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More Simplism: Great Civilizations and the Master-Slave Ratio

Posted by Bob on August 4th, 2008 under General

If we cut the crap, a Great Civilization is one that gets noticed by historians because it:

1) Builds a lot of stone monuments and 2) has lots of scribes.

They are able to build lots of monuments and hire lots of scribes because they have lots of slaves.

Each Great Civilization begins with a Northern Barbarian Invasion which, as is barely mentioned, brings in the wheel or iron. By the time The Northern Invasion comes, the invaded Great Civilization consists of a brown society rich in slaves which the invaders take over. The Barbarians get comfortable and begin to assimilate with the natives. They become a brown society, rich in slaves.

Another Northern Invasion moves in, with some little addition like the wheel or the chariot.

So much for Khaldoun, Spengler, and Yockey’s dumber parts.

A society which is easily herded, by the Orient, differs from this only slightly. When Aryans reached China and gave it their genius, that genius was multiplied, but not improved upon, just as Japan has gotten EXACTLY as productive as the West, but no MORE so.

No one in the Orient even imagines that they will do more than equal the West in per capita productivity.

In all the world, only the white lands, “Scythians” and so forth, had the wheel. Soon the Orient had it too, and, with its natural reserve of slaves, was able to ORGANIZE its technology long before the West was able to harness its own genius. The Orient has a slave-master ratio that is optimal for the Tom Fleming-type Great Civilization obsessionist.

In all the deluge of oohs and aahs over Great Civilization, the spark of creativity is easy to ignore.

Historians write endlessly about pyramids, but not one has even mentioned how rare the wheel is.

  1. #1 by Pain on 08/04/2008 - 1:33 pm

    Check out Google maps of Beijing. If you think American cities are horrible, you won’t after zooming in and out around Beijing. There are no parks. There are no rivers or woods to walk in. There is only one architectural feature in the urban plan: a long street ending at the old Forbidden City. There is only one tourist attraction of note, the Forbidden City, surrounded by the urban mess. Tianmen Square and Beijing’s one decorative pond are part of this one complex. The Forbidden City is beautiful, but all it is, is the layout of a typical Chinese house, just big. It’s just a very big, typical house done with no expense spared. And that’s, what, 500 years old? Nothing newly built in Beijing has any creative value. Prince Phillip called it the world’s most boring city. It’s an anthill super-sized.

  2. #2 by Dave on 08/04/2008 - 9:34 pm

    The gap between whites and nonwhites that has prevailed throughout history is widening, not narrowing, as Political Correctness would have it.

    This is another fact that no one recognizes.

    It was a very rapid trip from the telegraph to today’s computers.

    That’s a way to measure the growing distance. But as always, life is full or ironies.

    Political Correctness likes to measure things as if everything were not in motion, the way the Iranians, North Koreans, and Cubans measure things.

    They can’t imagine a world of undetectable nano-computing, of materials disappearing, and of everything becoming weightless.

    There is so much they can’t imagine. That’s their problem.

  3. #3 by AFKANNow on 08/05/2008 - 2:43 am

    Dave has made an excellent point.

    PC was designed for the Feminine Society – the Steady State – which, after all, is what Judaism wants to transform Christianity, and the Christian West, into.

    PC can not handle fluidity at all, and will compensate with greater and greater rigidity.

    As the Internet makes disintermediation of our controlling Institutions possible, and the imploding Real Economy makes such disintermediation necessary, dramatic social changes will manifest at greater rates of change.

    A lot of this can be masked, for a season; like the implosion of the banking system being masked by “mergers,” the same name can be applied with flexibility to several states of affairs.

    Yet, they can not imagine the possible.

    They could not imagine that the birth control pill, which made its way past the FDA by getting approval as a pill to control the menstrual cycle, changed Feminism just as PC Feminism was getting firmly established.

    Nonetheless, the battle proceeds.


  4. #4 by Z on 08/05/2008 - 3:01 am

    Bob, I must say, this is a rather impressive piece of historical analysis. Its also important to keep in mind what the climate was like in “Europe” 3000 years ago. It was much more difficult to build a civilization during an ice age or post-ice age compared to the lush conditions of Mesopotamia. Because of this, Whites depended on a hunter-gathering strategy within the areas we now call “Europe.”

    Anti-whites love to call Europe a “backwater” during this time. Compared to the “Great Civilizations” during the same time period, “Europe” did not have the sexy pyramids and such. But what the anti-whites don’t understand (nor want to understand) is that these “Great Civilization” were built by other Whites.

    Egypt, the Indus Valley, and Mesopotamia were where whites went to build civilization becuase Europe was not a climatically friendly place. While it may be true that the geographic area we now call “Europe” was underdeveloped, the fact is, the people we now call “Europeans” were not. Geographic “Europe” during these times was sort of like a rural area of today. As the cosmopolitan Whites who built the pyramids fell to race mixing, the “country” whites with strong tribal ties remained unmixed. As the city whites built fancy buildings and wore shiny hats, the country whites in Europe or out on the Steppe were building practical devices like the wheel.

    People like to call the colonization period a time of “White Supremacy.” The fact is, the ancient world was even more so. And it was during this time that the roots inferiority were planted as non-whites watched The Noble Ones (Aryans) build the world.

    The only two major civilizations that were not “White owned” were Islam and Mesoamerica. The latter was a perfect example of the slave society that you described. The Aztec’s literally smashed the heads of babies and didn’t have the wheel or writing until Whites found them. Islam did have its “Golden Age” but what I often wonder is why did this “Golden Age” experience its finest accomplishments in Spain? Why wouldn’t the core of Islamic civilization and accomplishment take place in Baghdad or Medina?

    Anyway, thanks again for the fine post…

  5. #5 by Simmons on 08/05/2008 - 3:13 pm

    I just point blank ask libs if genetics has anything thing to do with intelligence, emotional makeup and creativity. I do not shriek this I merely ask, besides its much funner to watch some lib turn in circles like a dog chasing its tail.

  6. #6 by Z on 08/09/2008 - 2:31 am

    Another thing about the so called “Dark Ages.” I was watching a show about the Aztecs the other night. The narrator was sure to say something like “while Europe was in the dark ages, the Aztecs were planning cities and studying astronomy.”

    What makes this so stupid is that the Europeans had writing, the wheel, and a grasp on navigation that enabled them to travel to N. America in the 1100’s. European mans concept of transportation and space contrasted so greatly with that of the Aztecs that is was almost like adults discovering a bunch of children when they met. Even in the early middle ages, the Europeans were building cathedrals that were much more complicated than getting the slaves to stack the blocks on each other.

    My point is this:

    Anti-White thinking is so prevalent in Academia that it overlooks the most obvious facts?

    The pointing out of the obvious is BUGS.

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