Teddy Kennedy’s father was US Ambassador to Great Britain just before World War II. He was removed because he wanted to work WITH Hitler. He was lambasted for wanting to work WITH Hitler in exactly the same way his son was praised for secretly working with the ruler of the Soviet Empire to save Communism.
Today one term the elder Kennedy used stands out. He said, “We can solve Germany’s Jewish problem and get on to other matters.”
What, exactly, WAS Hitler’s “Jewish Problem”?
Stated in simpler Whitakerese, Hitler believed that his nation could not survive if it had Jews in it.
ANY Jews.
I keep emphasizing that I received a fundraising letter from the SPLC saying that northern Idaho was almost all white and therefore the SPLC was sponsoring a campaign to get minorities in there. The letter was signed by ex-Senator George McGovern, 1972 Democratic nominee for President!
The ADL supports this type of policy in the name of “fighting racism.” Any opposition to immigration AND assimilation in ALL White countries and ONLY White countries, every PART of EVERY White country, is necessary to prevent racism and Hitlerism.
To state this in Whitakerese, i.e., the basic point in plain English, the ADL says that Jews cannot survive in a WORLD that has Whites in it.
Even Hitler never stated the “Jewish Problem” as flatly as the ADL states The White Problem.
If you translate the ADL’s White Problem in plain Whitakerese.
#1 by Asgardian on 03/05/2014 - 11:18 am
So the gospel states that if White people get together they will wipe out all non whites….omg. Talk about a line of crap, we run faster than the flash…we don’t attack we just wanna be left alone.
#2 by Daniel Genseric on 03/05/2014 - 1:03 pm
Have you ever seen what happens to the Merchant Class’ homes when they are finished chasing whites into Idaho?
I have.
They are disgusting, dirty, unkempt shit-holes in desperate need of “immigrant workers who do the jobs [white] Americans won’t do” for a shekel.
#3 by shari on 03/05/2014 - 1:27 pm
I’m coming to the conclusion that religion is perhaps 98% horror,leading to gross unreason. I’ll leave the remainder for inspiration and hope.
#4 by WmWhite on 03/05/2014 - 2:01 pm
-The Irish Savant- has an interesting article about the present situation in the Ukraine.
Titled: “Ukraine: The mist begins to Clear”
It should also be noted that the newly-elected Ukrainian prime minister ‘Arseniy Yatsenyuk’
was born into the ‘jewish tribe’ and his parents were mommy PROFESSORS at Chernivtsi University.
–a double whammy … care of the countries past Marxist benefactors and tribal relations of Yatsenyuk et al.
The Ukrainian Holodomor will be coming to a white country near you, if our people don’t learn soon that: “NO white people anywhere” is the true purpose of this anti-white tribes diversity and immigration agenda.
“The more things change, the more they stay the same.”
#5 by Yankee Rebel on 03/05/2014 - 5:16 pm
Thanks WW for that interesting article link.
#6 by Steadiness on 03/05/2014 - 3:04 pm
Is it the position of this blog that Jews are a social construct? I don’t really know how much that’s true; I think it’s at least half true, because most Jews I know are at most half Jews by blood.
The Jews have been causing trouble recently. But we can’t blame them for our own problems, such as sanctimony, or the Enlightenment world-view that came out of the first universities, which holds that the only important thing about humanity is reason, and since reason is reason, all humans are essentially the same. That’s where anti-racism comes from, it’s a conceit of smart people who only hang out with other smart people; and to this day, the few Blacks they interact with act more or less like them, which confirms their prejudice.
The liberal creation myth: Monkey Buddha sat under a tree and received the first enlightenment of pure reason. Since then, reason has been what divides humans from animals; and the meanest Black gangster who understands this is more human than the White Republican businessman who refuses to understand his invisible knapsack.
At any rate, when we restore the White race’s recognition of its existence and right to exist – a goal compared to which nothing else matters – there will be no need for any kind of violence.
#7 by Jason on 03/05/2014 - 6:00 pm
It’s the Final Solution to the White Problem.
Most Whites I know do NOT want to face this. I get resistance to the word genocide. I hope the rest of you get better results, but the average White person I know (in person) will tell me, oh no, it’s not genocide.
I suspect they say that because it would require something of them that they are not ready to face (reevaluating old beliefs, etc).
Whites as a group will be saved. But there are many Whites that will be lost forever (well until genetic engineering arises to help future generations).
But if we don’t resurrect the concept of the TRAITOR the same folks will stab us in the back in some other way.
