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From Chained Books to Data Deluge

Posted by Bob on May 3rd, 2014 under Coaching Session, History, How Things Work

I have talked about The Era of Chained Books repeatedly in these pages.

As with other things I repeat, there’s a reason. photo chain-1.png

In the fifteenth century a wealthy College at Oxford would have maybe twenty hand-copied books and a full-time Librarian. The books were very costly, and were chained to the wall.

Education consisted of being able to quote books in the Greek or Latin it was written in.

The few who found access to the Words were taught the Classical Languages, how to read them.

And they learned to quote the Words. There their work ended.

In the Google Age, that is where intellectual work must BEGIN.

“Intellectuals” belong to the Age of Chained Books, and Mommy Professor still lives in that age.

Whatever Momy Professor might be, the last thing he is is an intellectual.

Today’s intellectual is a sleuth, an interrogator.

His job is not to collect information, but to sift the truth out of the deluge.

  1. #1 by Jason on 05/04/2014 - 3:13 am

    Our “intellectuals” and “elites” are so weak that if they even hear words they disagree with, they throw a temper tantrum and demand the speech be called “Hate” and be outlawed.

    These are the people who want to lead a nation? LOL!

  2. #2 by Jason on 05/04/2014 - 4:05 am

    FYI, a couple of guys over at Traditional Youth (Matt P and Matt H – both of whom were and I assume still are pro-White) are going on some “sabbatical” at the direction of their priest. It sounded like they had to obey.

    It’s like a SNL satire of the Wordism Bob talks about. Some of these guys are hopping to a new “ism” every 6 months.

    • #3 by Secret Squirrel on 05/04/2014 - 10:24 am

      “It sounded like they had to obey. ”

      There was a threat of excommunication. The Orthodox Church uses Dark Age punishments, to ensure its followers are “modern and progressive”.

      I heard from someone that knows them well, they will be back in time. At least he seems to think so, since that church is very anti-White.

      • #4 by Henry Davenport on 05/04/2014 - 8:28 pm

        “It sounded like they had to obey. ”

        If taking orders from a priest was my own kink, I don’t think I’d tell anyone.

  3. #5 by -Gar5- on 05/04/2014 - 4:31 am

    I watch some FBI crime documentaries, and those guys know a lot more about how people work than a social scientist.

    A social scientist is under no obligation to be correct, except politically of course, which means they can explain away their failure with “The Words”.

    An FBI agent or police officer that fails and says “but we followed The Words” might get a standing applause from mommy professors, but will lose their job pretty quickly.

    If you have a dishwasher manual that instructs you to fall to your knees and beg the almighty wishy-washy to clean your plates, most people would assume that it’s written by a lunatic.

    Mommy professor might call it modern intellectualism, just as long as they get to rule the world in the process.

    • #6 by Steadiness on 05/04/2014 - 6:42 pm

      I watched Silence of the Lambs. In it, the FBI agent explains that by saying the future victim’s name to the cannibal, the cannibal would see the victim as a human and be less likely to kill.

      Today, I see people quoting that reasoning to each other all the time.

      I hope the actual FBI is more interested in saving lives than following The Words. But, considering how the FBI, has been harrowed back to front to eliminate racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia, I don’t expect any kind of understanding or vision out of anyone employed by the government.

  4. #7 by Mimmy Jarr on 05/04/2014 - 8:56 am

    Good critique of Mommy Professor here, especially after the one hour mark:

  5. #8 by shari on 05/04/2014 - 10:58 am

    At least, the 15th century educated could read Latin and Greek. Now they just throw their funny hats in the air, year after year. I think Mommy Professor is on corpse maintenance.

  6. #9 by Jason on 05/06/2014 - 1:14 am

    Bob said a few days ago that we need to get rid of the taint of conservatism on our side. After thinking about it, I realized just how mired in the past so many on our side have been.

    Confederate flags, German symbols from WWII, the whole tone of White Nationalism was backward looking (I know we aren’t White Nationalists).

    I can’t put my finger on why “save the White race” is old school and ineffective (other than the reference to the abstract sounding “the white race”), but I know it is. This is something we, and especially I, need to focus on.

    • #10 by Yankee Rebel on 05/06/2014 - 5:50 pm

      I think “White Race” gets associated with the old pro- White movements and negative stereotypes we are familiar with. I have seen the look of recognition by association whenever I have let that, “White Race” slip out. Instantly, I can be labeled a whitesupremecistnazikukluxklan by some people. I try to avoid putting White and Race together, but old habits are hard to break.

    • #11 by Henry Davenport on 05/09/2014 - 2:56 am

      I had this exchange with an SF’er yesterday:


      Should we ban any threads that promote the Nazis? or Hitler?


      Flush out the whole fetishistic, atavistic mess and start over with an orientation that addresses the situation of the White race TODAY.

      He was taken aback at my effrontery in blaspheming the WN icons.

