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Socrates, Plato and Aristotle

Posted by Bob on April 11th, 2008 under General

Herodotus spent his life trying to prove how the Greek gods were descended from Egyptian gods, precisely as we now try to trace everything since the opposable thumb back to the Middle East. Even Politically Correct history has rejected that dead end. But it did so only after the relationship of the Indo-European languages was discovered, and it has been trying to get rid of the implications of hat discovery ever since.

Part of the Politically Correct effort has been to say that Western Civilization developed entirely from the rediscovery of a few writers like Plato and Aristotle. There was indeed something unique about the Socrates-Plato-Aristotle trio, but it has nothing to do with Egyptian culture.

Suddenly there appeared three men who learned a WAY OF THINKING from each other. Political Correctness concentrates entirely on learning by rote what each one said, but that completely ignores the point that is so obvious we don’t see it.

Rote is Middle Eastern. Thousands of Middle Easterners, like million today, had A Final Truth but none of them had a WAY OF THINKING. In any other society, Plato would have quoted the Truths of Socrates and Aristotle would have quoted him, cautioning his students not to wander from The True Way.

Every society, including Bushmen, has THAT.

A Way of Thinking is as alien to Final Truth as man is to animal. A parrot or a tape recorder can be a Mommy Professor.

The reason finding the works of Plato did not suddenly turn the West from Barbarism to progress is because the Socrates got his approach directly from the ancient Indo-European Moot. He took it for granted that truth came from open discussion. This concept was totally alien to every basis bushman society or Egyptian society stood on.

The Pharaoh had to go our every day and make sure the sun came up with a memorized formula. The Moot assume that truth was up for grabs. That is why Odin gave an EYE for KNOWLEDGE and not for WISDOM. Wisdom is final. It is subject to interpretation, but never to challenge.

A way of thinking raises man above parrots and tape recorders and Pharaohs and Bushmen. Every animal has its Final Truth.

  1. #1 by richard on 04/11/2008 - 12:52 pm

    One of the most pathetic things in the world is the way young Indian boys are taught the ancient Hindu scriptures, the Vedas. They have to learn millions of words by heart, and pronounce them in exactly the same way as their teacher was taught, and their teacher’s teacher was taught, back to the time they were first written 4000 years ago. If they stress one wrong syllable, or pronounce a word in the wrong way, they get whacked with a stick and they have to go back to the start and do it all over again. That’s how the ancient sanskrit language has been preserved.

    What these brown skinned ‘learned men’ don’t realise is that the Aryans who first wrote the Vedas all those centuries ago would have laughed at the idea that their stories should be preserved the same forever.

    The big difference between Whites and non-Whites is an understanding of the difference between form and content. The Red Indian brave thought that wearing a buffalo hide would give him the strength of a buffalo. The modern African thinks that having a European college degree makes him intelligent. And the brownskinned Hindu priests think that learning an ancient text by rote gives them Wisdom.

  2. #2 by Dave on 04/11/2008 - 1:17 pm

    Take a look at any college course catalog, technical fields included, medicine included, and I challenge you to find coherency.

    Our children are tripped from the get go. Why does this, given the enormous cost of education, bother so few? The college catalog itself is telling you vested interests cannot be overcome even to publish a coherent course offering, even in technical fields, even in medicine.

    Instead, the course catalog is predicated on the notion that any plausible lie will suffice as only the authority of the institution matters. This is the essence of the college catalog and you can’t get to diplomas without that.

    The nonwhite world loves this. To them it all represents PROGRESS. That’s why every other little colored child repeats, “My dream is to get a college degree”.

    This is a long ways from the Moot. The Moot is the attitude, “Since that cop over there gets a gun, I get one too.”

    Correspondingly the Moot is, “Since I have exactly one brain and you have exactly one brain, I will do my own thinking, and you do your own thinking.”

    This is a long ways from college catalogs and a long ways from professors. It is also a long ways from how most science is conducted which is why 99% of scientific research is worthless.

    But I have been around nonwhite people enough to know that they want above all else, the college catalog. They feel their lives are pure chaos without it.

    White people need to understand this. This demand coming from nonwhites is a major challenge for us. It will not disappear.

    It forces us back to the Moot, a place we should have never left, under any circumstances.

  3. #3 by Tim on 04/11/2008 - 2:06 pm

    “The Pharaoh had to go our every day and make sure the sun came up with a memorized formula.”

    The Last Pharaohs did it this way. But little is written about the First Pharaohs and how they did things. Or at least we should say that little of it contains the whole truth. But we do know Menes was buried in Ireland. His tomb is there to this day but little has been said of what they found there.