#8 by Henry Davenport on 03/05/2014 - 6:37 pm
The ADL supports this type of policy in the name of “fighting racism” …the basic point in plain English, the ADL says that Jews cannot survive in a WORLD that has Whites in it.
A Jewish couple I knew in NYC, the man would tell the woman, “If I ever say it’s time for us to leave, you be ready to leave.” Meaning if he saw the U.S. was turning to Nazism, in which case of course “gas ovens” would be close behind.
No way is that fellow ever going to be as afraid of Muslims or any other group as he is of Whites.
They were both at the impressionable age of 12 or 13 when WWII ended.
#9 by Henry Davenport on 03/05/2014 - 10:41 pm
I keep emphasizing that I received a fundraising letter from the SPLC saying that northern Idaho was almost all white and therefore the SPLC was sponsoring a campaign to get minorities in there. The letter was signed by ex-Senator George McGovern, 1972 Democratic nominee for President!
Bob has mentioned this before, but today I can’t get it out of my mind.
When someone at Bugs Central can find time, that should be photgraphed (copied, or whatever today’s techno thing is) and put online.
#10 by Bob on 03/06/2014 - 9:30 am
Why don’t you write the SPLC about that fundraiser?
Also, I was hoping the focus would be on the point I made, and this discussion would not degenerate into a talk about Jews.
I have my OWN race to save.
#11 by Henry Davenport on 03/06/2014 - 3:26 pm
Thanks for the suggestion, Bob, I may do that. That move of theirs has gotten under my skin ever since you mentioned it. I’m not keen on communicating with them though. If they mention me again, I’ll likely communicate with them by petition, but with a much stronger one than the first one.
#12 by Henry Davenport on 03/06/2014 - 4:16 pm
P.S. I apologize for being gnarly earlier on the thread. I need to remember not to post when I’m like that.
#13 by Simmons on 03/06/2014 - 7:17 am
Now you see why the WNs have been lead into debating the details while genocide of us slips right by them.
The jewish orgs must love how they get the paycheck WNs to prattle on about jewish perfidy while missing the obvious.
So think about that the next time one of our heroes asks you to send them money to find out the latest outrage of which jew did what bit of naughtiness.
#14 by Jason on 03/06/2014 - 8:02 am
Yes, the Jew-fixation of most WN’s serves the Anti-White agenda very well.
The facts supporting White Genocide are massive, obvious and public.
The best way to expose ALL the characters behind White Genocide is to focus on these obvious facts, the crime itself. and hammer it relentlessly.
I am hoping the atmosphere changes after the 2016 GOP loss. White conservatives are holding on to the implied White Supremacy of the past. They have to realize that we are down to White Survival now.
#15 by Yankee Rebel on 03/08/2014 - 6:14 am
The time is near when non- whites will be able to elect one of their own race in every political office because there will be no need to vote for any White to represent them anymore.
#16 by Lord Nelson on 03/06/2014 - 2:23 pm
The ADL would not get very far without the legions of White Anti-Whites who are more than happy to support the Genocide of their own kind.
There may be nothing funny about Genocide, but we really do need to laugh at, and make fun of the White fools who support the final solution to the White problem.
#17 by Henry Davenport on 03/06/2014 - 3:01 pm
Good idea, that last one. It’s bothered me that white anti-whites get off pretty easy, but I hadn’t thought of trying to change that (of course we’ve called them traitors when the opportunity arises).
Are you White but support the flooding of ALL White countries and ONLY White countries with millions of third world non-whites, and support forcing Whites by law to integrate with them so we will “assimilate” with them, i.e. intermarry and be blended out of existence?
Then you’re an anti-white traitor who supports the genocide of your own people.
You say you’re anti-racist. What you are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Just off the top of my head, but to get the ball rolling and develop some specific attacks (minis) on the issue like we’ve been doing for “hate.”
#18 by jo3w on 03/06/2014 - 9:47 pm
In so far as it pretains to how to treat your own people, it seems to me, jews behave exactly as Hitler preached. The only phraze I can come up with that describe it ethnic socialism. Maybe there is something better. The jews and adl are correct in part though, 2 or more groups of “ethnic socialists” can not coexist under a wordist government. The two concepts destroy one another in a manner of speaking. Eventually there will be a racist state or racist controlled state which is fine by me as long as my race has at least one when the dust settles. They are, to put it simply, heebswhowanttoblendoutsixmilliongoy. Another of lifes ass backward realities that jews practice more perfect naziism than neo-nazis.