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Get Serious!

Posted by Bob on April 6th, 2008 under General

Some of the comments on “Institutionalization” could not differentiate between between getting a job in an established institution and being sentenced to life in the penitentiary. If you DON’T THINK about what I said, you get fixed on the word “institution” and decide that anything that has lasted more than half an hour is an institution.

YFF confused democracy and freedom. He asked, if an electorate decided it wanted Hate Speech Laws, isn’t that freedom?

No, it is the democracy that the Bill of Rights was written to protect us from.

mderpelding wrote that I was wrong about the instability of multi-racial states because there are so many different opinions in homogeneous states. Sometimes just stating a proposition in plain English is the answer to it.

I have a similar problem with words like “starvation.” Nobody knows what it means anymore. Starvation is not malnutrition. Every Pharaoh was severly malnourshed. Every Pharaoh had worms in his gut. If a child or an old person were in your care and he tested out the way every Pharaoh did you would be subject to CRIMINAL penalties.

But no Pharaoh ever STARVED.

Our civilization is only one in history where STARVATION is considered intolerable. Which means that whern I mention how white people have eliminated starvation outside of BUGS, I get a lecture about how the white man allows malnutrition.

When you comment, a sense of proportion is helpful.

  1. #1 by shari on 04/06/2008 - 2:10 pm

    Ok, I see. Maybe there should be institutions where you don’t starve and some where you DO, for repeat offenders. Of course a lot of lawyers would have to be killed first.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 04/06/2008 - 5:28 pm

    Basically few people can outgrow their education (indoctrination). Such is the fate of the PHDs at Chronicles, they receive a challenge from a lefty and they flash back to mommy prof handing out a problem.

    I keep asking, what is “racism”, and yet no one can answer me but they still continue to use the word. It is robotic, even the Manchurian Candidate can break his training, but not 99% of white men.

    Damn the whole Mantra is about getting the cult of the left to explain themselves and their genocide, but 99% of white men want Rev. Wright to apologize for smearing the Israeli-Military complex. I just want to ask if genocide is appropriate in his mind. Heck Stormfront has a billion posts that bashes Jews but not one of them asks what are jews, but instead the posters think if they shout enough Jews will give them bling.

    All cults fall before a rigorous examination.

  3. #3 by YearningForFreedom on 04/06/2008 - 6:56 pm

    Thanks for clearing up the freedom/democracy thing. I’m sure you are right on the points you make, and it’s interesting for intellectual discussion, but I don’t see mainstream Americans and Europeans taking up the cause for freedom of a small group of agitators that seek to propagate ideas that can potentially disrupt the peace, comfort and security of many.

    I think Simmons makes a very meaningful post here. A few days ago I saw a rival forum’s list of Jewish billionaires and I thought the very same thing. I was going to suggest to them they could start their own competing tribe of White Gentile businessmen, but it would have been a waste of effort because if they had the talent, the strength and resources to do that they wouldn’t be wasting time complaining on an Internet forum.

    That’s one of the problems with “Mighty Internet,” as AFKAN calls it. Information can be dispersed around the world, but if it isn’t a popular point of view, you will rarely stumble upon it (I never did in my years of web surfing). No, you have to seek it out. And the people who seek out these points of view tend to have a certain nature that includes critical character flaws. I won’t waste our time with it — Read Harold Covington for more on that.

  4. #4 by Prometheus on 04/06/2008 - 9:56 pm

    It is the subjects dependence which is the issue, not the organisation they are dependant on.

    I’ll admit I’ve not been inside a prison, but I’ve seen people who I’ve worked with work act exactly as if they are in prison. They are bossed around, they HATE it, but for some reason, despite the fact that it is far, far easy to get out of thier job than a prison, they have all these excuses for not leaving. Most don’t leave till they are forced to.

    Being told what to do is EASY. Might not be fun, but it’s EASY because you don’t have to go it alone or take ownership over your own fate.

    All you have to do, is let yourself be pushed around and do what you are told.

  5. #5 by Dave on 04/07/2008 - 1:25 pm

    Understand why fundamentals matter.

    Institutions are a status game and social status is greatest of all the psychological games.

    Status has nothing to do with merit. Status is all in the deference one receives from others.

    This is why people of high status are blind to fundamentals. They are too busy being blinded by the unmerited deference they receive.

    Think about it: Martin Luther King was deified based upon recordings of his anthem style speeches.

    Oratory uttered in the ENGLISH language, the language of Martin Luther King’s white conquerors, and the ONLY language known by American blacks, irrefutable proof of their subjugation and racial and ethnic inferiority.

    See the absurdity of it, appealing to your own racial kin in your conqueror’s indigenous tongue? What greater proof of inferiority is there?

    This is so fundamental nobody notices it, least of all high status persons enforcing orthodoxy, the essence of which is that you are required to ignore reality.

    To see this is to see the vulnerability of our enemies and to overcome the status game they play on us.

    Fundamentals matter. They are everything.

    Never forget that.

  6. #6 by Bob on 04/07/2008 - 1:42 pm


  7. #7 by BoardAd on 04/07/2008 - 2:00 pm

    YFF = Al Parker
    Thawat = AFKAN

  8. #8 by YearningForFreedom on 04/07/2008 - 8:31 pm

    When I first logged into my user account here, I saw a page that would let me change the name that appears in my post, but I could not find that page again.

  9. #10 by Tim on 04/08/2008 - 11:14 am

    Current Fjordman article creating a stir. I always have problems posting the Mantra on The Brussels Journal (for some reason??).

    Just thought you folks should read this. Europe is moving right along. He says WHITE!

  10. #11 by shari on 04/08/2008 - 9:33 pm

  11. #12 by Pain on 04/08/2008 - 9:44 pm

    Bob takes two days off and I ask myself “Is he over his OCD?”

    I hope not.

  12. #13 by BoardAd on 04/09/2008 - 9:55 am


    We frustrated him by completely misinterpreting his points, so I’d rather see ole Bob take a couple days off than get burned out again.

    He also needs some time to clean the blood off his keys.

  13. #14 by Simmons on 04/09/2008 - 2:37 pm

    We miss you Bob, hurry back when you can. If you don’t you are going to miss the march on Rome. The Liberal’s “morally beyond reproach” curtain is being torn down, questions are being asked and from what I hear the Vichy respectables are frightened.

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