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Did Ancient Greeks Come Out of a Cookie-Cutter?

Posted by Bob on April 4th, 2008 under General

According to the movies, every ancient Spartan looked exactly alike. Each had very black hair, brown eyes, and so forth. According to the new business of restoring the paint on ancient sculpture and ancient pictorals, the warrior level in Ancient Greece looked a lot like the average white American circa 1800.

Hollywood would like to present ancient Greeks as black, with a racially balanced mix. But we have heard too much abotu Indo-Europpeans for that, so they are as dark as Hollywood can make them. Just as Hollywood’s (and PBS’) “realistic” portrayal of Classical times includes gray stone statues no Roman would have tolerated and gray stone buildings likewise, the ancient Greeks are now uniformly dark and ancient Palestine and Egypt have a racially balanced upper crust.

In Cleopatra, Richard Burtion, playing Mark Antony, was screaming, “Why do statues have no eyes?!” Even then historians knew that they DID have eyes. Bright blue ones. In the New York Metropolitan Museum I saw an art piece from about 500 BC in an art museum. It consisted of two wires holding up two orbs painted as eyes. It was apparently an abstract from 500 BC, and they titled it “eyes.”

The eyes were blue.

Nothing else is quite as fake as Politically Correct “realism.”


  1. #1 by Dave on 04/04/2008 - 11:26 pm

    You can’t trump race.

    The conceits of anytime are unbelievable. The conceit that race can be overcome, thrown at us endlessly in absolutely everything, to the smallest details in life, worshipped, prayed to, endlessly chanted, our world draped over with the most committed and universalized propaganda ever undertaken in all of history, is something, truly something.

    Anything so assiduously, so completely, so relentlessly, and so massively asserted could never be true.

    The truth is in the shadow no one admits exists.

    Yet that truth triumphs, no matter what. It needs no assistance from history professors and their orthodoxies, from government, from Hollywood or the media, from Stormfront, from anything or anybody.

    It needs no assistance whatsoever. (But that doesn’t mean BUGS isn’t critical.)

    It is so important to understand this. Once you understand it, you have visibility on the future.

    You have a competitive leg-up.

    On the immediately preceding post “Beyond IQ” I retitled “Rights to the Human Mind”, edited it, and posted it in National Salvation.Net under “Wordism” although it also fits under “Law”.

    BW’s “Beyond IQ” post is the kind of fundamentals that are pure gold.

    Very important for our future. Whites need to get aggressive is guarding a racially proprietary inheritence for themselves.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 04/05/2008 - 9:28 am

    The “propietary” would actually be quite easy to instill into the minds of whites. Liberalism to the masses of whites is a luxury of our times of abundance. Sure every good white man can dream of the next techno fix so the other 6 billion humans on Earth can have plastic pumpkins and H3 Hummers. Myself I must not be a good techno white man because all I can envision is the water hole scene from “2001 Space Odyssey.” Oh sure it must be temptation for any white man to stand up put his chin out and announce to the world, “I’ll save you.” We have enough Rush Limbaugh types who have reduced us from the Apollo era to the toys for the masses and better toys (Gulfstreams) for the plutocrats.

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