    Ironically, I read an article by and Indian (Hindu Indian) that made hay about the fact that we are not getting the whole Western story. He went on to talk about Menes and all the Blond and Read haired Mummies they hid in Egypt over the last X many years. He went on to state that the powers that be flooded a whole area in Egypt full of these tombs. He then stated there was no one earth who believes Western Aryans could go from hairy barbarians eating raw meat to world rulers just by recent happenstance. He thought the world was being lied to. Now if only Western Aryans would understand that.

    Bob, we could say that the Moot in Washington has long been dieing. Just like we know that the Moot process in Egypt was long dead at the last mulatto pharaoh. Just like the Moot was dead as the last mulatto was ruling Iran. That does NOT mean there was not an Aryan MOOT there once upon a time. It only means it left there with us Aryans who did not become mulatto’s.

    Of course you know this, but lets differentiate between the first pharaoh who we know was an Aryan of the sun hawk race. And the last pharaoh who was some mulatto. That way when some young Aryan historian reads the Bugs archives a thousand years from now. He will remember to differentiate between Obama and Washington

  4. #4 by backbaygrouch4 on 04/11/2008 - 3:13 pm

    It is impossible to separate thinking from race. The sharpest example of this that comes to mind appeared under the pen name of Theodore Dalrymple (Anthony Daniels) a few years ago. He is a doctor who has worked in Rhodesia and English prisons in addition to a practice. He is not, I suspect, sympathetic to our cause. In any case he relates the following in an article reprinted in the Wall Street journal:

    – I had a striking example of this phenomenon recently, when I had a Congolese patient who had taken refuge in Britain from the terrible war in Central Africa that has so far claimed up to three million lives. He was an intelligent man and had that easy charm that I remember well from the days when I traversed–not without difficulty or discomfort–the Zaire of Mobutu Sese Seko. He had two degrees in agronomy and had trained in Toulouse in the interpretation of satellite pictures for agronomic purposes. He recognized the power of modern science, therefore, and had worked for the U.N. Food and Agricultural Organization, and was used to dealing with Western aid donors and investors, as well as academics.

    – The examination over, we chatted about the Congo. He was delighted to meet someone who knew his country, by no means easily found in England. I asked him about Mobutu, whom he had known personally.

    – “He was very powerful,” he said. “He collected the best witch doctors from every part of Zaire. Of course, he could make himself invisible; that was how he knew everything about us. And he could turn himself into a leopard when he wanted.”

    – This was said with perfect seriousness. For him the magical powers of Mobutu were more impressive and important than the photographic power of satellites. Magic trumped science. In this he was not at all abnormal, it being as difficult or impossible for a sub-Saharan African to deny the power of magic as for an inhabitant of the Arabian peninsula to deny the power of Allah. My Congolese patient was perfectly relaxed; usually, Africans feel constrained to disguise from Europeans their most visceral beliefs, for which they know the Europeans usually feel contempt, as primitive and superstitious. And so, in dealing with outsiders, Africans feel obliged to play an elaborate charade, denying their deepest beliefs in an attempt to obtain the outsider’s minimal respect. In deceiving others, in keeping their inner selves hidden, they are equalizing the disparity of power. The weak are not powerless: They have the power, for instance, to gull the outsider. [Wall Street Journal, June 9, 2003]

    The point is that the man was able to attain an advanced White education and function within White scientific society and yet not escape his genes. That this anecdote could be told by a man with a Marxist background, who would swear to the heavens that the races are equal, is striking. His entire belief system is negated by his powers of observation and he would deny that negation which is plain.

    The conclusion that magic trumped science is the history of the difference between Whites and others. Only for us does induction triumph over deduction. It can do so only through the ability to doubt, that great enemy of rote learning.

  5. #5 by Pain on 04/11/2008 - 3:29 pm

    You’re brilliant Bob. But, the myths all say that Odin gave his eye for wisdom, not knowledge. The Norse reads “wisdom.”


    One reason we know that these myths hold the most ancient readings is because “Odin” frequently appears in alliterative poetry alongside “wisdom“, and in all the other Germanic languages, including proto-Old Norse his name begins with a ‘w‘ as in Woden and Wuotan.

    Wisdom” to our forefathers meant “way of perceiving, way of thinking,” which is what it means to me today.

    Odin did not need knowledge, because he made everything, say the myths. Odin was no knowledge-worshipping Gnostic; Gnosticism, like Arianism, was an Egyptian-born mystery cult. As you know, the Gnostics believed there was magic in Knowledge, and so they worshipped it.