      Of course most SF’ers don’t see all that stuff as being stuck in mud, but see it as the golden road to victory.

      • #12 by Jason on 05/09/2014 - 3:53 am

        Along those lines, I will say this about Jared Taylor and his group: at least they aren’t batsh*t crazy, which is more than I can say about most “pro-White” groups. Just look at the news recently. Same as it ever was.

        For generations, many “pro-Whites” had this militaristic fantasy of blood-n-guts in the streets, which they tell us, in hyperventilating tones, is JUST ABOUT TO HAPPEN.

        Grrrr Grrrr, I am a scary, menacing Real Man. It’s like dealing with children.

        It’s a catch 22. It’s as if only freaks would come out as pro-White due to the stigma (and lack of support from the White majority), but the heavy freak component (and downright criminal element) kept everyone normal away.

      • #13 by Denounce Genocidists on 05/10/2014 - 4:26 pm

        For good or Ill, the Nazis and Hitler are a massive meme and therefore web traffic destination.

        Since when is it our job to impose non-free speech zones on pro-white membership orgs?

        • #14 by Henry Davenport on 05/10/2014 - 5:19 pm

          SF is the only place I can get Stalwarts, and I do get sucked into things there less than formerly.

          For good or Ill, the Nazis and Hitler are a massive meme and therefore web traffic destination.

          In the wake of my recent lapse at SF that I recorded above, I’ve been thinking a lot about whether SF and the rest of White Nationalism does more “ill” or more “good.” There’s a lot of good information at SF, but the manner in which much of it is presented just makes it racial pornography. I feel the lure of it (sometimes it’s a great relief to give up all decency and just rut in the mud, even if only vicariously by viewing the graphics and text of others) and disgust with it at the same time. I assume that the reaction of most Whites to the place would be much more on the side of disgust.

          But pornography is the biggest chunk of the internet, and maybe that’s the real reason SF is big. I don’t know. I need SF and I live with it, but it makes me feel dirty.

          And that’s just an ancillary consideration…the stubborn unwillingness of most there to give us any aid at all, no matter how small, is a held-in rage in me that I will never get over.

          Over a period of a year, 193 Stalwarts now, about 150 of whom I estimate to be SF’ers. Some very good folk in that small group!

          • #15 by Jason on 05/10/2014 - 11:34 pm

            I’m not sure you appreciate what an accomplishment you have under your belt. You have 150 people from SF that routinely sign a monthly petition.

            People at SF are about venting and entertainment, not about doing work. That’s fine, that’s what it is for. But you have actually gone to an entertainment site and gotten people there to do WORK.

          • #16 by Secret Squirrel on 05/11/2014 - 12:50 am

            Agree with Jason. You got more doing something regularly than Ole Bob and Horus, so you have achieved a lot.

            You are obviously burnt out HD, I know that feeling well. They had a Pro White lawyer on SF radio, that said his secret for not burning out, was doing a little every now and then, rather than doing a lot all at once.

            “I’ve been thinking a lot about whether SF and the rest of White Nationalism does more “ill” or more “good.””

            The problem with WN, people who are not Pro White, hijacked it years before there was a Pro White movement and they won’t leave, until they are physically dragged out.

            And don’t forget you are not of Stormfront or any WN membership group. You are a Pro White and are using SF to get the Pro White message out there. You are not a joiner, you are an influencer.

  7. #17 by Jason on 05/07/2014 - 7:49 am

    Funny thing about the data deluge: Google Ngram lets you search 500 years worth of books for phrases and see trends (pretty amazing). This is becoming a big area of interest, but there is something ironic about scientists studying what is written in millions of BOOKS instead of, you know, reality.

  8. #18 by TheSeeker OfTruth on 05/11/2014 - 5:11 pm

    HD, if pornography is the biggest chunk of the internet, maybe we should post minis to porn videos. Sounds like fun to me! I’ll be back in about 15 minutes!

    For those with no sense of humor this is sarcasm.

    • #19 by Henry Davenport on 05/11/2014 - 5:24 pm

      Before you added your last sentence I thought you were serious, and I was going to remind you to post your links in the working thread so we could assist you!

      I did have a hard time imagining you watching pornography though 🙂

      Your idea might be a good one. I don’t think there’s porno on youtube though.

  9. #20 by Henry Davenport on 05/12/2014 - 12:38 am

    Jason and Secret Squirrel, thanks for your comments. I’m beginning to think of SF as a cyber-city, which like other cities has only a small number of persons who will get involved in politics, but because of the large size of the city, a sizable group can be formed over time.

    I assumed that all the pro-white sites were activist sites, i.e. that they were counterparts to what I’d seen in the left in the 60s.

    I still haven’t really got it through my head that they are NOT. I suppose that’s because a lot of the people who comment on the sites think of their commenting as activism, which I guess it is to some small extent.

    The whole issue still feels confusing to me.

    I don’t really feel burnt out btw.

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