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Pain Contradicts ME!! Shame!

Posted by Bob on April 12th, 2008 under General

You’re brilliant Bob. But, the myths all say that Odin gave his eye for wisdom, not knowledge. The Norse reads “wisdom.”


One reason we know that these myths hold the most ancient readings is because “Odin” frequently appears in alliterative poetry alongside “wisdom“, and in all the other Germanic languages, including proto-Old Norse his name begins with a ‘w‘ as in Woden and Wuotan.

“Wisdom” to our forefathers meant “way of perceiving, way of thinking,” which is what it means to me today.

Odin did not need knowledge, because he made everything, say the myths. Odin was no knowledge-worshipping Gnostic; Gnosticism, like Arianism, was an Egyptian-born mystery cult. As you know, the Gnostics believed there was magic in Knowledge, and so they worshipped it.

Further, when the Oriental claims that he pursues “wisdom“, it shows that he doesn’t know what he is talking about. It shows that he cannot separate rote-learning from reality. Orientals can’t tell knowledge apart from wisdom. Wisdom, as opposed to knowledge, requires creativity, which they don’t have. So to the Oriental, wisdom is something mysterious because they don’t really understand it. So when the Mandarin wants to force his knowledge on the neophyte, he calls it “wisdom,” because no one in the Orient really knows what that is, but it sounds really important.

However, Odin’s sacrifice of his eye is always associated with “wisdom,” a way of thinking. At least that’s what the myths themselves say.

This is not to take away anything from what you are saying. If you think about it, it expands on it!

But what I am really thinking is that if the West makes it out of the current genocidal Deluge, your works could possibly sell like hot-cakes. So we don’t want future generations to say, “What is Bob raving about here? The myths all say ‘wisdom,’” lest you lost some credibility, which no one here wants to happen.

Now just why this expands on what you are saying is that knowledge” is not at all a “way of thinking.” Isn’t rote learning a form of knowledge in the first place?

Anyway, you won’t believe me. But you are still the best at what you do.

  1. #1 by shari on 04/13/2008 - 7:48 pm

    All I can say is that, if what Bob says, complimented by what Pain says, gets to be common thinking, just think what that would do for ordinary white people. Even though ordinary, whites, are not blacks or orientals. It takes a Race, not a village.

  2. #2 by Pain on 04/13/2008 - 8:36 pm

    Bob is always the gracious host!

  3. #3 by BoardAd on 04/15/2008 - 3:26 pm

    Pain, do you have any recomended reading on this?

  4. #4 by shari on 04/15/2008 - 8:47 pm

    Something that ocurred to me about Pain’s statement, “that if the West makes it out of the current genocidal DELUGE” This is where we are at. We can no longer hold the non-west at bay, so we must SEPARATE OURSELVES. I don’t know just how. But, not just the very best and brightest, any of us who are white. Not from any inordinate pride, but simply for our ancesters and our descendants. It’s just right. I have no idea how this can be done. Certainly, I don’t know what genetics will make possible. I have never gotten any great vision about that.

  5. #5 by mderpelding on 04/15/2008 - 10:42 pm

    Please note that when any person describes an event the questions commonly asked are who,what, where,when, how, and why. Note the pattern?

    How doesn’t fit. Who, what, where, when, and why are all of a lingual piece.

    Who, what, and where require simple observation.
    When asks you as the observer to place the event in your time frame.
    Why is of course metaphysical and asks you to believe.

    But “how” requires thought. The whole planet from time immemorial has asked “who”,”what”,”where”,”when”,and”why”.

    Every tribe can answer the above “wh” questions.

    Odin wanted to know “how”.

  6. #6 by Pain on 04/15/2008 - 11:02 pm

    This is not that important, but you asked.

    Brodeur’s Prose Edda has always been my favorite:

    Woden stowes his eye in Mimir’s Well. Mash Control F and fill in “wisdom”. The same search for “knowledge” yields “text not found.” (The Norse word for “wisdom” here is visendi, a present imperfect of “wise”, used as a noun.)

