevented a World Government was capitalism and failures in civilization. Why can’t we be like animals and savages (Political Correctness makes no distinction) and be Virtuous and Universal?

Every social animal patrols its border. The gentle chimpanzee troop patrols regularly, and it will tear any outsider chimp apart if it is caught in their territory.

What was the reaction of the USSR to these rather obvious findings?

They were suppressed, just as their SOCIAL implications are NEVER talked about in social science courses today. Every social science professor has to admit that “There ARE genetic factors influencing man’s behavior.” But you will never hear one single word about any of them in any social science class, journal, or discussion.

But they find time to drag Marx out of his coffin regularly.

Every year we learn whole new patterns of gene-based behavior.

But Political Correctness remains firmly rooted in thought that was discredited before 1950.

And Political Correctness reacts the only way outdated thought CAN react. It enforces its ideas like a totalitarian state.


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Contracting Ideas

I EXPAND on ideas, and I want some of you to do that, too.

In what passes for a seminar today, professors contract student’s ideas. First of all, since no professor gets paid for anything except pleasing other professors, students in undergrad are useless, but grads can be useful. A professor’s job is to publish or perish, and none of his publications go beyond other professors. So in seminar he will present what he is working on and the students will go out and do detailed research on his subject for him.

I call this “contracting in the first sense.” That is, a professor takes on a writing project and then subcontracts the detail work. But it is also contracting in a second sense. You know the definition of a specialist: “A person who knows more and more about less and less until he knows all about nothing.” That describes today’s grad student perfectly.

Today’s student, therefore today’s professor, must limit his THINKING to his leisure time in the coffee shop. He gets his degree and his salary by “contributing to the literature” and by “peer review,” which means he has to think exactly the same way his colleagues do, and his output must fit nicely into the last set of articles in last month’s journal. Which is why those journals have to be financed by force and not by a willing readership.

So “academic thinking” means a steady contraction of an idea. You are given a proposition and you look it up in the dictionary. You find out details about it. You study its history, especially in The Literature.

But the one thing you NEVER do is to lift up your head and take a look around that idea and say, “Does this make any difference?” “Does this make any sense?” The sense it makes, as more than one professor has told me, is that you get paid to do it.

Take the article I wrote below on Jewpernica. I got little feedback from it, but if you EXPANDED on it, you might come up with some new concepts. First of all, I am not asking for more details about Jews. I am saying that we need to lift our heads of The Literature and say, “Does this make any difference?” “Does this make any sense?”

I don’t really care what Hezekiah said, because I know too much about that world to think he said anything. We don’t know who was REALLY doing what back then precisely because our heads are buried in the Old Testament and, in the case of Marxist professors, in the idea that the world began in Egypt and Mesopotamia.

As far as I can tell, almost everything the Prophets wrote was bitching like we hear today. Theology consists of taking that old bitching as word-for-word statements of what someone actually believed and bitching the same bitches today.

And while our noses are down in that swill, about Amenhotep’s left toenail, all of history is ignored. I mean ALL of history. Every day comes another breathless revelation that a cloth “invented” in the Middle East was on Northern Europeans a thousand years earlier, that writing predating hieroglyphs has been found in Romania, that life did not spring up a billion years ago, but in fact probably existed on Earth Mark I before it collided with the planet part of which became our moon four billion years ago.

But, like any other complete retard, history is astonished every single time. It NEVER sees a PATTERN. We still have the same old history books with everything starting in Egypt-Israel-Mesopotamia and people from their teaching others to us their opposable thumb.

THINK about it: Where, in The Literature, would such a pattern FIT? Everything has been carefully built, block by block, on the old ideas, and no peer reviewer is going to let anybody attack the whole edifice in a single article that will be PUBLISHED,

Now there is an idea you could EXPAND on. How is information PRODUCED? What INCENTIVES are there to keep beating dead horses? What concepts have simply not appeared for this reason, and exactly why?

Someone Googled and found that the only reference to the Medicogenetical Institute identical twin study, one of the breakthroughs of our age, About a thousand geneticists were executed for that study. Garrett Hardin discussed it in Nature and Man’s Fate. I knew an Oxford professor who lost a hundred friends in Russia in that incident.

That was the incident that put Lysenko in charge of Soviet genetics and starved a million people at least.

I am STILL the only reference to that incident in Google. Why?

Who is going to talk about that study? Respectable conservatives, who say they believe in equality and the birth of retards more than liberals do? Leftists who say that man will be completely transformed by Marxist policy as Stalin did? Professors who are desperate to prove that any practical discussion of genetics in social matters makes one anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews?

So it appears that there is only one person on this planet who will ever EXPAND on this incident. The one you find in Google. Me.



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