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Woman from the ‘White Man March’ wants to know why Raw Story ‘justifies genocide’

Posted by Laura on March 18th, 2014 under General

Below are excerpts from about my recent participation in the WMM.

[RS] We pointed out that keeping America “American” doesn’t really equate to keeping it white. The original inhabitants, after all, were the Native Americans, not white people.

“C’mon man, no other people are told that diversity and multiculturalism is a strength, and that if they don’t accept it they are labeled hate words like ‘racist’,” she replied. “You know as well as I that they only demand All White countries and Only White countries to accept the melting pot! Or are you going to tell me now that melting pots are promoted in all countries?…’Anti-racists’ only demand White countries turn themselves non-White because of their history. Why are you JUSTIFYING GENOCIDE??”

[RS] Whew. That’s what we get for asking. But we are gluttons for punishment.

“We are a group of dissidents putting out a consistent message to expose the anti-White system,” she e-mailed back. “WE are Samizdat and We are Tearing down this Wall. We are Forcing a conversation on White Genocide. Whether right or wrong, WHAT psychopath tries to stop Freedom of Speech when a group just wants to talk about Genocide. Genocide is a CRIME or is it normal to denounce people when they want to talk about a Crime. If it’s folly then PROVE IT, or just do the usual…. THAT’S HATE, NAZI, WHITE SUPREMACISTS, ETC. Remember, We are charging the anti-White system with criminal charges, We are not having a theoretical debate. You either can assist or lay complicit in your silence.”

[Raw Stories Executive Editor] Got it. OK.

“Got it, OK”  This was a non-reply and something very different than the usual anti-white bias and justifications for our genocide that is standard media reporting.

Bob said that this is the most perfect reply he has ever seen.

I had reservations about my approach, but I was tired, but more tired of them getting away with blatant anti-Whitism that is just straight up Criminal. Now, let’s think about what happened here and if BUGS can use it.

  1. #1 by Mimmy Jarr on 03/18/2014 - 3:10 pm

    Your “response” the the standard “native American” trope was perfect: No response at all.

    You just went right on with your rant, which was perfect.

    Amazingly, they gave you a pass.

    That won’t happen very often, but it’s fantastic when it does and I can think of no better tactic.

    • #2 by Daniel Genseric on 03/18/2014 - 4:33 pm

      You’ve got it twisted, MJ. She was charging him from a position of moral authority.

      Laura gave ORTEGA a pass. She let him off the hook, for now.

  2. #3 by Mimmy Jarr on 03/18/2014 - 3:30 pm

    Some anti-Whites have a better sense of humor than others. The folks at Riverfront Times perfectly exemplify Schopenhauer’s First Stage of Truth with one minor flaw:

    My message of opposition to White genocide was never intended as a criticism of Asian men.

  3. #5 by Winston York on 03/18/2014 - 4:08 pm

    Great work Laura. I’m blocked from Raw Story, but many in there are under the impression that genocide necessitates killing. I hope someone will go in and point out the UN definition. Here’s what I use (the relevant passages):

    Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
    (b) Causing serious bodily or MENTAL harm to members of the group;
    (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its PHYSICAL destruction in whole or in part;

    • #6 by Mike M on 03/19/2014 - 4:51 am

      Actually I think that the ” (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; ” is pretty interesting as well. Mass abortions + contraceptives pills (with all the health risk and environmental damages) is self explanatory. Do you have ethnic census on abortions in the states ? It would be interesting, just for us to know, the ratio.

      • #7 by Jason on 03/19/2014 - 5:07 am

        Looks like it would get messy. Many claim abortion rate is highest among Blacks but it is hard to get reliable numbers.

        • #8 by Mike M on 03/19/2014 - 5:43 am

          Ok. I thought it could be interesting since in my country one of the anti whites argument in favor or immigration is the fact that french women do not make enough babies, so we need migranst to work for and have babyes instead of us (and thus, that’s why I think feminism, contraception and abortion are a part of the genocide. Since our women have to work instead of raising children).

  4. #9 by Daniel Genseric on 03/18/2014 - 4:23 pm

    “You either can assist or lay complicit in your silence.” – L

    “Got it. OK.” is an admission of guilt coupled with a feeble attempt at humor by putting “ok” in ‘screamer caps’. At least, that’s how anti-whites use it. I don’t even have to look to know that Raw Story has run multiple anti-white, white genocide-promoting hit pieces. This wasn’t a fluke.