    Further, when the Oriental claims that he pursues “wisdom“, it shows that he doesn’t know what he is talking about. It shows that he cannot separate rote-learning from reality. Orientals can’t tell knowledge apart from wisdom. Wisdom, as opposed to knowledge, requires creativity, which they don’t have. So to the Oriental, wisdom is something mysterious because they don’t really understand it. So when the Mandarin wants to force his knowledge on the neophyte, he calls it “wisdom,” because no one in the Orient really knows what that is, but it sounds really important.

    However, Odin’s sacrifice of his eye is always associated with “wisdom,” a way of thinking. At least that’s what the myths themselves say.

    This is not to take away anything from what you are saying. If you think about it, it expands on it!

    But what I am really thinking is that if the West makes it out of the current genocidal Deluge, your works could possibly sell like hot-cakes. So we don’t want future generations to say, “What is Bob raving about here? The myths all say ‘wisdom,'” lest you lost some credibility, which no one here wants to happen.

    Now just why this expands on what you are saying is that knowledge” is not at all a “way of thinking.” Isn’t rote learning a form of knowledge in the first place?

    Anyway, you won’t believe me. But you are still the best at what you do.

  6. #6 by Pain on 04/11/2008 - 4:46 pm

    Just expand on a side note, Herodotus’s strange fascination with Egypt and their side of the Mediterranean led him to the silly idea that all Greek writing came from the Phoenicians. He tried to support it by the presence of a small colony of Phoenicians in Greece.

    Later, when Alexander the Great standardized all the diverse, but related, Greek alphabets into one for his Mideastern empire, he used Hellenized Mideastern names for some of the letters. Obviously, he was making Greek easier to learn for the Mideasterners. But the ex oriente lux crowd takes that as proof that Herodotus’s stray theorizing was final truth.

  7. #7 by Bob on 04/11/2008 - 4:46 pm

    Pain, nope, knowledge. That’s from people who know Old Norse. I m sure the average author says Wisdom.

  8. #8 by Pain on 04/11/2008 - 5:29 pm


    Ha! I told you you wouldn’t believe me, didn’t I?

    ***I*** know Old Norse, I learned from the very best in the field and I double checked the original documents. Do I need to show you my transcripts and degrees?

    Now I don’t know what some anonymous people told you a few decades ago, but I rather suspect it wasn’t exactly what you think.

    I once actually quoted to you the texts even with the dictionary entries to make it easy, but all you could say was that I sounded like the Académie Française! (Well I guess the Normans were Vikings, ha ha.)

    What would it take to convince you? This is not some obscure theory. We have the texts.

    You can also find the texts online and your familiarity with German should help you figure out which word is being used. The words for knowledge will start with a ‘k’, and those for wisdom will start with a ‘v’. (Please laugh, here.)

    Stay happy!!

    All for truth and all in fun,
    The Royal Pain

    PS: I hope that my technicolor post above gave you a chuckle. 🙂

  9. #9 by mderpelding on 04/11/2008 - 6:26 pm

    Thank God for the Greeks, because the rest of the white race was living like African savages.
    Your quotes…

    Part of the Politically Correct effort has been to say that Western Civilization developed entirely from the rediscovery of a few writers like Plato and Aristotle. There was indeed something unique about the Socrates-Plato-Aristotle trio, but it has nothing to do with Egyptian culture.

    Suddenly there appeared three men who learned a WAY OF THINKING from each other. Political Correctness concentrates entirely on learning by rote what each one said, but that completely ignores the point that is so obvious we don’t see it.

    Yessir, without all those brainy Greeks us Germanic types were totally devoid of reason and little better then modern Africans.

    “Suddenly appeared”.
    Forget Odin.
    Greece is the oldest known provider of “classic logic”, just like Cuba is the oldest known provider of “classic Chevy’s”.

    All of a sudden you can’t see an endpoint?

  10. #10 by Prometheus on 04/11/2008 - 8:37 pm

    What do you MEAN by wisdom? There is the type of wisdom which is just unsubstatiated assertations of truth, but there is also wisdom, as in the ability to use knowledge. Knowledge, like IQ doesn’t go far unless one has the ability to use it effectively.

    Socrates said “I know that I don’t know”, which is something that describes a white way of thinking, an admission that there is more to learn, that we DON’T KNOW enough.

    But everywhere else, the ‘wise man’ is the one who knows a lot of facts. He has a lot of knowledge, and that knowledge is passed on word for word, as if an heirloom. The ‘wise man’ doesn’t say he doesn’t know, he KNOWS and teaches what he knows. One does not need to think to do this.

    But Aristotle, Socrates and Plato gave tools to obtain knowledge, to analyse information. A means of understanding, and it is this desire to understand which has driven the west.

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