    Try also this:

    Note how many times “wise” is used. Note that wisdom is used in regard to Odin’s eye, not knowledge.

    I mean this to help Bob’s discussion. It takes nothing away. The West and the East differ radically on what “wisdom” means. We can use the same words, they nod and smile but they will have no idea that they do not understand what we are talking about. I brought it up because Bob would have brought it up, for the pursuit of truth, etc.

    I am Bob’s spawn.


  7. #7 by BoardAd on 04/15/2008 - 11:27 pm

    Thank you, Pain!

  8. #8 by YearningForFreedom on 04/16/2008 - 5:54 pm


    When I hear the dedicated few speak, I simply cannot understand why there aren’t more people who believe as deeply as they do and, listening to them, are not inspired enough to similarly dedicate their lives to the cause.

    There are many people who strongly sympathize with the cause but there is an underlying feeling that these views are just a reactionary view to an ever-changing world, a world that will find a way to survive and thrive in new circumstances that we cannot even imagine (At least this is recognized here with genetic engineering). The result of this feeling is that despite knowledge of issues and immersion into this subculture, there is still a lingering doubt. (I believe this is why WOL focuses on HOW rather than WHAT to think).

    I also believe that a sense of doubt is normal, because most of us are human, after all. We cannot take countless people screaming at us, arguing against us and naming us an evil warned of by the Bible while remaining so steadfastly committed.

    I haven’t got a clue what makes someone so sure that they KNOW and are bold enough to desire to and change the world and are unshakable enough to pursue it fully. To call that ‘chutzpah’ is an understatement.

    People in this camp are followers at best and I don’t think that followers can be converted into leaders. Bob noted recently that leadership training is an oxymoron. I would say it’s a waste of time an energy to try to persuade them. Alchemy may be a more fruitful pursuit.

  9. #9 by Dave on 04/16/2008 - 6:10 pm


    Aldous Huxley used to say, “If you want to solve your problems, learn a new way seeing”.

    It is a heroic thing to attempt to throw off a governmentally established religion. Accordingly, BWs phrase, “Political Correctness is a Religion” is not a slogan.

    There has never been a governmentally sponsored religion more widely and globally established than the religion of Political Correctness.

    The fingers of PC’s scope are panoramic, yet also concentrate right down to the microscopic, a flow tide of awesomely subtle influences, deliberately propagated, multi-faceted and robust, legally, ideologically, and spiritually. Political Correctness is as thoroughgoing an established religion as there ever was in all of history.

    Popes, Pastors, and Imams should eat their hearts out, there is not an “official religion” recognized today that even remotely compares to the influence and scope of the world’s premiere established religion of Political Correctness (established by almost every government in every country on earth).

    Yet this religion is vulnerable, as enormous, pervasive, and well-supported as it is.

    The knowledge of one man can take it down.

    Words are first and foremost lies. Yet true words, properly arranged and chosen, coming from even one man, can change everything. This is the contradiction of Wordism.

    The trick is to convey this unsettling knowledge, to convey its truth. That is the work of “poets” (“poets” in the broad sense of a persons skilled in the arts of influence).

    The “poet’s” job is to make accessible what otherwise would not be accessible. And important knowledge does get conveyed. It finds ways to make itself accessible. Its very importance drives it. Persons skilled in the arts of influence find it. Steadily but surely it makes its way into the culture.

    That is what BUGS is really about, enlightenment for “poets”, seeding the culture. That is why physical (racial) separation doesn’t matter. Separation is a tactic that is beside the point.

    The point is taking down the established religion of Political Correctness, a heroic undertaking.

    In that we save our race.

  10. #10 by Simmons on 04/16/2008 - 7:09 pm

    Leaders are script readers for the most part, maybe Hitler was a true self created leader, maybe Lenin but I really don’t care for cult of personality types. If we are followers as you say I would have to quibble I would say we have the makings for senior staff. Millions of people have a gut feeling things are grossly wrong and we are the apostles after the crucifiction.

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