    However, Laura, you left out the other salient snippet. Ortega wrote, “But we are gluttons for punishment.” Executives don’t get to spread the blame, they have legal obligations and responsibilities to their organizations. The implications of advocating something as sinister as genocide poses an existential threat not only to their org’s, but more importantly to their careers. Everyone is going to remember the first anti-white institution to fall under money punishment and no anti-white wants to lead the way. Similar to how most remember when BUGS de-funded the “It’s Hard to See Racism When You’re White” campaign at UMD Duluth, MN.

    The executive editor (ahem…formerly of THE VILLAGE VOICE) who wrote the aforementioned article goes by the name of Tony Ortega. Mr. Ortega appears to understand that the Diversity jig is up. Can we use this mode of challenging journos? Well, HELL YEAH! It worked.

    I wonder if he felt like he was being interrogated. He thinks he got off easy… ha! Double-HA!

  5. #10 by Yankee Rebel on 03/18/2014 - 4:28 pm

    I believe we are at war and fighting for our survival as a species or genotype. I do not have time to waste on Anti- Whites who want to argue about things like, ” What is a White person?” or who want to yell things at me like ” F#*k White People” or “You’re Ignorant!” etc. I can understand your lack of patience with our enemies in the media or on the street, Laura, after my recent experience.

  6. #11 by mandela on 03/18/2014 - 5:45 pm

    I see it as a propaganda war.
    We need people posting Mantra and we need someone like Laura on the street.
    Laura justified WMM 100 times over with her actions on the day.

    Take a break when you need one L.
    Dont burn out.

  7. #12 by Bob on 03/19/2014 - 8:18 am

    Avoid ABORTION as you avoid JEWS.

    • #13 by Mike M on 03/19/2014 - 8:33 am

      Got it. But can I have the reason, in order to understand why please ?

      • #14 by Jason on 03/19/2014 - 9:11 am

        You didn’t ask me, but my opinion: Many pro-life people will hijack any cause for their anti-abortion cause. Just like Jewaholics, they won’t talk about anything else once you open the door.

        And when the word JEW is mentioned, mental filters come down to block our message. Same with abortion.

        We’ve got solid proof of White Genocide through mass non-White immigration into ALL & ONLY White countries plus forced assimilation. That is crystal clear.

    • #16 by Yankee Rebel on 03/19/2014 - 5:30 pm

      I was thinking about using the proximity to the abortion clinic in Portland for propaganda purposes, for instance: My People are being Aborted by Diversity. Diversity = White Genocide.

      • #17 by Jason on 03/19/2014 - 6:47 pm

        Genocide is the top crime recognized by international law. Why compare it to lessor crimes or to something not even recognized as a crime by international law? Half of pro-Whites aren’t even anti-abortion in the first place.

        It’s like you have a man guilty of burning down a neighborhood, and you say, “what he did is like starting an unauthorized trash fire”.

        You detract from the gravity of genocide when you compare it to anything else. It is the top crime possible.

        • #18 by Yankee Rebel on 03/20/2014 - 5:32 pm

          You are right Jason. After giving it more thought, why should I try to “hijack” from a cause of lesser importance.

  8. #19 by -4MyNation- on 03/19/2014 - 10:55 am

    Maybe a little help for our buddy Kyle Hunt who helped get out the White Genocide message in such a big way? Looks like the Anti-Whites are downright stalking him:

    • #20 by Johnny Mantraseed on 03/19/2014 - 12:40 pm

      Here is the Twitter account of that hit piece’s author:


      Here is the account of the website/publishing company/whatever that it appears on:


      I left a comment on the article and Tweeted both of those accounts.

  9. #21 by Mike M on 03/19/2014 - 1:59 pm

    Sorry to post that here, but I think we’ve got a situation :

  10. #22 by Mimmy Jarr on 03/19/2014 - 9:19 pm

    Limerick for Laura

    There once was a famous White rabbit Aussie
    who pink rabbits feared as viscous and bossy
    They whined and waled
    to little avail
    and scrambled around like an ass-clown posse

    • #23 by SwampRabbit on 03/19/2014 - 10:32 pm

      LOL! That hurt!
      You’re killin’ me!
      Alba gu bràth!
      Nunquam Non Paratus!

