Archive for April 25th, 2008

Excellent, Hardric!

I rather enjoy an encounter with an anti-white who is impressed by his own intellectual acumen.

“You’re an intelligent person and you fall for that crap? You’re not serious, are you? You’re just pulling my leg. A 12-year old of average intelligence can see through that.”

— Hardric

This is what is needed to deal with the Big Lie: a SHORT, CUTTING truth that destroys the absolute self-confidence which is the only support for a Big Lie.

PLEASE keep up the good work!




I get bored when someone starts bitching about the word “black.” That was one point on which me and the black militants were on the same page.

Tolerate this old guy while he gives a quick soliloquy on language:

The Episcopal, Catholic, and Orthodox Churches each claim to be episcopal, meaning rued by bishops; all three claim to represent orthodoxy; and all three claim to be catholic, meaning universal.

Religious discussion would be a real pain in the donkey if I had to say, “Episcopal, but I don’t mean that Catholics and Orthodox are not episcopal too,” or “Catholic, but I don’t mean to imply that Orthodox and Episcopalians are not universalist , too.” It would bore you to death!

Likewise, I get bored when “black” gets all this nit-picking criticism. No, it does not refer to people who are pure black. It refers to people who have black blood and, when push comes to shove, these people identify with blacks. That reflects the actual situation in our actual world, which is what language is USED to do.

Black is easily pronounceable. It is now accepted by all but diddlers. It does not make a Spanish-speaking black baseball player into an American the way African-American does. In short the word “black” performs the function for which language EXISTS.

Leave it to the anti-whites to play with words and try to get off the subject with definitions. Black is a perfectly good word, and I use it consistently.


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Porch Talk, Dave and Dwayne

I discussed Sanator Sam, Dave describes Dwayne. Dave’s piece is more entertaining and is original:


What children see, that most adults forget, is the ridiculousness of adult narcissism.

I remember my 8-year-old school mate Dwayne, who was uncommonly ugly and had a tendency to slobber (even though we all liked him): He like to say this about his ugliness, “When you are born ugly, you are going to be ugly the rest of your life so you might as well get used to it.”

Adults have a REAL HARD TIME with that one. Accordingly, we know where liberalism comes from.

The last time we had a real leftie in the Governor’s chair in the State of Washington was Mike Lowry, a former US Congressman, who represented the district that included the University of Washington in Seattle.

Like Dwayne, Mike Lowry is uncommonly ugly. It is a marvel how somebody so ugly could actually get elected to Congress, but when you are running from a university district, go figure.

As Governor, his department heads were so ugly, all died-in-the-wool lefties, that I could only look at them by peeking through my fingers.

No wonder these lefties are so deeply into the “we are all equal” mantra. You have to hang your hat on something.

Later, the Governor disappointed his constituents by paying out $90K (out of his own pocket) to settle a sexual harassment claim (copping feels) by one of his female aids. That ended his political career, but it was all so very logical.

Dwayne never had any such problems. He was into self-acceptance and realism at a very early age. Today, he is a died-in-the-wool right-winger, with a stash of gold, a pickup truck, a mean dog, a Browning 1911, and an ugly wife and an ugly kid.

Like I said, we always liked Dwayne.


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