  11. #24 by Horus on 03/19/2014 - 11:52 pm

    Funniest thing about the White Man March is that NO Conservative news/journalist has touched it. Hell, I can’t even find an Amren article. No mention on the Vdare blog……funny

    • #25 by seapea on 03/20/2014 - 2:21 am

      CofCC did but that’s about all that I noticed. The collective silence from most of the conservative media has been interesting to observe.

  12. #26 by Henry Davenport on 03/20/2014 - 12:15 am

    A bagpiper named Jimmy Marr
    sidled up to a girl at the bar.
    When he unfurled his banner
    they soon had to fan her,
    ’cause she fainted when it stretched out so far!

    • #27 by Henry Davenport on 03/20/2014 - 12:56 am

      A bagpiper named Jimmy Marr
      sidled up to a girl at the bar.
      When he unfurled his banner
      they soon had to fan her,
      she swooned when it stretched out so far!

  13. #28 by Henry Davenport on 03/20/2014 - 12:38 am

    A pro-White whose name is Kyle Hunt
    pulled off a mighty fine stunt.
    Saying, “Diversified
    is White Genocide,”
    he soon showed that that dog would hunt!

  14. #29 by Henry Davenport on 03/20/2014 - 12:50 am

    He’s known far and wide as Horus,
    And never been known to bore us.
    I’m proud to relay
    that he tweeted all day,
    and anti-whites joined in the chorus!

  15. #30 by mandela on 03/20/2014 - 12:54 am

    HD, you are gifted
    Thanks for the limericks

    • #31 by Henry Davenport on 03/20/2014 - 1:09 am

      A BUGSter whose name is mandela
      is truly a very fine fella’!
      He braved the hard rain
      to post our refrain
      His performance was really quite stella’!

  16. #32 by Mimmy Jarr on 03/20/2014 - 2:32 am

    A BUGSTER known as Henry
    could spin a very fine mini
    He was Southern
    known to be stubborn
    and could rhyme one word with many

    • #33 by Henry Davenport on 03/20/2014 - 3:25 am

      The ladies choke up and get phlegmy, 😀
      and some get naked and shimmy.
      But dressed in his skirt,
      he’s not there to flirt,
      He’s there to be Genocide Jimmy!

  17. #34 by Mimmy Jarr on 03/20/2014 - 3:26 am

    Ode to Horus

    A rabbit once known as a housebroken hare
    dwelt long in the basement of his mother’s lair
    He surfed the net
    while pursuing of Set
    and crafting a high-flyin’ Pink Rabbit Snare

  18. #35 by Mimmy Jarr on 03/20/2014 - 3:27 am

    A lad once known as Mashpee’s pride
    has thrown down the gauntlet on White genocide
    You better stand with him
    and better not dis’ him
    ’cause sooner or later, he’ll turn this tide.

  19. #36 by Mimmy Jarr on 03/20/2014 - 3:35 am

    Davenport’s Dilemma

    An old hippie couldn’t sleep when he tried
    his leftist thoughts kept his eyes wide
    That was until
    he took a red pill
    and woke up fighting White genocide

    • #37 by Henry Davenport on 03/20/2014 - 3:52 am

      Lol, Jimmy!

      Here’s a suitable one to close out the evening with, unless you have 10 or 20 more coming:

      We’ve got this leader named Bob,
      Who’s taught us to raid and rob.
      We strip anti-whites
      of all that incites
      White folk to join their mob.

  20. #38 by Mimmy Jarr on 03/20/2014 - 9:14 am

    A teacher named Bob was struck with a curse
    just when he thought things couldn’t get worse
    He woke up one morning
    and without any warning
    found all of his students were talking in verse.

  21. #40 by Mimmy Jarr on 03/20/2014 - 9:32 am

    He woke up merely for taking a piss
    but found his blog was in a crisis
    Demanded from Sysop a full report
    to which she made a simple retort
    Henry’s the one made Jimmy do this.

  22. #41 by Bob on 03/20/2014 - 11:23 am

    I’ll give it a pass, you pains in the ass.

  23. #42 by Mimmy Jarr on 03/20/2014 - 4:28 pm

    Since this thread jumped the track quite a ways back, I’ll take this opportunity to plug Seapea’s T-shirt design.

    I debuted mine for Ostara and found it to be a good conversation starter at the post office and grocery store.

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